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Everything posted by sah1974

  1. I will keep this brief, but I started on Avodart a little over two months ago as well, and I noticed a HUGE difference versus Propecia as far as shedding goes. However, for side effects, I will say this....for me.....it did impact my libido, and I am only 29 years old! Needless to say, I have stopped taking it for now....and I don't know if I will start it again. That is just strange to me, because I had never had a problem in that area before, and well....this situation has left the girlfriend a bit unhappy. She told me to stop worrying about the damn hair loss, and worry about the sex (which I guess is a good thing) What a predicament...we worry about our looks to get the ladies....and now when we get the ladies....your soldier won't respond. What a frustrating situation! I am not really upset, just disturbed and frustrated....
  2. If he is taking Propecia and getting those results, I would say he is a rarity among Propecia users. His hair is radically different from a couple of years....plus it was all frontal restoration or regrowth.
  3. I would have to agree with the topical makeup theory. Plus, if Regenix really did work for Matthew, don't you think we would all be on it? I mean, if this product really does what it says it does, there would be a lot more publicity than just one celebrity and some LA area radio ads marketing their product. Also, they would be making a lot more money and I would hope they would have a more sophisticated website than they do....but just my two cents....
  4. Yes, some references on this bb to celebrity hair transplants and/or wigs are completely false. Bobby DeNiro has always had a great head of hair, and I have actually seen him up close and in person. He has got a great head of hair.....just like others i.e. Al Pacino, etc. Not a big deal, but I think some of these references to Celebrity HT and wigs are a little off.....
  5. He wears a rug. Trust me...I know this only because a buddy of mine was actually the Executive Producer of that ridiculous show "Walker Texas Ranger". His Dad was actually the producer. I previously lived in Dallas before moving to San Francisco, and I was actually on set for that show more than once in Las Colinas....where much of it was filmed. I met Norris more than once....and that rug was good, yet plainly obvious to those of us with "hair problems". We can always pick out the rugs!
  6. Check out this link though and listen to the clip. Thoughts anybody on Regenix???? Experiences???? http://www.regenix.com/tonight.htm
  7. I agree with you for the most part, as I am 29 and partied like an animal in college, and had a blast. I remember when going out five nights a week was just a part of life....which was great. The only thing I would say is that although I drank a lot....if I would have drank 10-15 beers a night.....I don't know if I would have made it. I am not criticizing your behavior, as college is the time to have fun, but I would say that drinking that much that often is a bit above the norm for college students. However, to each his own, so have fun, just be careful. In regards to your actual question, although I am not a doctor, all I can say is that I do firmly believe that excessive alcohol consumption, although it may not cause hairloss, I certainly believe it may have some negative effects. WHen you think about it, your body is constantly trying to "hydrate" itself and replace lost nutrients. Your body is in a constant state of recovery drinking that much. Anyways, I would recommend you pose this question in the doctor's section, or pose this question to your personal physician next time you are in.
  8. I just wanted to throw this question out there. I have been taking Propecia for a year and a half, and I transitioned to Avodart about two weeks ago. The only thing I have noticed is that I have had many more blemishes (zits) on my face than normal. Honestly, I have been one of those fortunate guys that has had a very clean complexion since puberty, but ever since I have started on propecia....I have just noticed that I get a fair amount of zits almost regularly. Anybody have any thoughts on this?
  9. I "had" been chewing smokeless tobacco for 10 years. Grossest habit ever, and I wanted to quit for some time, but I had never made any "real" attempt to quit. I finally went to my doctor and asked. I took wellbutrin for a month and a half starting almost three months ago now. I have not chewed since. Tobacco actually grosses me out now. I would recommend you ask your doctor about this as well, as this will positively impact your health in general. Also, a vendor we do business with...guy has been a chewer for some time....lost part of his jaw due to cancer earlier this year....
  10. Go to www.nioxin.com and you can learn more about the product. Remember, this product will be good at cleaning your scalp (not regrow hair). I recommend getting the shampoo, scalp therapy (conditioner), and bionutrient cleanser (leave in conditioner spray). Initially use nizoral shampoo 2 days a week, and use the nioxin stuff the remaining days (only once a day remember, and I recommend not shampooing your hair at all at least one day a week, no more than two). You should be able to get Nioxin in a salon pretty much anywhere, including Hong Kong. One final thing, ANonymous, if you are using Rogaine (Minoxidil), you may continue to experience flakiness. I stopped using Rogaine, because I thought I was going to itch my scalp off. I just started Avodart (transitioning from Propecia last year), and I think that works just as well. Hopefully, you can make sense of my rambling messate. Thank you. Seth
  11. I have had the same problem before I ever even began losing my hair. I am 29 now, and I remember when I was 20...there were times when I felt like I had chicken pox on my head. It's been about 1 year now since the problem has stopped. The reason for me has been Nizoral shampoo. For me, it has performed miracles. I typically use nioxin shampoos, but use Nizoral 1-2 times a week, and follow the instructions when using this product, you must let it settle in on your hair for 4-5 minutes after initially lathering up. Another thing to consider....I work out quite regularly as a lot of guys do, and I typically take two showers a day, and I use a small amount of toppik on my hair. At night, it is important to rinse out the toppik, but I do not shampoo my hair everyday anymore...usually 5 or 6 days a week. That has also halped relieve the dryness without letting my hair or scalp get "greasy". In the past, I never hesitated to sometimes wash my hair twice daily.....which also was a big cause of my problems..
  12. This is just a personal opinion, but I am not a big fan of Rogaine. I love propecia, as I believe it certainly halts or slows hair loss. My experience with Rogaine however, has not been so pleasant. It made my scalp very flaky, and I actually noticed a lot more shedding while I was using it. I know that sounds bizarre, but I have tried Rogaine on two separate occassions for approximately 6-8 weeks. Both times....itchy and flaky scalp....and as wierd as it sounds...increased shedding. It varies for everyone though, but my experience with Rogaine has not been pleasant.
  13. What is the recommended daily dose for Avodart? Is it 1 mg? Thanks.
  14. I have a similar question, and I would appreciate feedback as well. However, I am still on Propecia, not taking other things other than my normal vitamin routine...and I have been losing seemingly a lot of hair lately (3 weeks or so), and it just seems wierd as I have been on Propecia for a little over one year, and about a month after initially starting Propecia, it seemed as if I literally stopped losing hair. When I showered, combed, etc....there was the normal hair shedding...but nothing extreme like the last three weeks. ANybody with some insight? It has just kind of freaked me out a bit....because I was so used to enjoying the benefits Propecia provided me in the past. Any input is appreciated. Thank you.
  15. Jrod: If you can do it....I definitely recommend moving to SF. I agree that entry level jobs are tough right now, but if you can do it....I highly recommend it. I have lived here for year and a half, just purchased a loft in the SOMA area by Pac Bell, and I hope I never leave. I am 29, and I wish I would have moved here when I was younger. The city is one of the most unique places you will find in this world, and if you can experience it, I highly recommend it. If you and your girl end up thinking about moving out here more seriously, I would be happy to share my email address or cell phone number to give you some recommendations on living, etc. Thanks.
  16. I would take Arfy's wise words to heart. I can back that up by saying I am 28 years old now. My hair started falling out around age 23, and my hairloss has been minor, but like any other guy...I wanted to fix it. SO instead of thinking through the situation or doing research, I went straight to the most advertised place at that time...Bosley. I was never informed about Propecia or really anything. I went under the knife and they did a very average job. After that disappointment, I did a lot of research on my own, and I discovered Propecia. I have been using for quite some time now, and it has benefited me. AFter seeing the effects of PRopecia, I went to Dr. Roy Jones of NHI, and he did a fantastic job. Sorry for brief rambling as I am at work, but my advice to you would to definitely get on Propecia right away, and see what effect that has on you in the next 6-12 months before deciding on a hair transplant. Also, remember that a hair transplant leaves a scar and so forth, and you won't ever achieve the density you had when you were 18. I don't want to sound negative, but at the same time, I want to make sure you keep expectations realistic. Cheers.
  17. [How do you check out your pictures? Just curious. Thanks.
  18. sah1974

    Question ?

    Thank you for the update Arfy. I have checked a lot of websites, and I just had not seen any reference to Dutasteride being available in December. Well, if so, this is good news. Again, thank you for your response.
  19. sah1974

    Question ?

    Arfy, I cannot find the message where you referenced it, but I believe there was a message last week on one of these bb, where you said dutasteride will be available in November. Is this true? If so, where was this press release? Thanks.
  20. I had a similar reaction. I am now 5 1/2 months post op, and sometimes my donor area felt like chicken pox. I had to restrain myself for about 4 months post op to keep from scratching at times. It actually started probably a month post op, and it lasted for about 2 1/2 - 3 months following that. The area did not itch all the time, but when it did...it was hard to keep from scratching. I did find it beneficial to put an antibiotic ointment around the area (i.e. Cortaid) when it started to itch, and that did help subside it. It also kept me from itching scabs off and likely slowing the healing process, so I would recommend trying that approach.
  21. I don't know anything about Kabaker, but if you are in the Bay area, I certainly recommend you check out Dr Roy Jones of NHI in San Jose. I am extremely happy with my results so far (late class 3 1200 grafts or so in APril of this year). I believe it is great to evaluate all your options, and with Dr. Jones being nearby (I live in SF), I would check him out. Besides his work, which I believe is excellent, he is an easy going individual. He takes his time to consult with you and really gain an idea as to what results you are wanting to achieve. Simply put, he listens to you, and then he provides you with realistic expectations. After my initial consultation, I called and left him a message about a general question regarding the surgery. He actually called me back the same day with my answer on a break in the midst of surgery. I also found his pricing to be reasonable, so I just recommend that you look at NHI and Dr. Jones as another option. Thanks.
  22. I have been using FNS for a little over a month now, and I have to say that I feel as if I have seen results. A little background on me to give you...I was an early class 4 late class 3 on norwood scale who had been wearing a "rug" from HCM for about two years....felt like most others....like a phony....so I ended up having around 1200 grafts I believe April this year with Dr. Roy Jones of NHI...whom I would recommend to anyone by the way. I had been letting my hair on crown on top grow for a bit, and took rug off early July. I have now been on rogaine and propecia for six months or so, and I see the effects of these kicking in. However, in July, after reading an article on FNS in Men's Health, and doing a bit of research myself...I said...what the hell...I'll try FNS too. $195 for a four month supply is not that bad. Yes, it is not super cheap....but after spending a minimum of $300 a month after a $1500 initial fee to wear a rug...paying about $100 a month for propecia, rogaine, and FNS....seems pretty cheap. Anyways, I believe the use of FNS has been beneficial for me. Of course, in consideration of my history, I am at the stage where my hair seems to be growing and thickening everyday (4 month post op), so it may be better for me to evaluate FNS at a later date. However, at this time, I believe it has accelerated my growth in transplanted areas, while contributing to the effects of propecia and rogaine. One thing I know it has done for sure has soften my hair and provide it with a healthier look. My transplanted hair is fairly coarse and thick (which is a good thing), but the use of FNS has softened the hair a bit and made it more manageable. Again, please take my opinion for what it is worth in consideration of my history I have presented, but I do beleive FNS was well worth my investment at this time, and I will probably be able to provide better feedback on it towards the latter part of this calendar year. With that in mind, I would recommend you give it a try if your budget allows for it. You can also email me at seth_hobart@yahoo.com if you have specific questions. Thanks!
  23. What is DUS? I was just curious. Thanks!
  24. Thank you for your insight, it is much appreciated. Additionally, I started on FNS about a week ago, and I feel that there is something to that product. Easy to apply, since I shower every night before bed...put it on similar to a leave in conditioner. Obviously, this may be a bit premature, but I feel that the product will be beneficial now and hopefully in the future. Anybody may want to check it out at www.osmotics.com It is getting positive reviews, and this could be a "hot" product in the future. Thanks again for your time.
  25. I am just curious as to what is normal for losing hair. For example, I started on Propecia and Rogaine in March of this year. I had a hair transplant in April. I am (was) a class 3 to early 4 on the norwood scale, so I have quite a bit of hair with the exception of the front. I had experienced some recession in my "corners" up front along with a bit over the middle top. It was the start of the horshoe patterno look. Finally...to my actual question itself. My understanding is that it is normal for a human to lose a 100 hairs or so a day. When I shower at night, I notice some hair, maybe 10 or so up to 20 maximum. I guess I am just curious to see what is normal to really try and understand whether or not I will benefit from Propecia and Rogaine. I understand Rogaine is only beneficial on the crown, and I don't necessarily need it...just using it for prevention. I would probably be able to gauge what is normal more accurately, but I immediately went to hair club for men as soon as my corners started receding, which was about three years ago or so. I just took "the rug" off about three weeks ago, and when the addition of toppik on the front, I think my hair actually looks pretty good. But since I had been wearing "the rug" for so long, I just am not sure what I should expect for hair loss to see if I am benefiting from Propecia or Rogaine. Therefore, understanding hair loss differs for everyone, I would like to receive some feedback if possible from a doctor, or from soneone who has truly benefited from the use of Propecia and/or Rogaine. Thank you for your consideration.
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