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Everything posted by mehereyouthere

  1. Looks much much better! Tbh I thought it was already refined haha sure it'll only get even better , congrats!
  2. Thanks! Yeah I agree the density is lacking but I really like the way the hairline is turning out and that was my main concern going in (plus I use fibers everyday so the lack of density I can deal with, although like I mentioned in the other topic, the goal is to get to a point where fiber isn't needed). I have also found out by scrolling through this forum the last couple days that aside from the HTs that everyone universally agrees are amazing, I have different views than a lot people on here as to what constitutes a natural hairline as well as grading final results. But yeah I agree density is an issue and hoping it'll be fixed when HT3 results are in
  3. Spent a couple hours reading this entire topic late last night so I'm emotionally invested in your journey now @Nordster34 haha would also love to hear/see an update. I feel like you unfortunately got the shaft in this situation and hope things work out and wishing you the best
  4. 3700 grafts. Think some grafts didn't take after 1st one so you're pretty spot on. I'm really happy overall with the results so far bc my main concern was making it look natural and like I didn't get a transplant (which is ironic because I openly discuss my HTs with even strangers irl). But excited for the hopeful density this third HT will bring 🤞
  5. Agree 100%. Fiber use or SMP or body hair transplant in crown is much easier than front third so makes sense to use your best donor hair for framing face and hairline, which is, aesthetically speaking, by far the most important.
  6. Haha I gave up on perfection after my first HT tempered my expectations and made me have a far more realistic outlook on this journey. I had ~3700 grafts between my first 2 HTs but I think the first one I lost some grafts. My third was a week ago and I had 1599 grafts. You can see a couple pics of before my HTs 1/2 and after here:
  7. Gotcha. Similar mentality about wanting to not need to use fiber daily post-HT, but no such luck after my first 2 HTs. I'm hoping my third HT is finally the one where I can walk out of my place without fibers and still feel confident and not insecure. When I saw your post I felt like we had similar hair/ diffusion so I was bummed when I got to the end of your topic and saw you were unhappy with your results so far. But best of luck with your journey I think like you said you're one 1500- to 2500-graft HT away from your goal.
  8. I'm on day 6 post-HT 3 and spoke with my clinic today about shampooing moving forward. They said to not use the same shampoo that they gave for the first week (due to drying out scalp) and that I should use a non-harsh shampoo, and that even baby shampoo would do. I asked specifically about using Nioxin and the Dr said that isn't a problem. After my first two HTs and my plan for this time is to shampoo everyday for the first 2 weeks. In my opinion, high quality shampoo and conditioner mitigates issues of drying scalp, and allows you to continue cleaning scalp and protecting from infection. Hope this helps.
  9. I feel like fibers with your existing hair would provide a pretty good illusion of density.
  10. Looks amazing!! How long after your HT did you start dermarolling? And did you choose dermarolling over a dermapen for any specific reason? Congrats on the successful repair!
  11. Thanks for the input, here's another couple pics (with and without flash) of post-HT1/2 that's a little higher resolution With flash: Without flash:
  12. Below is a side-by-side comparison of my hair before and after my HT1/HT2 (~3700 grafts combined) with a couple more photos of my pre-transplant hair from different angles (unfortunately lost my phone with a lot of the progress pics between HT1 and HT2). I've already gotten a 3rd HT so feel free to be brutally honest and will probably start a topic tracking my journey, but just trying to gauge what others think of the results of HT1/2. I had diffused thinning for years and hairline was also receding a bit by the time I did HT 1. Not going to name the doctor to avoid biases in people's ratings/evaluations. Thanks Left side pre-HT1; Ride side post HT-2: Pre HT 1:
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