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Everything posted by BeardedArbor

  1. That's terrific growth at only a little over 2 months. Just imagine where it will be at the 6 month mark.
  2. Your progress seems to have improved, particularly month 4 to 5, but there was still some progress from month 5 to 6. I really want to see this turns out over the next 2-3 more months as you seem to be growing in spurts. Hoping there's a big leap from month 6 to 7, or 7 to 8. I agree with another poster here that you incorporate microneedling if you haven't done so already. Even a basic dermaroller should help out a bit.
  3. Just wanted to say that this was a thoughtful and nuanced post with great suggestions.
  4. Who did you end up deciding to do the transplant with? Also, where in the U.S. are you flying from? Earlier this year when I priced out direct flights to Istanbul to fly in September, it was ~$980 from JFK Airport and ~$1050 from Newark Airport, both roundtrip. Flight prices were much more expensive in the summer. September and October tend to be slightly slower tourist periods in Turkey so flight prices are cheaper then.
  5. Dr. Bek's work appeared to be really clean and densely packaged. Your donor area appeared to heal up quick from the surgery. I definitely want to see how your progress goes because I think it will be a really good result, and I want to know more about Dr. Bek's work.
  6. I just read through most of these posts. OP, thanks for communicating an honest journey with a Dr. Yaman transplant. At this point you will need a 2nd transplant with a really good doctor to increase the density. Specifically a doctor that does most of the work himself/herself and specializes in densely packing in grafts. Perhaps Pekiner or Laorwong. I'm sure there are other options as well.
  7. So is Dr. Turan a bust then? I'm not sure what to make of him now as there was this review by the Balding Bosnian plus several others here where they seemed to indicate Dr. Turan rushed through the procedure. I want to do a hair transplant this fall and was giving strong consideration to Dr. Turan, but now I'm not so sure.
  8. What are some good options in the U.S.? Is SMP like hair transplants where the options in the U.S. are like 10 times more expensive than Turkey or Mexico for a similar quality of work?
  9. Sorry to see this, Bosnian. Nothing you can do right now other than see how it develops over the next 6 months, but it's not likely you will be pleased with the results. Maybe try getting back in touch with @FUECAPILAR to see what, if anything, they can do for you. If you're amenable to it, maybe a repair surgery by Dr. Gur since you likely don't want to go back to Dr. Turan. Despite your legitimately poor experience, FUE Capilar generally seems to want to provide good results and stand by the quality of their doctors, so maybe they can offer a corrective surgery in a show of good will.
  10. The density seems good. The doctor seemed to give you a good distribution across your head. I'm curious to see how quickly your crown comes in given the number of grafts there. For the front, did the doctor intentionally try to make it look a bit irregular to make it look more natural? Your original post didn't seem to indicate Dr. Turan rushed things like he did with @baldingbosnian, so perhaps he intended to make it look that way (i.e., macro irregularity).
  11. Any new updates @baldingbosnian? It's been a month since your last update and by now we should have a clearer idea of how the transplant is coming along.
  12. This is a great result, OP. I don't think you need to do anything additional with the hairline as it suits your face and features well. I recommend keeping it as is, and just monitoring for any future hair loss. Should definitely look into some topical finasteride if the oral is giving you side effects.
  13. To me, it looks like the Serkan Aygin hair mill did a great job. Are there any examples where Serkan screwed up or did a botch job? I haven't seen one yet, but I've only just begun doing my research on this clinic. Seems like EVERYONE who has gone there had a good experience and great results, but I'm wondering how that's possible given they do 20+ surgeries per day. There has to be an occasional botched job or gross overharvesting like Smile Hair Club or Now Hair Time out there.
  14. Your crown will definitely require a further hair transplant. Perhaps Turan didn't put too much there because blood flow is smaller at the crown, and so putting more than 1000 at a time would result in some dead grafts? He clearly didn't communicate it to you properly, or at all, but I think he had a reason for not packing so many grafts in the crown in one shot. Most people I've seen here who went from bald crowns to mostly-filled crowns had to do it through two or more surgeries, as it seems the crown can't support as many grafts in a single surgery as much as the front can. I'm no expert, but it's just a humble observation.
  15. I want to confirm with anyone who has gone to Dr. Turan if the incision part is accurate. I thought Dr. Turan does the incision and implanting himself in one step via the Choi pen.
  16. Thanks for posting your journey. Hopefully you continue posting periodic updates, especially at the 6, 9 and 12 month marks.
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