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Posts posted by uncjim

  1. There are a few things that I've learned since my second FU surgery that appear to be fairly common.


    1. The healing (and subsequent loss of redness) is far more rapid than the first surgery.


    2. The growth is, more often than not, slower than the first surgery. I would have thought just the opposite because of the more rapid healing, but it hasn't been the case.


    3. The crown is often the last area to heal and to show growth. I'm finding this particularly interesting in that it is the last virgin area remaining on my head, and at this point

    (3 1/2 months post op), is the least healed. Bactroban is helping dramatically.


    For those of you considering a return, or crown work, I hope this info may be of value.




  2. G,

    I understand your feelings as I started loosing my hair at the age of 19. It was pretty much all I thought about.


    What I see is what might be the very beginning stages of baldness. At this point, your hair looks quite good.


    Give the regime of medication more time. The odds are very good that it will at the very least help with maintaining the hair that you have now. Any responsible doctor will tell you to relax and keep doing what you're doing.


    A hair transplant at this time of your life is not a good idea.



  3. Joe,

    Yes..got it. What was done along my left hairline in the late 1980's by Feinberg (my second HT doc)was pretty much what you are describing, except strip wasn't around at that time. He took the plugs and cut them into smaller units, trimmed them and used those for the hairline. The result was a line that was less than ideal and looked too perfect, but far better than the right hairline, which was very pluggy.


  4. seniorbullet,

    72!! GAWD..I thought I was old. icon_wink.gif


    Personally, if you're in good health, I think it would be an advantage. By our age (I'm 57) hairloss is complete. If any still exists, I would think it would be diffuse thinning. So if you're a good candidate (a doctor's opinion is warranted), I think it's a good idea.


    The one thing holding us old guys back is admitting that we have vanity, like the young studs. I know a whole bunch of people in this predicament.


    All the Best.


  5. Hey "D",

    While I'd like to take credit for the find, it was Rugger that showed the way. Calling it my own reminds me of the time that my wife gave her sisiter a recipe only to find it in a community recipe book with her sister's name attached to it.


    I'd guess there is a certain statute of limitations in such cases. So the next time around, it's mine!



  6. Rooster,

    Proceed posting as you normally would. You can find the "attachment" prompt on the right hand corner of the black message bar (this is the bar that has the smiley on the far left). At this point, it's impossible to see, so you have to slowly put you curser there and it will be displayed.


    Thanks again to the "Rug-man" for the info.



  7. Harry,

    How are you? So you did it again...me too. I'm 8 weeks out with Dr.Wong.


    This new interface is just a few days old. You're not alone. Many of us are in a dire state of panic over this issue. icon_mad.gif


    I'm sure it will be corrected soon.



  8. I'm looking for an excuse to try posting pictures, so here it is.


    As John Dean (of Watergate fame) has recently been taken out of moth balls, it reminded me that he was another "celebrity transplant".


    409100061_20EAA187258A6813FE72C2C468A96E26.jpg.thumb 149100061_C4987BE26EA4E6AC3ED9531AAB583415.jpg.thumb



  9. I'm looking for an excuse to try posting pictures, so here it is.


    As John Dean (of Watergate fame) has recently been taken out of moth balls, it reminded me that he was another "celebrity transplant".


    409100061_20EAA187258A6813FE72C2C468A96E26.jpg.thumb 149100061_C4987BE26EA4E6AC3ED9531AAB583415.jpg.thumb



  10. Right click the file and choose "open with" Microsoft Paint. Select image (on the top of the screen) and change the horizontal and vertical to 60% or whatever works. Save the file as a jpeg. You can then check the file size (if you choose) by right clicking and going to properties, but what I've described will significantly lower the file size. GOOD LUCK.




    "TEMPLES 'n CROWNS Forever!"


    Uncjim's Journey

  11. I thought he looked great before so I'm not exactly sure why he went to Woods....(kidding ladies and gentlemen..KIDDING)! I can relate to what this guy went through. The transformation is fantastic.


    As I've previously stated, as a consumer, I'd like to see pics other than faceless before and afters. I congratulate DHI along these lines for their recent posts .




    "TEMPLES 'n CROWNS Forever!"


    Uncjim's Journey

  12. ..had sex with Sy Sperling. It was greeted with the same outrage.


    My recommendation is to laugh (this is damn funny stuff, as was the Sy Sperling piece) but don't respond. This guy is pulling a Janet Jackson in that he has created the audience that he had hoped for.


    Wouldn't it have been delicious if Janet and Justin were allowed to just "stew in their own juices" because nobody responded?


    "TEMPLES 'n CROWNS Forever!"


    Uncjim's Journey

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