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Posts posted by uncjim

  1. I agree. The coach seems to be a "no nonsense" kind of guy. I actually remember Dick Stockton's combover before his HT (I know, that's kind of pathetic) and my impression was that he was proud and thrilled with his surgery.


    Without question, most people don't notice. I guess this type of thing is for a select and privileged few!

  2. I must admit, I get kind a perverse charge out of celebs with bad HTs. I'm not sure why, I'll have to examine that.


    I missed Bernie, but I did recently tune into an NBA playoff game being hosted by Jeff Van Gundy (former Nick's coach) and Dick Stockton (veteran sportcaster). Here are 2 guys with some of the worst work you would ever want to see. Both of them proudly wore their hair straight back exposing there Frankenstein hairlines. These guys are in the public eye on national television. Wouldn't you think they would have agents that would know better?

  3. Hairseeker,

    Post surgery, I was advised to push from the bottom of my crown with my fingers toward the front of my head, and back. This was after the healing, to promote laxity and help remove post op tightness if I ever return for another procedure. If you do this and look in the mirror, you can see your forehead moving back and forth.


  4. Nirvana,

    I don't feel you should aggravate yourself. You got what you paid for, which was a fine HT of 600 grafts. Some doctors do small sessions. As you know, others do megasessions successfully. If indeed you want alot more coverage, you may consider another doctor.


  5. TTaco,

    That is an excellent post and very instructive to a guy like me. My camouflaging is a little more challenging because my old plugs were placed lower than yours. Dr.Wong placed the grafts in the scars and slightly below. I'm 6 months this weekend. While things are very good, I'm looking foreward to the hair thickening over the next few months. THANKS.


  6. Vocor1,

    That's a wonderful and unique split image. Your dad is a real sport and a trooper for the cause. Absolutely, I can see his tall sides. Great planning on your part.


    My father is almost 84 years and I do believe that I can see through him where I would have ended up. We were just together yesterday and I observed that I had the same recessed temples as he, prior to my visit to Vancouver.


    Yeah, it is "All in the Family.


  7. You'd think that when things get emotionally heated on this site, it might have something to do with the importance of the subject being discussed. Hell, hair is a big deal right? At least it is to me.


    I have a good friend that I was recently sharing this with (one of my"full headed" friends, the

    b-stard). He told me that he rebuilt an old Dewalt Radial Arm Saw and went on the internet to find a User Manual. The thing was about 50 years old, so there weren't any readily available. He found a site that was devoted soley to

    Dewalt Radial Arm Saw devotees. It apparently could have been the Hair Transplant Network as it mirrored this site in it's intensity. Guys were calling each other ignorant, etc. This isn't hair here folks! These are in radial arm saws we're talking about. The last time I checked, they were inanimate objects!


    I found this instructive (and hysterical).

  8. You'd think that when things get emotionally heated on this site, it might have something to do with the importance of the subject being discussed. Hell, hair is a big deal right? At least it is to me.


    I have a good friend that I was recently sharing this with (one of my"full headed" friends, the

    b-stard). He told me that he rebuilt an old Dewalt Radial Arm Saw and went on the internet to find a User Manual. The thing was about 50 years old, so there weren't any readily available. He found a site that was devoted soley to

    Dewalt Radial Arm Saw devotees. It apparently could have been the Hair Transplant Network as it mirrored this site in it's intensity. Guys were calling each other ignorant, etc. This isn't hair here folks! These are in radial arm saws we're talking about. The last time I checked, they were inanimate objects!


    I found this instructive (and hysterical).

  9. You're not alone Arfy. I also saw the info.


    Two things struck me.


    First, was the plastered on grin of Dr. Leavitt. He looked "goolish". He seemed fightened to let the grin go.


    Second was Wade's bad transplant. Here is a very successful guy (how many of us can boast to rising that high in such a visible field) who made such a poor choice (and he seems thrilled). The no-names on the info looked better to my eye.


    Oh well...just another example of life being less than perfect.

  10. Hi Matthew,

    I just looked at your pics and I must say, you are really looking good. It's an incredible transformation.


    Now that you are at 10 months, do you see a big change? I'm especially interested in the hairline. Did it thicken? This is of the most interest to me, as I'm just beyond 5 months. Thanks.


  11. You're 2 month progress is excellent. There isn't a whole lot of redness that I can see.


    May give you some advice that worked for me?

    Don't look too hard or too often. You may drive yourself and those around you a little nuts!

    I'm speaking from experience!!


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