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Posts posted by nobuzz4me

  1. Originally posted by the B spot:


    This is one topic I am an EXPERT on icon_cool.gif








    I dont think Lucky Locs meant having sex without any partners! But I guess you are still an expert in a certain sense....... icon_biggrin.gif I heard you can transplant those hairs on your palms to the top of your head.............??????? You have excellent donor there??? icon_eek.gif

  2. Originally posted by hairdude83:

    propecia dont work for the crown? it does not stop hair fall for the crown???


    I been taking for two weeks now, seen a rapid hair fall from frontal area crown. will this stop n bring new hairs?




    You have to stay on it, most of the hairs you may have lost were from shedding. They will return and hopefuly even stronger. Propecia can cause shedding at first, ironically, it means you may be a good responder.


    Personally, I am not sure it has done very much for me, but I am 48 and should have been on it in my 20s. I may have missed the boat.

  3. Well,


    It sounds like your options are limited due to the tightness and the number of procedures you had done. I am not sure what to advise but if you cannot gain laxity in the doner scar area, you may be limited to trying to plant Fu's into the area. Not sure how you can harvest Fu's without creating more tension. You could fue out from your recipient and replant to the donor - in effect a reversal HT.


    Another option of course in concealing the scar with dermatch or mascara, I have heard some use a colored marking pen as well.

  4. Steve,


    Congrats, glad you are through the tough part. Glad you had good friends to help you in BSpot and Nervous Nelly. You made a wise choice in going with Dr. Shapiro.


    Yeah, the donor removal is frightening (seeing those pics are horrible) but I kept my ipod going and my eyes closed through that part of it. Did you bring an ipod??


    Anyway, heal well and lets see some pics when you are up to it.

  5. Dude, your 19, listen to the wise old ones here. We have seen how young guys get taking in by these shady descriptions of a WIG! IT IS A WIG, IT IS A WIG!!! You are in college, are you willing to let people know that your hair is fake. It may look ok now and then, but people will eventually find out, what about the women???


    Keep your hair cut close and wear a cap for a while if it really bothers you. In a few years look into HT if you are a good candidate.

  6. Originally posted by Dr. Mejia:

    Once your hair is rooted after at least 7 days. You hair will continue to grow as normally. It will act like all your other hairs and will cycle through a growth phase and a resting and shedding phase. I suggest patietns be careful even up to 7 days. You can still rip the graft out as early as 3 or 4 days in my experience.


    Ricardo Mejia MD

    Juptier FL


    Hair Transplant Network Surgeon




    Dr. Mejia,


    Your response could be misleading to some who do not know that most all hair growing from the new grafts shed after 14 day plus. Then, they return as normal after three months or so. Time varies from individual of course.


    I think Dr. Bernstien wrote a nice article on when grafts are securely rooted and it is about 9 days. Lots of research was done on this which he was a part of. The article is available on his website.


    MRJB is right, take care of your investment.

  7. Sxaden,


    Check out Dr. James Vogel in Baltimore, stay away from anyone in DC/VA especially Dr. Giannoto. I have heard bad things about him.


    Dr. Vogel is a now a memebr of the Coalition and Pat has visited his clinic personaly. I had my last work done with him 10 months ago, he is not cheap but he is very detailed. 5-6$ graft.

  8. YLH,


    Stay on the meds, I have tried toppik but never dermatch. Lots of guys swear by it. Like rogaine I just do not like fooling with it.


    Based on your age, you may not be able to avoid two HTs or more. Hairloss is progressive, this is why the meds are important, make sure you save what you can. The pain of a HT to me is not the physical pain, that is minor if you have a good doc. To me, rthe real pain is the recovery time and the patience required to wait for it to grow in.


    I suppose in your area, you have Scott Alexander and Sharon Keene as the best choices.

  9. I dont think Nash had work done but if he did, it is undetectable. You are right he did shave down over the summer though.


    Van Gundy, who had bad plugs, must have had them removed with no further work. I will say there is no scarring evident.


    In another sport NFL - retired QB, Steve Young of ESPN is getting thin on top, he cut his hair shorter and combs it forward.


    Speaking of ESPN, Karl Ravech wears a piece. Chris Berman looks decent sometimes when his concealers are applied, he should just get a good HT.

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