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Posts posted by jjalay

  1. 1 hour ago, Jeremie Martin said:


    @jjalay Are you sure about this for this clinic? Because they told me they only take 1 patient per day. I am already talking with fuecapilar as well, to be honest they gave me less informations then DK Klinik... but i agree with the fact that 2400€ is not much.

    If they only take 1 patient per day why the doctor needs 6 nurses to avoid fatigue as they say? This doesnt make any sense at all. They are a hairmill. Have you seen any independent reviews from them? Do you know if they use microscopes during the surgery, they dont. Is the doctor going to be doing the extractions or the implantation of the grafts. You might be surprised at the day of your surgery having a 20 year old "certified" technisian performing the whole surgery on you.

    Do yourself a favour and choose a better clinic for a surgery on your head.

    • Like 1
  2. Avoid them, they are a hairmill. If you are thinking this is not the case and you have found the right clinic with the best price guess what, this is what most of the patients that got botched in turkish hairmills were thinking before the surgery too. If you are looking for a low price with good results and good doctors look at fuecapilar with dr gur or dr turan. Do a research about them in this forum.

  3. From the pictures OP has posted even a member in this forum with some experience can clearly see that this is nowhere near to 2700 grafts. But getting a second opinion from an independent doctor to confirm this would be the right thing to do. This wont help much because simply in this case the surgeon will disagree with every other doctor with a different opinion. The best thing would be for the doctor to answer all the questions OP has publicly on this forum about the graft count and the exactly number of grafts that were used.

    Hairtransplant industry is shady, cheating on graft count occurs more oft that people think.

  4. 43 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    Are you basing your recommendations or US or UK law, or don't you think the differences would be important in such a case?

    This is an example from ireland:


    The patient sued the clinic and won the trial and 70K compensation for the damage this doctor has caused him. If you search the internet you will find many cases like this one.

    • Like 1
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  5. 24 minutes ago, Need Some Hair said:

    Thanks for you replies and suggestions. 

    I have been using Ketoconazole shampoo for years, but have not had much luck.  I have switched to a Zinc Pyrithione shampoo, but it is too soon to know if that will work.  There is a new Dermatologist I am going to see so hopefully she can give me some help.  I have heard from some quarters that having Seborrheic dermatitis is not a big deal for a HT, but others say it is.

    Are any of the above doctors easier to get an appointment with than others?

    I think with Hattingen, Bisanga, Maras , Lupanzula it would be easier to get an appointment or online consultation. Your diat is also very importand for your dermatitis, you should discuss this with your dermatologist. In any case it would be safer from every point of view to have this treated before getting a ht.

  6. 13 hours ago, botched said:

    I am realising now after sleeping properly how deluded I have been, both in the importance of my hair before and in my degree of hair loss and whether or not I was even a candidate, let alone a candidate for this ultra agressive hairline. I definitely have body dysmorphia and did not realise it.

    This is really bad. 



    Nobody can tell you anything about the results of your hairtransplant from these photos. Can you post some more photos and information about your process?

    • Like 1
  7. 47 minutes ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    A court of law is not going to get as granular as bad angles, multi grafts, etc. 

    The court's litmus test is going to be "did OP get disabled from this surgery. Has OP lost wages, etc."

    Also, consider we are on a hair transplant forum so naturally there is going to be an exaggerated amount ton of sympathy, support, understanding, etc. Op is preaching to the choir here lol. 

    In a court of law its going to be a much less sympathetic, much more black and white litmus test

    If OP had a legit claim, why isnt every botched patient suing their doctors?

    OP is hardly the first botched patient to consider the legal route

    If OP or every other patient decides to sue he doesnt need the judge to be a hairtransplant specialist to find his rights. There are experts that can testify about this and when its proven that this was medical malpractise and medical errors due to unawareness of the doctor, this brings compensation and even a revoke af the license of the doctor for some cases. You dont have to get disabled or lose money to find your rights in a legal process, this is not black or white and all cases are not the same.

    I dont know about sympathy but every judge has in the back of his head to stop any unkustice or wrong doing and definitely to protect other consumers from falling victim of getting harmed from unqualified doctors.

    There are many cases of patients that havesued and fot compensated after botched hairtransplant. There are cases of doctors and clinics that have lost there license after such botches due to medical malpractise, the reason why many clinics are willing to refund in such cases is also to avoid any legal action wich will bring much higher costs and other problems for the clinic.

    OP is definitely not the first botched patient who thinks or took legal action against such doctors.

  8. 41 minutes ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    I doubt you have an actual/true/legitimate legal claim that would hold up in a court of law. If you signed any sort of patient documents/claims prior to surgery, it pretty much kills your case. I'm certain it would have mentioned something along the lines of "this is a voluntary cosmetic surgery, results not guaranteed, etc."

    At most I think you will get refunded the 2500 euros. You can likely pressure the clinic to get this amount. It is such a small amount of money (relatively speaking) I don't think the clinic would vigorously fight it. I would be extremely surprised if you get anything more than that. 

    The clinic likely will not pay for future repair surgeries with a different clinic. Their reasoning will likely be "we have already offered you a free touchup, if you decline we are not going to be footing the bill for you to go elsewhere when we will do a touch up for free"

    It is an injustice, you have been wronged, and it is unfair, but the clinic likely has you be the b*lls unfortunately. The clinic likely wouldn't have operated on you in the first place if they risked massive liability. Their defense is in order - like all clinics - because they would have refused to operate on you if you didn't sign away any future rights/claims prior to surgery. 

    2 repair surgeries from a competent doctor will cost anywhere from 15k-40k euros, so I would budge5 for that to be safe...

    On the bright side, your surgery was ridiculously cheap in the 1st place (big red flag!!!) and if your hair transplant journey went the proper way you'd still be paying tens of thousands of dollars to begin with


    2500 euros for 500 grafts (in this case i think is less), comes to 5 euros per grafts. This is definitely not cheap, its the same price as couto.

    In a court of law if you can prove medical error or malpractice any papers you have signed before surgery doesnt mean much either.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Sharkz said:

    Hello guys, sorry the late update. I attach some photos here.

    Those are taken right after shower with wet hair , after a haircut.

    195 days post procedure ( 6.5 months).

    I am very pleased with the results but I hope that the hairline will thicken up in the coming months. I would like to hear your opinions .


    For 6,5 months you are exactly on point, you still have 6 months to get even more improvement. But even at this point your hairline looks extremely natural, this is the most important.

  10. 3 minutes ago, cptgetdrunk said:

    Hello all,

    I hope I am not missing something on the site, but it seems like it would be helpful to get recommendations of doctors/clinics at various price levels.

    I know I can find a list of recommended doctors here -> https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/dr-arika-bansal/patients, but there is no pricing information to help filter to each of our own budgets. I know budget shouldn't be the main concern when getting a medical procedure done, but realistically, it is a major deciding factor for many people about where they go. 

    Ideally, we could break this down by price per graft (1-2, 2-4, 4-6, 6-8) so it's easy for people to understand their options and not have to search the forum, find recommended doctors, contact the doctor, find out the cost is 30k and repeat. 

    Apologies if I am missing something, and this information is readily available. I'm just trying to make an informed decision and get the best HT I can afford.

    You can find the pricing for each doctor in their websites or on different threads in this forum. This is not difficult at all.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Need Some Hair said:

    Hi guys.  I have been on this site searching for some time, but this is my first post. I am a Norwood 2 and am on Finasteride and Minoxidil.

    I live in the US and have a reservation in a few months with HLC (estimated 1500 grafts), but I have been reading that maybe they are not so great and it makes me think I should go elsewhere.  I contacted Dr. Couto, Dr. Pinto, and Dr. Ferreira, but they are not taking online consults and told me to contact them next year.  I have heard on this forum that Bisanga, Zarev, Lorenzo, Ximena Villa, de Freitas, Maras and Laorwong are good options.  In addition, I have seen the page of surgeon suggestions on this forum.  It is a bit overwhelming.  My budget is $10K US, but I could go higher.  The main point for me, is too get it done right the first time.  I would appreciate the input of the forum.

    Also, I have seborrheic dermatitis in my donor area (not the recipient.  Does this mean I cannot get a hair transplant surgery?

    Thanks in advance.

    You have a good budget and as a NW 2 you wont need a big amount of grafts. If you can afford it my advice would be to avoid turkey and look some of the elite doctors in europe that will give you a much beter results. Pinto, Couto, de freitas are some of the best. Other doctors that you should look into are Bisanga and dr lupanzula in belgium, dr Muresanu from Hattingen hair in switzerland,  Maras at HDC in Cyprus, dr Zarev in Bulgaria, Mani mittal and dr edward ball in the uk. I think you should try and have consultations with multiple doctors and then make your decision.

    Seb. dermatitis needs to be treated before getting a hairtransplant. You should see a dermatologist and probably start with ketoconazole shampoo and anti-dandruff shampoos. Adjusting your diet to help prevent outbrakes and minimize the inflammation is also recommended.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Chair said:

    Spoke with Dr. K via email. He thinks the scar is too wide for another FUT as it wouldn’t harvest much donor hair because half of my scalp would need to be removed (my words). It would most likely result in stretching and leaving me with another wide scar. He recommends 2000 FU’s via FUE and another 300 from my beautiful chest hair (I buzz it so he can take it all for all I care!) to be placed into the scar. I’m thinking we should do 7000 from my chest and cover my whole head and make me look like mamoa guy, Eh I can dream. I do like that he is being conservative and not trying to over harvest like the clinics in turkey. I just hope 2000 FU’s to the hairline and front would be enough for a full dense look. 

    Konior is probably one of the best doctors you can choose for a hairtransplant or a repair and in my opinion one of the best in the world right now. The thing is that he gets amazing graft survival rate and 2000 grafts with him will look like 3000 grafts from another clinic.

    As for the chest hair your are lucky if you have it but i believe 300 grafts would be fine for the scar. Transplanting into scar tissue, its always better to go with a lower density and make sur that the blood supply is sufficient for these grafts to grow. The most cases of scar repairs ive seen like yours are done with somewhere 300-400 grafts and the coverage was good.

    Transplanting bodyhair into the recipient area, you always have to mix it with scalp hair in a ratio of 2:1. transplanting so many chest hair in the recipient area is not a good idea imo. If you decide to proceed with dr Konior you should discuss with him all these matters and make sure you dont have any question left without answer.

  13. Can you post some more pictures and details about your surgery? If the hairs on the hairline are moving they are placed too low but without pictures its really hard to judge. Also details about number of grafts, pictures before ht and consultations details can help us understand more.

    I"m sorry you are feeling this way but right now you dont need to panic.

  14. 32 minutes ago, Cainhurst73 said:

    Thanks for the responses. I worded my comment wrong. I understand that the donor area has to be shaved. I have no problem with that. I just don't want to shave my whole head.


    Hopefully someone can suggest a surgeon that does this kind of work

    In the uk look at edward ball, manni mittal, raghu reddy. In europe ther are doctors like couto, de freitas, pinto, bisanga, maras. Do a proper research and before proceeding its always better to have consultations with multiple doctors.

  15. 50 minutes ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    First, I want to say that i’m not invalidating your feelings.

    Who was the other doctor who operated on me without my consent?

    It’s fairly normal for clinics with multiple surgeons to jump in and assist when necessary. Not saying you shouldn’t have been advised of this beforehand. But I don’t know if you can call that misconduct, especially if it’s in the paperwork you sign. 

    Where are the missing grafts? Based on the combined area of the donor strips (59 cm²), I should have had at least 4000 grafts extracted. So, where are they?

    Where are you coming up with these numbers? Is it your assumption that you should have had at least 4,000 grafts? Did a surgeon tell you thats a number based on an in person examination?

    Like I mentioned earlier, having anonymous users eyeball numbers based on pictures is nothing more than speculation. Unless a surgeon used a trichoscope and measured the density in a particular cm2 strip, these numbers cannot be considered accurate.

    One of the biggest drawbacks with FUT is you can’t cherry pick grafts. For example, you might have mostly single-haired follicular units (fu) out of the strip. Which may have amounted to 2,700 grafts. 

    However, implanting that will leave a sparse appearance, so its possible he combined the single follicular units to add density. That’s how 2,700 grafts could be transplanted into 1700 sites. It’s not uncommon. Though, this should have been communicated during surgery. 

    I agree. An explanation would clear a lot of things up and wouldn’t leave this up to interpretation. 

    Second, a full refund. I feel completely violated and used as a training tool by Dr. Bloxham, seemingly for practice by another doctor and likely by other technicians. I can only believe that the misconduct of my surgery is due to this, and thus a full refund is in order.

    Unfortunately, hair transplantation is not an exact science. There’s a level of risk you are assuming as a patient. Clinics have you sign a copious amount of paperwork laying out that poor growth and scarring may occur, by signing you’re assuming the risk. For that reason alone clinics do not refund. There are no guarantees with surgery. 

    These are just my thoughts. If you want to find an amicable solution. Keep an open line of communication. If you only talk via a public forum, you’re not going to achieve the desired outcome. Even if you were to receive a full refund, the clinic would have to protect themselves and have you sign an NDA. But it’s already public here, i’m not sure that’s possible anymore. It’s always best to work with the clinic, rather than against them. Go in person, state your case, consult with other surgeons. Do not use this one thread on a public forum as your evidence, because it’s not. 

    How do you know that he had mostly singles on the strips and that he combined singles to add density?This sounds like assumptions to defend the doctor to me. This doctor is recommended in this forum and he should explain this situation publicly in this forum as it is demanded for doctors that are recommended here, otherwise there is no point for patients to present their cases here. Also if another doctor started making slits on the patients head to get training on fue this is definitely not ok.

    • Thanks 2
  16. 26 minutes ago, TimeForAChange said:

    Day 190

    I'm well above baseline in my opinion. However, there are still clear weak areas which I hope improve over the next 6 months. My hope is that the hair eventually matches the native hair on the sides although I do understand that an exact match isn't quite possible. The "bald spot" on the right side of my crown is still there unfortunately. I've stopped picking at it incessantly so I hope hair starts to fill it in. Note that all photos were taken after a buzzcut with a #3 guard. The bottom three photos are of the scar. The scar size isn't ideal as it's visible at a #3 guard. I'm planning on getting FUE surgery sometime in 2025 to get grafts into the scar as well as to reinforce my hairline. I'm probably going to back to Hasson and Wong as I want Dr. Wong to "finish the job". As an aside, I also want an eyebrow transplant (I made a separate thread asking for surgeon suggestions) but my second hair transplant will take priority over the eyebrow transplant. 






    Can you post some better pictures?

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