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Mr. Clean

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Posts posted by Mr. Clean

  1. 10 hours ago, Capelli21 said:

    Month 7 update...

    Hair has gotten kinda long.  Someone told me recently, "Man you really need a haircut", which brought me a fuzzy little warm feeling.  Will do my first real haircut soon.  

    A couple people have asked if I take min and fin, I still don't take either.  Any questions, feel free to ask





















    Wow, that's all I can say... and this is without min/fin meds. Definitely mind blowing. 

    Your before picture @Capelli21 looks like your dad lol. Congratulations on your results! Don't you want to try to let it grow? You might be able to pull out a fro... I also said that to Hugo but I guess his curl was from a hairdryer accessories. Do you also use that or yours is a natural curl? Also do you put any product in your hair to make it curl? 

    Thanks for the update, we appreciate it 🙂


    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Capelli21 said:

    Thank you @Mrclean.

    To date I have still not taken Finasteride, or any other drugs except some biotin pills during the first few months.  Idk, Im kinda on a streak and don't wanna break it 🥹

    That’s nice to know that you can still get a good growth without depending on drugs. If it’s working, why change it right? Thanks for the update, it will be an exciting one on your 6th month!

    • Like 1
  3. On 10/8/2023 at 12:27 AM, Capelli21 said:

    Hey all, quick update at month 4...

    My donor area still has a smiley face-line in the back.  I trim/fade it in a way that makes it less obvious.  So far the lateral humps do look a bit better to me (one of the top motivations for me to have a round two), but the other 2 areas I just had done, midscalp and crown, I have yet to notice much improvement, they still look thin.  I do recall, as most people say, my crown on round 1 really didn't mature until ~ 10/11 month mark.

    Can comfirm also, anagen desynchronization is a thing, my hairline area has for sure thinned out a bit when I compare with ealier photos..  I thought I'd be done after 2 trips, but I may have to address that with a 3rd next year!  Assuming Eugenix says I have enough grafts left 😀.












    Nice growth and yet you’re still in the 4th month…   Do you still NOT take any meds @Capelli21? Or did you already take Finasteride that they gave you? 

  4. The answer to this question I guess depends on the level of norwood you have. If you are on the high NW 6 or 7 hands down Zarev or Pittella. But if you're on the lower NW and just wanted to have a natural looking frontal hairline then I would take a look at the above drs. mentioned e.g. Couto, Pinto or Ahmad. Its really a case by case basis.

  5. 23 minutes ago, MC117 said:

    Yes, off schedule pricing is indeed 9€ per graft. Which means our friend here has a nice buying power and I'm happy for him. He also chose the best in the game, the result gonna be great as usual. 

    Yeah, If I had that opportunity, I would have done the same. At least he didn’t have to wait for years getting the service of the best in the game right now. 

    @anxious6 What mode of payment does Dr. Zarev accept? Does he accept credit card payments? Does he offer installment payment plans? 

  6. 7 hours ago, HugoX said:

    I have thought about just letting it grow..but feel I might feel difficult to manage, might try one day. 

    But I'm certainly not afro 😂, I have started to like the wavy/curly look on top so I help the curls to get curlier with a diffuser I think it's called, attachment to the hair dryer. 

    It’s nice to know that you’re shifting your knowledge from hair system to hair accessories 😁

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. Hi @mtb, you have great results like Hugox. Congratulations on waiting and having surgery with which I consider the best HT surgeon at this time!
    I was reading your thread and in your earlier post, you mentioned that your brother was going to Dr. Pittella in a few months for his surgery… that post was back in February, did he already have his surgery? If so, did he post his results here? I want to have an HT done by Dr. Zarev but his waitlist is way to long, no thanks to you and @HugoX😆, I’m just kidding 😁… I’m thankful you guys posted your results for us to decide on who to choose. I’m also considering Dr. Pitella if his waitlist is not as long as Dr. Zarev. I am very interested in seeing your brother’s results since you guys probably have the same hair characteristics and skin tone. It would be an excellent example to compare your results from Dr. Zarev and his results from Dr. Pittella…

  8. 1 hour ago, HugoX said:

    Took them like 2-3 hours ago. 

    Thanks for the effort @HugoX, your hair looks just like when you shared it back then when you still had the yellow background. Just amazing! I know you are thankful to Dr. Zarev for what he has done but it should be vice versa as well since you made him more popular here. I should not be thanking you for making his waitlist way longer lol jk 😆 


  9. Hi @HugoX, do you mind sharing a current photo of your hair? It’s almost 3 years since your first surgery and almost 2 years since your 2nd HT. I’m really interested in seeing long term results of an HT. Considering it’s almost 3 and 2 years respectively for both your HT, does it still currently look the same as the photos you have shared in the past? 

  10. On 9/5/2023 at 7:39 PM, abrorkhasanov said:

    Sorry, life took over and forgot to reply. I do see your point about harsh lighting obviously and I think I wrote it even early that I had realistic expectations on what can be achieved, but a denser hairline is a thing I thought is a must because it's the front that gives you the look of full hair not the back, but my front is so thin and see through, it's annoying as hell.

    As for planning, nope, nothing was discussed with me. I had in total about 2 hours from the moment my hairline was drawn to make a decision about and go to the procedure. True story.

    That's why I kept myself off the forum and did not post updates, because I did not want to be negative about how I feel, but I would like to believe, I am allowed to feel unhappy and self-consious considering my current state of hair affects my overall look and express in a fair manner.


    I have been lurking on the forum for a while and was between @Eugenix Hair Sciences and Dr. Pitella and at the point when I made the decision, few factors played the role for Eugenix

    1. A lot of members and results were on the forum and most spoke well of the clinic and Melvin himself went there for a procedure.(though bear in mind price package will play a role on the comfort part). 

    2. At that point Dr. Pitella did not have many cases on the forum and well respectfully to him, I don't really trust instagram HT if that makes sense, but I did go through constellation with him and was also told between 5-6k grafts to achieve coverage. Dr. Pradeep on our first consultation said 5k and it will be perfect, maybe if he did the surgery then it would be, but I couldn't afford that. 

    As for meds, I was on Finasteride because I was told it's needed for best result by Eugenix, I tried it ages ago went hair loss started and unfortunately had side effects, that appeared over time. This time I tried to build up the dose slowly, but had to quit last week as unfortunately side fully came back, so now I'm screwed cuz the hair might shed and not even come back, but I'm waiting to hear from Eugenix on that.

    I'm one of those unlucky ones. I am considering now to jump on low dose oral minoxidil to maybe kick off the process. I was a great responder to topical minor when I was younger, but got lazy and then it destroyed my hair lol.

    Thank you for your reply, do you mind to share what side effects you had? 
    You only have 4 months to go for the one year result, like what you mentioned I agree with you to just wait for that period and ask Eugenix what they advice by that time. If they will give you some compensation or discount for the second pass you might as well take it. If they do ask you to pay a full payment, i would look for a second option. You also mentioned you already had a consultation with Dr. Pitella in the past so might as well try to go with him. I had seen plenty of good results and reviews of him coming out in this forum lately and they have been quite impressive. 

    I wish you all the best @abrorkhasanov and I’m glad that you find it funny and not being too hard on yourself. 

  11. On 9/1/2023 at 8:22 AM, TIAGO FAVARATO PIEROTE said:

    I had my surgery on January 25th. Completed 7 months. Photos taken yesterday. I am very happy with the partial result.

    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-31 at 12.46.06 (1).jpeg

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    Wow this is another Pittella homerun.

    Congratulations @TIAGO FAVARATO PIEROTEand Dr. Pittella for an outstanding result from NW pt. This is getting more interesting, we got two doctors that are now vying to be the king of high NW 👏🏼

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:

    @Mr. Clean,

    Information sessions can be scheduled quite quickly with Dr. Rahal.  While the actual session may sometimes with a patient advocate/representative, all evaluations go through Dr. Rahal.   Thus, even if the doctor doesn’t happen to be present for your particular information session, for example,, any information presented by a patient advocate about your case would be directly from the doctor’s assessment.

    Keep in mind that if you are going to shave your head prior to a session, it would be better if your hair was long enough to evaluate the thinning areas both (recipient and the donor area).

    Feel free to contact me privately if you’re interested in a navigation information session with Dr. Rahal.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    Thank you for your reply but you didn’t answer my question. Instead you just reiterated my question on your last statement.

    You said that it is better if my hair was long enough for it to evaluated. I’m going to repeat my question since it might not be clear…

    After shaving my head, How long should I wait for my hair to grow before scheduling a consultation? A week? 2 weeks? A month? When is the best time to have the consultation after having it shaved? 

  13. @abrorkhasanov I’m sorry to see that you didn’t have a good HT result. I would keep on following up with them if I were you. I’m also planning to have a HT and like you, I’m high NW as well. I have been reading a lot of reviews from patients who are high NW and who had done their HT with Eugenix and most if not all the reviews I have read had great outcome even on their 6 months mark. You mentioned that you’re already in the 7th month and it seems the results is underwhelming. Of those reviews that had good results, @Eugenix Hair Sciencesalways has a “thank you for your update” reply to the OP, it’s sad that with result like yours I didn’t see them reply after you showed your discontent and poor results. I’ll reiterate it again, keep asking them for an update or any advice on what they can do about it. I am also interested in their reply to cases like yours because as a high NW, they are one of those who had great results with them so I was also considering them along with Dr. Pittella and Dr. Zarev. Depending on their reply to you or if they continue to ignore you, that would make my decision easier by narrowing my choice between dr. Pittella and dr. Zarev.
    Again sorry to hear your situation. Can you remind me if you are taking medication or took meds before and after the HT?

    • Like 2
  14. Hi @Melvin- Moderator, how do we hear or access your podcast? Is it on YouTube? Can you post a link where we can click and hear the podcast?

    With regards to the questions for dr. Zarev, can you ask 

    1. Does he require or prefer his patients to be on meds before considering them a HT candidate? 

    2. Does he have an option for the patient to stay in his clinic/hospital after the HT in his new place? 

    3. Does he still do his surgery without any louper? 

    4. How many patients does he see for consultation and for surgery in a week or month? What’s his process for the consultation time and surgery time? How does he divide it during the year? I’m very curious because he now has a very long waiting time just for consultation. 

    5. What is usually the wait time for the actual surgery after the patients consultation? 

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