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Posts posted by coffeeandpie

  1. Looks really good and natural. I am sure the left side will grow in the coming weeks/months.

    A few questions, since I am also considering Dr. Pinto.

    Are you happy with the over-all experience with Dr. Pinto?

    How was your pre-op and post-op communication with the clinic?

    What post-op care did they give - neck pillow, absorption mat, medications, lotions, shampoos etc?

    Did you get your hair washed at the clinic?

    How was the hotel stay?

    Good luck and happy growing!


  2. From what I understand, each person responds differently to the medication. Some people may respond well to 1 mg/day without any side effects, some may respond well to 1 mg/day but may have side effects and may have to cut down the dosage to either lower dose every day or 1 mg MWF. Some people may have side effects even with 1 mg MWF and may have to switch to topical instead.


    There is no harm in starting with 1 mg/day MWF and see how you respond a 6 months down the lane w.r.t growth/stability and side effects and then decide to continue or increase or decrease or switch to topical


    You can start with 1 mg/day and if you see side effects reduce it then and if you still have side effects switch to topical.

    No one knows for sure, it is different for different people and a trial and error process and what you think about results and side effects.

  3. Thanks @EvansLawrence 

    what brand aloe vera gel are you using? Also never heard of rose hip, is it a oral or topical?

    The las pic looks really good btw, very natural and dense. 



    On 10/22/2023 at 7:13 AM, EvansLawrence said:

    Heey yes. So antibiotic 6 days in total, starting the day before of the surgery.

    them Avene water for the new grafts (in my case starting next day or at least 2 hours later since I bleed a lot). and each 30 mins.

    after 48h or 72h first cleaning (done in the clinic where they show u how to do it) you put little shampoo with water in the spray. Do not touch the new grafts, just with the spray in opposite direction to the growth, so it penetrates and cleans.

    after crust removal you use aloe vera 100% gel on mornings and rose hip on nights. And u keep with avene water for the donnor or antihistaminic if itching.





  4. This looks amazing! Happy growing!

    On 10/18/2023 at 1:11 AM, EvansLawrence said:

    so far I will first end the shampoo they gave me plus also other that Couto recommended for me since it appears I have some small dermatitis. 

    This will last a month or 2 at least 

    Since I go back for prp in november I will ask them then.

    Do you mind sharing the shampoo details and also if any medication/cream for donor like Bepanthol that Dr. Couto has recommended?

  5. @nakding It does not look as bad as you think as it does. HT in your case is too early. If you get one now, you will continue thinning existing hair and will need one more a few years down the lane and so on.

    How long have you used medication? It takes at least 6 months to see the difference.

    If medication is not working for you, did you consult a Dermatologist to see if there are any issues or deficiencies?

    If I were you, for now, I would stick to restyling and check back in a few years time.


  6. Hi All,

    I am thinking it is good for the forum to have a Post HT FAQ. I am adding the questions and answers I know currently. Please let me know if my answers are incorrect or if you have a new ones to add and I will update this accordingly.

    • What are the essential things to have after a Hair Transplant or I need to take with me if I am travelling abroad?
      • Neck pillow, disposable bed pads, button down shirts, baby shampoo


    • Precautions immediately after the hair transplant
      • Be careful not to bump your head when getting in and out of car
      • Use neck pillow to sleep


    • How to sleep using a neck pillow?


    • My face has swollen after my hair transplant?
      • This is normal and happens to some people and will go away in a few days


    • Saline water and other medication
      • You need to keep the scalp clean and moisturised and the doctor usually advices you to spray saline spray (usually provided by the clinic) every 15-30 mins
      • They also provide medication to reduce pain and swelling


    • Are scabs normal after a hairtransplant?
      • Yes, they are part of the healing process and will go away after you start washing your hair


    • When can I have my first hair wash?
      • First hair wash is usually on Day 3. Check with your clinic. Also, some clinics offer a free first hair wash at the clinic


    • How to do my first hair wash, if I am doing it on my own?
      • Be gentle with the donor and recipient areas and gently rub the shampoo and leave it for a few mins before gently pour water over your scalp (do not use a shower). 


    • when will my scabs go away?
      • Scabs should start going away starting with washes from Day 10 and with subsequent washes



    • How long does it take for my grafts to be completely rooted into the scalp?
      • 3 days


    • Can I use a cap?
      • You can use a loose fitting cap preferably after 3 days


    • When can I start using a helmet?
      • Usually after 10 days, but please check with your doctor/clinic


    • When can I start using minoxidil again?
      • Doctors typically ask patients to stop using minoxidil both oral and topical before the hair transplant. You cannot use topical for the first 14 days because your scalp is still healing but can use oral minoxidil right away. Please check with your clinic


    • When can I start using a finasteride/dutasteride again?
      • Unlike minoxidil, you don't need to stop using these medications. However you cannot use topical for the first 14 days for the first 14 days because your scalp is still healing but can use oral right away. Please check with your clinic


    • Mastrubation 
      • Avoid for the first 7 days  (blood pressure not too high)


    • Sex
      • Avoid for the first 7 days and nothing vigorous for the first 30 days


    • Working out
      • Low intensity after 14 days, high intensity after 30 days


    • Hair loss of non-transplanted hair in the donor or recipient area
      • This is shock loss and happens in some cases, but should grow back


    • My transplanted hair is falling off
      • This is normal, happens around 1 month after the transplant and will grow back


    • When can I get a hair cut?
      • After 1 month


    • When will I see the results?
      • You will start seeing the transplanted hair grow back from around 3 months and will continue for the next 12 months.
      • You should see the full results around 12 - 15 months time


    • My transplanted is thinning
      • This does not usually happen. It is possible that your non-transplanted hair in the recipient area is thinning off. The best solution in this case is to use medication to prevent this loss
    • Like 2
  7. Hi All,

    Age: 35 and have been a gradual thinner over a period of 15 years. Haven't really noticed how bad it was getting as it was really gradual and was going through some personal issues over that last few years and so didn't consider any treatment. Fear of side affects was a also a reason when I finally started thinking about treatment earlier this year.

    Got rejected by Lorenzo saying it is a waste of time and effort as I will continue to loose hair without meds.

    De Freitas said he would do it, but would not recommend proceeding without meds.

    In the process of contacting other doctors at the moment for an assessment (Pinto, Ferreira..), but waiting for a consultation because of wait times.

    Starting on Topical Finasteride from today, not sure about Minoxidil at the moment.

    Do you think HT is an option for me? If so how many grafts do you think I will need? I am not looking for any lowering of hairline, just to fill in/density where my hairline currently is.

    Thank you for your advice as always.












  8. The choice I am making in my case is to go conservative and closer to the hairline what I had before the hairloss and not lower.

    Two advantages to doing this..

    • Looks more natural
    • Save grafts for future

    If you chose to go this path compare your older pics to the hairline suggested and share the older pics with the doctor for reference.

    Good luck!!

  9. I chose Pinto over De Freitas because Pinto does all the work from Extraction to placement, where as with De Freitas does only the placement and extraction is done by tech (still graft picking is done by De Freitas I think).

    Also, De Freitas does multiple surgeries in a day (I have heard from 2-3 in day) and split your case between two days whereas Pinto does only one surgery per day.

    Also, I don't like the fact that De Freitas cases seemed a bit more aggressive and he does rows a lot which is not my preference.

    I am surprised you got the same number of graft estimates from both. I would think De Freitas estimates are usually 400-500 higher because of his more aggressive designs.

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