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Posts posted by jjalay

  1. Most doctors that specialize in female hairtransplant will explain to you that its always better to proceed with fut and not fue, its important to maintain the denstity in the donor area and most woman leave their hair long, the scar is not a problem. Edward ball in the uk, dr raghu reddy and mani mittal in the uk are good options. Other clinics you can look at are hattingen hair in switzerland or dr lupanzula and dr bisanga in belgium. These are just some examples. In your case i would avoid turkey, the risks that you will get botched are preety high.

  2. 1 minute ago, BaldYe said:

    Btw i am on fin since 2021. I am still using it 


    You are 25, in the next 5-7 years your hair may change dramatically, even if you are on finasteride. I!ve seen cases like yours where people went to a NW 5 at the age of 30. I think you should wait and preserve this graft in order to make a better plan in the future. If you use a large amount of grafts for the crown now for example and loose your native hair in the front and midscalp in the coming years this will have zero estethic benefit.

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  3. Being completely honest judging from your donor you are not a candidate for a hairtransplant, even with the best doctor in the world. The best thing you can do though is have a small procedure to rebuild thehairline and behind the hairline you can use a hairpiece to cover the rest of the area of your head. This is the best chance you have imo if you want somewhat a full head of hair.

  4. How old are you? Sorry just saw that in your post. Your hair looks fine to me. Why risk having schockloss, permanent scarring or bad growth when most of the bald people would kill to have your hair? I would suggest not having a ht, stay on medication and rethink about it if your hairloss progresses further.

  5. Please name the clinic you went to, this is really awful work. What did they do witht eh rest of the grafts they have extracted and what did they told you about this results?

    Can you share some more pictures of your donor area? Avoid turkey you have great options for a repair in usa and in europe. There are doctors like maras in cyprus, bruno ointo and bruno ferreira in portugal, couto in spain, bisanga and lupanzula in belgium that do such repairs. Do a research in this forum about this doctors.

  6. 2 minutes ago, eladnm said:

    From what I read, it should not be an issue as an hybrid punch can be used with 0.95mm and keep the transection rate at a low level

    Most of the doctors that do curly hair are going to start with fue and if the grafts are not coming well they will inform the patient and then proceed with doing fut. 0,95 mm is a big punch and you get a lot of scarring. The fact is that sometimes with curly hair the direction of the follicle under the skin is actually unpredictable. Imo it doesnt worth it to destroy precious grafts by doing fue is such cases.

  7. 6 hours ago, eladnm said:

    The doctor I visited in Turkey stopped in the middle of the extraction and said the hair is c shape and he is not trained for that.. 

    Do you think she will be as good as Dr Pathomvanich? The price difference is about 40%..

    In your case its better to consider fut and not fue to avoid high transection rate and major difficulties to extract the grafts.

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  8. 8 minutes ago, tacale said:

    May I ask for your advice on the first two  -Laorwong and Maras, when it comes to doing second transplants/ top ups?

    Laorwong or Maras are my preferred choices for my second op, but most of the results I see from them, or from any doctor, are naturally of first transplants, creating a new hairline.

    In my case I have the hairline and hair already transplanted by a doctor previously, and am looking for someone who can add density in between the transplanted grafts without damaging them.  I don't think any doctor really specializes in this so much but am struggling to verify if they or any doctor is the right one for this.   

    who was your first doctor and can you post some pictures? if the density of the hairline is good why go with another surgery? If you are using magnification and you are making the slits paralelle to the existing hair the risk of damage is preety low. But you have to now that in some cases going high with density may affect the growth rate of the second transplant, the new grafts are compiting each other for the blood supply. I thing both of these doctors are at the same level for such touch ups.

  9. 39 minutes ago, Patrick_Joyce said:

    Thanks for the reply. I saw there's like 5 different packages with Eugenix, what is the lowest package you would recommend? The highest package with Dr. Sethi I saw price wise is like the equivalent of 5 US dollars per graft. I didn't realize that Eugenix had gotten that expensive. I thought the whole reasons so many people went to them is to have great quality, top notch work done at an affordable price. So all these people I've seen on here who chose the Sethi package and have had like 7,000+ grafts have shelled out way more money than I originally estimated. (Fortunately I don't need anywhere near that amount of grafts I'm just making a statement).

    Also with Dr. Camacho, I did some more research and digging last night and it appears he's had several failed or at the very least poor results with crown work in recent times.


    40 minutes ago, Patrick_Joyce said:

    Thanks for the reply. I saw there's like 5 different packages with Eugenix, what is the lowest package you would recommend? The highest package with Dr. Sethi I saw price wise is like the equivalent of 5 US dollars per graft. I didn't realize that Eugenix had gotten that expensive. I thought the whole reasons so many people went to them is to have great quality, top notch work done at an affordable price. So all these people I've seen on here who chose the Sethi package and have had like 7,000+ grafts have shelled out way more money than I originally estimated. (Fortunately I don't need anywhere near that amount of grafts I'm just making a statement).

    Also with Dr. Camacho, I did some more research and digging last night and it appears he's had several failed or at the very least poor results with crown work in recent times.

    If you are a higher NW and need crown work you should look at laorwong, maras and nader. Couto and bruno pinto in spain and portugal are also great options. They have a long waiting list and are a little bit expensive at 3 and 5 euros i think but its definitly worth it. If you ask my opinion i wouldnt go with the lower packages from eugenix- They have many failures. I havent  dived deep into the work of camacho because ive never considered him, i ve only seen the results posted in this forum from him.

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