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Posts posted by uncjim

  1. tsachi,

    You don't have to assume that you'll be bald if your dad is. As the baldness gene is recessive, it has to be recieved from both parents.


    If you are displaying a thinning of the hairline, it seems quite possible that this is the beginning of male pattern baldness. A professional opinion from a qualified physician (a dermatologist perhaps) might be a wise course for you.



  2. Jenn,

    I'm sorry for the loss to this young man's family and to yourself. The fact that you reached out to him was a wonderful gesture. Please don't feel any

    "if I only did or said this". It was out of your control. This was a troubled person. The hairloss was something for him to focus on and perhaps served as a diversion for deeper issues.


    Take care and thanks for being the person that you are.


  3. Mahair,

    The post op emotional roller coaster is real. I've never stated this publically, but I remember being in my hotel room after my surgery and thinking "what the hell have I done?" I was exhausted and let down emotionally. Of course, the first 4 to 5 months can be very trying (for most I believe) and has been stated here many times.


    If your HT is indeed less than optimal, it is quite possible that it can be corrected (I am a prime example). Certainly, seeing a top doc will give you peace of mind in that regard.


    I agree, try to relax and hang tough buddy!


  4. Homer,

    I haven't seen anything in print about him having an HT.


    The picture on the right is recent, involving his pilot gig. The line looks alot fuller to me. A woman at work actually pointed this out to me, as in "See Jim, John Travolta has one too!"


    Who knows...it could be a system or concealer, but I doubt it.





  5. I'm not sure about Tiger. I felt the same way. Didn't he take a bunch of time off? The first time I saw him take his hat off (it was brief) I was sure he had something done. After that, I felt maybe he just let his hair grow longer.

  6. I finally saw Bernie last night and actually thought about lifting myself up off of my back and dragging myself downstairs to post. Anyway...the guy has great hair and a lousy transplant. With a little feathering around the hairline by a top doc, he'd be in great shape. If Greta talks to the guy, I hope she doesn't send him to the place where she had her facelift. I don't trust the "One Stops".

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