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Everything posted by bru

  1. 🤣🤣🤣 ur not wrong there. Not even bothered about squeezing them. Leave them alone 😁 Thanks
  2. Coming along nicely for you. Another month will make a big difference id say.
  3. Happy New Year all. Month 2 today for me as everyone says Month 2 is the worse it sure looks it. Still some redness and some shock loss but I did switch from topical finasteride to oral after the procedure to see how it went again so I'm guessing that could be some shedding aswell from that. And also started oral minoxidil. No sides of either so far thank god I tried to go in with a good mindset think that helped and this time I'm taken a full 1mg tablet rather that cutting them up. Might be something there. Anyway hopefully looking better in another month il post then 👍
  4. Hey just posting a 2 week update. Everything seems to be going fine started washing scabs on day 7 and it took 3 days maybe 5 washes to get them all off. It was easier than I thought it was going to be. Head still feels a bit numb in places but never had any pain just some itchiness which has stopped now. Started with aloe vera 2 days ago hopefully it will help with healing. First picture I post is donar after 3 days which I was surprised how quick it healed the rest are 2 weeks. There a couple with flash which is a bit clearer. Eugenix were onto me everyday for first seven days checking up and giving post procedure details and a couple times since.
  5. Looking great for 123 days. I'm sure everything will be good will the topical just stick with it even if u see some shed but u probably wont. It will kick in eventually.
  6. Congrats on the baby. I was following ur thread but haven't been on it for a while. Hair is looking great 👍
  7. Hi @Melvin- Admin good video you said you used conditioner. Do you not use shampoo at all to remove the scaps ?
  8. Thanks Melvin I prob should have asked that about the work. I was just happy after getting it done I forgot 😁👍
  9. Well Hello and a big thanks to everybody involved with forum. The creators and the people that post their threads. I was a bit lost and unsure until I found this place and got some great information. So I start noticing thinning maybe 6 or 7 years ago and found finasteride. But that didn't go well I think I got every side effect there is on it and obviously stopped went in panic mode thought my life was done for. It actually put me depressed for a while but thank god everything went back to normal. Except morning wood but that doesn't bother me much 🤣. Then probably like a lot of people I gave up and accepted it until late last year when it really started to bother me. I start talking to a couple of doctors who recommended topical finasteride. So I found a topical and minoxidil mix and started in January still a bit cautious after the last time but I have never had one side effect from it 🙏 I obviously knew I needed a transplant aswell I talked to a couple places in Turkey that I nearly went for but never actually felt comfortable with the choice. I was on reddit everyday but there's not really a structure on there I don't think. Not much help except for one day someone had a link up to here 😁 That was about 4 or 5 months ago and I'm on morning noon and night the missus wasn't to happy I think she will be delighted I finally got it done. So it didn't take long for me to choose Eugenix they had everything I was looking for. Good results and the way they care and look after people is what u need I think going into something like this. Start talking to them and got a video consultation with Dr Das which she basically said everything I was looking for and wanted to hear. So booked and paid deposit. I was originally quoted 3700 grafts through pictures and video calls but I think the topical really kicked in the last few months hence only 3135. The minute I met Dr Das in the reception she put her hand threw my hair and said that you only need about 3100 she was nearly bang on. I paid when I arrived in India the day before the procedure through bank transfer. So when we were done I didn't even have to mention it the care team was in with me saying we owe u a refund as you got less grafts which I thought was nice. So procedure itself I was called in at 3pm Tuesday we went threw all the pre ops blood pressure which was a bit high at first and blood for prp. So they told me to relax for a while got me a pizza. Checked again after that and I was good to go a few nerves I think. Got all the photos done changed into scrubs. Gave me a few tablets pain killer and a relaxer which defo chilled me out. Dr Das got 1600 slits done in my hairline area but there was oozing coming from there so she said we will go again tomorrow which I was fine with. Second day we went straight into it t 9.30 I didn't really ask much or say much I just felt the confidence in them and left them to it. The Doctor is always in and out checking on the technicians but they know what there doing. We didn't break till 3 but they kept asking me from early if I wanted to stop but I was grand. I actually thought then it would run into third day but they weren't stopping not rushing or anything just kept on going. I have admit at this point the needles for the numbing were getting a bit sore as my head in general was sore. But had to suck it up once u get the needle u feel no pain just the sensation. All in all a great experience, lovely people and just chilling now in my hotel. Any questions just ask so many threads have helped me maybe I can help someone 👍
  10. Looking great so far and the donar bounced back very well it looks as good as when u started out 👍
  11. Looking great so far pal u will be a new man soon enough 😀 👍
  12. Great video I love the point he made about giving his heart. I think that's all anybody wants is that the doctor gives his,her best during the procedure.
  13. Looks amazing so far great progress. I reckon it's gona be a good one. Looking forward to following your progress congrats.
  14. I think it looks great anyway perfect for what u needed congratulations.
  15. Looks great congrats u will be a new man 👍
  16. Good luck mate I'm sure all will go well. Will be following your journey heading there soon myself. Get a good sleep 👍
  17. Looks good mate congrats. I will be following your progress thanks.
  18. Again thanks for the reply. In your opinion what would be your plan for grafts for myself and where would you place them. I would appreciate your thoughts
  19. Tried to do video with comb but it wouldn't let me upload them
  20. Ok thanks I will let it grow out a bit and do that 👍
  21. Hi thanks for the reply and great information. I just read all your post and really enjoyed it and your hair looks brilliant a great job and I'm sure with the second phase it will be unrecognisable you ever had hair loss 👌 i think my hair has stabilised from when I start using the topical finasteride 7 months ago. I have been taking monthly photos and I also went for 5 prp and microneedling sessions over that period which I think helped. I am also thinking of starting on a lower dose of oral finasteride and see how it goes and give it a try. Il know quick enough how it goes as last time i think it was less than a week before i had to stop. Do you think I should still wait for another while before considering transplant. I was thinking November for transplant. Its a good time I think while in winter. Thank you for the list I will have a look at them all later but I am reading a lot of good stories on Eugenix at the moment i haven't come across a bad one yet they seem very good.
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