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Posts posted by nobuzz4me

  1. I agree with NN.


    I see no reason for us to wait a year to get an straight explanation on this "technique" irregardless if the result comes out OK in a year.


    I think most of us here who contribute on this forum know this pattern looks strange. Is this some new technique??


    I am surprised this seems to be getting brushed under the rug with a wait a year approach. Can we get a straight explanation on the reason for this weird pattern?

  2. Charlie,


    I agree with the numbers not adding up. Using the numbers you would have had around 2000 hairs moved before adding in the missing 30%.


    If that missing 30% were 4 hairs, you would have ended up with well over 3000 hairs moved. There must be some mistake.


    It is not the incision type or size in question, just the layout in rows. That is what we want the DR. to explain.

  3. Bill,


    I agree Dr Feller is being brought into it and all we have that - he said: Dr. Feller said...


    My main point is that since Dr. Feller has worked on this patient and seen this guys donor first hand, maybe he could comment. If the patient is putting words into Dr. Fellers mouth, he can clear that up. But a claim has been made here.


    What we see here as "evidence" is not much to even report on since it does not show how low it goes. Maybe it is too low, maybe not, but the pic has too much hair covering the scar. I will add that the part that does show looks like safe zone to me. Bottom line, we need better pics.


    As as said before, this is far from a repair case. JMO

  4. Bill,


    I know we need to see more pics but I would not be so bold as to challenge Dr. Feller's assesment of the safe zone since we are only going by a few pics and he is the Dr. who saw and operated on him first hand. You may be right, but then that would mean Dr Feller is wrong?



    I will say that I would not consider this much of a repair job either. Yes, the scar is a funny shape and maybe wider in spots accarding to the poster. He didn't get plugs. The only thing is the yield may have been poor. Even that number of grafts should have given him more hair than what it appears, pre-op.


    Maybe it was a subpar HT but this is far from being a repair job, guys who had old technology plugs know. Anyway, Dr. Feller will make it better.

  5. I think Mrjb can attest to staying with the same doc. Of course, he had a top notch surgeon in Dr. True.


    Other than knowing that you are satisfied with prior work, The biggest benefit I believe would be that your doc would have a bit of a road map to success with your case.


    The doc is familiar with your scar, hair characteristics and most important, your plan to finish what you started in terms of placement/design etc.


    The key is to choose a great doc and communicate your desires and challenges as a team.

  6. I would ask Dr. Feller too be sure since you had a consult with him. You are in good hands.


    You will be pretty well healed up and like MRJB said, you will look pretty much as you did prior to surgery.


    If it were me I would go for it since you can take a month off. After marriage you may no get the chance to:


    1) Get a month off for this.

    2) Justify the cost to her. Finances could change? Believe me, kids, college!!!


    Something to think about.


    Godd luck brother,

  7. I understand wear you are coming from BI, I agree with you that the increase in blood flow to the scalp via massage can benefit but I too am skeptical on the coconut oil, seems to me any oil can clog pores, not good for the skin in general.


    Since Rogaine works by increasing blood flow to the scalp the massage could have the best effect. Fellow poster, Nervous Nelly, hangs upside down on his inversion table, good for the spine and probably helps the blood flow to the scalp. I believe stimulating the area is good, but not gonna buy any coconut oil, will save it for the microwave popcorn.

  8. Originally posted by prodigy1290:

    thanks for the all the input, ill look into rogaine and propecia, but i was wondering if u have heard of hairmax lasercomb? Does is it work?

















    I would rate the order of importance in using these hairloss options for you in this order:


    1) Finasteride - to save what you have now and prevent further loss.


    2) Minoxidil - messy routine but can help. new foam I hear is better.


    3) Nizoral - especially if you have dandruff, it is an anti-fungal. I know I had major dandruff during my hairloss years and bet I scratched out a lot of hair.


    4) Laser comb - save your money and put it towards the meds or in the bank for future HT work. JMO



    Above all educate yourself about what you are in for, good thing you found this site!


    Good luck,

  9. L'Anonyme,


    I would not compare this to Jagdish, different size graft incisions. He got minis, these are combined 1s to add density - DFU's and TFU's. The incisions do not look large enough for minis.


    On the other thread Charlie mentioned that 2000 hairs were transplanted, for 1200 grafts which means he is loaded with 1's and 2's. His hair does look thin in the donor, asian maybe?


    Not taking up for her in any way since I do not like the pattern, but it may not be a disaster. I think Jagdish got old technology, this looks like Charlie has weak donor traits and will fight an uphill battle to acheive any density. Maybe JOJO has not seen other crown work on this site by H&W, Felller, Gabel etc.


    By the way he paid over 9$ a graft for this!!!!! WTF.

  10. Charlie,


    I saw your pics on the other thread, it was confusing to see the pattern she made laying them out.


    Based on the number of hairs vs grafts it does appear that she made use of double and triple FU's - meaning you did not have a lot of these in your donor area. You had a lot of single hair grafts which she combined to help create denser grafts (2-4 hairs each). I expect when it grows out you will look fine but the pattern looks diferent post op from other crown work I have seen.


    I also think you paid an awful lot at $9 plus per graft, There are many here in the US which are $4-6.


    Grow well,

  11. The pattern does not look natural more like a what you would see at the seating rows at a stadium. What is the reasoning behind this? I suppose when it is grown out it may turn out ok but agree with the above posters. Compare this crownwork to H&W or Dr Gable's recent work - big difference!

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