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Posts posted by nobuzz4me

  1. A NEW MAN!!!


    Great story, glad it turned out to be a very happy ending!


    I think it makes sense to wait some for your next round. Gives your laxity a chance to return and make sure all grafts have grown in.

    If you have the donor and the cash, I would go for it. Next round will be much easier since you will know what to expect.

  2. notsure


    listen to the wise ones above. I can only add that the infomercials are the worst with claims like:


    "I went back to work the next day"


    "It's like going to the dentist"


    This is BS.






    If you have a lot of native hair and can do somewhat of a combover, use concealer and do not shave the recipient area, you have a chance after two weeks. I did it but was able to wear a ball cap for some time after.

  3. Bill,


    Why put up the photos if not looking for some feedback?? I don't understand. Would you rather have no feedback? or only the right type of feedback?


    I am just posting my opinion which of course I am entitled to. Would you in good concience, have recommended this patient go for HT if he asked advice on this forum prior to having done it?

  4. This is why sometimes its good to fue out those frigging plugs and start over instead of just camoflaging them.


    Yield may be a little lower and their is a risk of additional scarring but the grafts can be divided and replanted at the correct angles.


    That is the route I chose being a repair case myself.


    I will say if you have enough donor hair to dense pack it can be concealed but not all of us have the spare donor.

  5. bbb


    Their are risks with any surgery but I do not think anyone has ever died from having a HT. Just don't go to have one in a third world country.


    I suppose the greatest risk anyone faces are:


    * Anethesia - not necessary to have but some offer it and some do it. Stay on a local and do not be put under to be safe.


    * Risk of infection, very rare if done by an expert. Usually meds are availabe post op if needed.


    * Risk of a transmitted disease from the Doctor, the staff who are handling your bloody tissue.


    I don't mean to scare anyone but these risks are real, all the more reason to got to a reputable Doc.



    As a follow up, it is funny how patients are required to do a blood test prior to work but what about the patients risk?? Should we have the Doc and their staff tested?? It is a two-way risk, even though they wear gloves.

  6. Hey all,


    I posted this on the another thread regarding curly new hair. One reason for curly new hair (mishandling grafts, crushed while planting)brought to my attention the need for quality techs. We all know they are a huge part of the success of the HT.


    Anyway, here is my post:


    "Maybe this is a thought for another thread but:


    Just before my last HT, I asked my Doc if it was OK to "tip" the techs. He said it was not neccesary but my feeling was that they would give those grafts of mine extra care!! Top clinics have top techs I am sure. I feel that there are some top techs out there who should be recognized somehow. Perhaps each Doctor in the coalition could nominate one from each office. Might be good motivation for all techs to step up their game. What do you all think??"

  7. Hey all,


    I posted this on the another thread regarding curly new hair. One reason for curly new hair (mishandling grafts, crushed while planting)brought to my attention the need for quality techs. We all know they are a huge part of the success of the HT.


    Anyway, here is my post:


    "Maybe this is a thought for another thread but:


    Just before my last HT, I asked my Doc if it was OK to "tip" the techs. He said it was not neccesary but my feeling was that they would give those grafts of mine extra care!! Top clinics have top techs I am sure. I feel that there are some top techs out there who should be recognized somehow. Perhaps each Doctor in the coalition could nominate one from each office. Might be good motivation for all techs to step up their game. What do you all think??"

  8. I agree with Bill, I think the frizziness is more common than rare. It is a scary thought to think techs are crushing grafts while handling them.


    Maybe this is a thought for another thread but:


    Just before my last HT, I asked my Doc if it was OK to "tip" the techs. He said it was not neccesary but my feeling was that they would give those grafts of mine extra care!!


    Top clinics have top techs I am sure. I submit that there are top techs out there who should be recognized somehow. Perhaps each Doctor in the coalition could nominate one from each office. Might be good motivation for all techs to step up their game. What do you all think??

  9. Originally posted by Here I Grow Again:

    Unfortunate for me i metabolized the medication rather quickly, needing several follow up shots throughout my procedure. I had to actually let them know when I was starting to feel the procedure.


    Even with that, it was not bad. As mentioned above, like seeing the dentist. You will be fine. Don't forget to bring along some music and enjoy the ride.






    I had the same issue and had to be redone during the day, but they went ahead and re-shot before any more wore off. Also, my donor was re-shot right before I went home. I never had much donor discomfort, glad they did it.



    I will only add that any comparison to "like going to the dentist" is for the shots only and the whole procedure is not comparable.


    I only say that because some of the chain mills use this hook to explain how easy having a HT is, and that many are back to work the next day. We all know this is not true.

  10. Bobman,


    Smart move going for the temples. You will get way more bang for the buck (or graft) in those areas vs the crown. Work looks very nice too.


    Can you give us details on the strip size and where they took from. I suppose this was taken on just one side instead of ear to ear??? And, are you maxed out on the donor?


    Thanks and good luck,



    Bushy, That is a awesome result too!

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