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  1. FYI.. The waitlist with Dr. Pinto is not too long, I think it is currently at 9-12 months
  2. Thank you! I heard that they a hotel room is included in the price, did you get a reduced price because you are using an Airbnb instead? Also, did you buy and use a neck pillow? no saline spray needed just couple of times water on the head for the first few days?
  3. Hi, The doctor performing the surgery should advise you on this. As I understand, they ask you to stop taking Minoxidil, because it increases blood flow and so there is potentially increased bleeding during surgery which is not good. You can start back after the surgery (only oral) No need to stop finasteride.
  4. Looks really good and natural. I am sure the left side will grow in the coming weeks/months. A few questions, since I am also considering Dr. Pinto. Are you happy with the over-all experience with Dr. Pinto? How was your pre-op and post-op communication with the clinic? What post-op care did they give - neck pillow, absorption mat, medications, lotions, shampoos etc? Did you get your hair washed at the clinic? How was the hotel stay? Good luck and happy growing! @LostAndFound
  5. From what I understand, each person responds differently to the medication. Some people may respond well to 1 mg/day without any side effects, some may respond well to 1 mg/day but may have side effects and may have to cut down the dosage to either lower dose every day or 1 mg MWF. Some people may have side effects even with 1 mg MWF and may have to switch to topical instead. There is no harm in starting with 1 mg/day MWF and see how you respond a 6 months down the lane w.r.t growth/stability and side effects and then decide to continue or increase or decrease or switch to topical or You can start with 1 mg/day and if you see side effects reduce it then and if you still have side effects switch to topical. No one knows for sure, it is different for different people and a trial and error process and what you think about results and side effects.
  6. Thanks @EvansLawrence what brand aloe vera gel are you using? Also never heard of rose hip, is it a oral or topical? The las pic looks really good btw, very natural and dense.
  7. @tbendy77 @Berba11 Any reason you are not considering or recommending Dr. Reddy?
  8. Hi, Does this work on improving healing and reducing scarring on the donor? I see it is used in tattoos and also it seems some of the doctor such as Bisanga, Pekiner and HLC prescribing it.
  9. This looks amazing! Happy growing! Do you mind sharing the shampoo details and also if any medication/cream for donor like Bepanthol that Dr. Couto has recommended?
  10. That's great. Do you have a date booked? How much is the waiting time and the price if you don't mind my asking?
  11. @LostAndFound have you made a decision on the doctor?
  12. As per my calculations 0.25% = 2.5 mg per ml 0.0125% = 0.125 mg per ml 1% = 10 mg per ml 2.5% = 25 mg per ml
  13. I think density is good but hairline is not so, especially on the right. But I am sure it will be an easy fix if you go to an established surgeon with very few grafts.
  14. Neither of the are in his budget, the price is 4-6 for Bisang, 4 for Hattingen and 30,000 Euros plus for Ahmad. Like Melvin said, look at Dr. Yaman, Gur, Turan and may be Bicer and check with HDC and Eugenix
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