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Posts posted by Smoothy

  1. Agree w Fal. You do look improved from previous surgery. I have seen a photo of a patient several years ago w/Dr.Shapiro who looked similar to yours, and Shapiro did wonders. Now given you have had 6 HT--hopefully harvest in similar areas with only 1-2 scars, donor depletion might be valid now. Only a personal consult will give you options. FUE good choice as well.

  2. I remember a few years ago, Matt at Shapiro's office told me that their is evidence in some cases (maybe more than thought) regrowth not only occurs out to 12 months but maybe 18 months-- that said, the majority 80% within probably 8 months.

    For my self, and my procedures, I noticed extended regrowth into a year with my most recent, maybe that has to do with age or something. But enjoy the results.





    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    Zrii Daily

  3. You very rarely see a good reputable doctor take more than 1-2 patients a day. If they do alot of the work, they do not have time for more than 2 and if it is not a mega session. Some want the money and have their nurses do most of the graft placements while they are in other rooms harvesting, ect. I've even heard of one clinic where the doctor had his nurse do the receipiant site incensions??? All he did was harvest the donor strip, nurse closed incision, other nurses disceted (which most nurses do this), main nurse created recipient site incisions and implanted disceted grafts, the doctor just came in periodically to look at placement ect.--- AVOID this type of practice.

    Its not reasonable to think of even the best doctor doing every aspect of the HT but you want one that handles the harvest as that is extremely important as well as donor closure due to scarring. Also, the surgeon should do the receipient site incisions and placements.






    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    Zrii Daily

  4. Dewayne, A question with your regiment. You listed AndroGel as a part of yours. This is a surface level male hormone supplement. From my understanding this actually can cause hairloss. Do you take it for your HL (if so how has results been) or do you take it for bodybuilding benefits as I see you have weighlifting listed as well? Just wanted to get your personal feedback because I am familiar with the product, but know people react differently to different meds (heck thats how Viagra was discovered-- it was a BP drug w/a unique side effect).

    Thanks for your personal insight.





    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    Zrii Daily

  5. There are always risks with every procedure of any surgery for anything.

    HT are no different but given the almost non-evasive technique and out paitent, it is limited with HT>

    Outside of inexperience or bad HT surgeon who can cause all kinds of problems for the patient (bad hairline, poor graft angle placement, poor donor harvest and incession, spacing, ect)

    One could develop infection of donor site incession or receipent area infection if post op directions are not followed.

    One could have subQ infection at recp. site that lead to boil/pimple like which is easy treated with hot compress,

    If not stitched/staple appropriate, bleeding could occur.

    All of these are very very rare (expect for the boil infections which many have 1-2 during healing process)

    Just pick a great surgeon who is published, mentors other HT surgeons, viewed as leader in the field, does 100% HT AND follow post op instructions.





    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    Zrii Daily

  6. Echo Fal. For most, the HT growth starts a little thin in diameter, maybe wirery or coarse, then each month the hair shaft gets stronger and thicker in diamater-- this goes on up to 12-18 months for some. In time, it will be exactly the same texure as it is in the back of your head before donor harvest. Some have immediate thick hair, depends on a lot. How much time from harvest to implant, how much saline used to keep moist during disection, how much trama, ect. But rest assure, it will be the same in time.





    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    Zrii Daily

  7. I switched from Propecia to Proscar about 3 yrs ago after Dr Shapiro HT. Rx from my personal doctor. It saves a ton of money, make sure you get a good pill cutter at the pharmacy and cut into 4ths which is approx 1.25mg per piece cut. As far as effects, exactly the same as regular Propecia. Costs lot less and my insurance covered Proscar but not Propecia-- so just have a co-pay.





    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    Zrii Daily

  8. Scabs do not cause hair stop growing. The hair "bulb" is under the surface the scalp is basically surface level. However, scabbing will slow down the regrowth thus many surgeons suggest trying to keep scabs moist with saline or graphcite first week post op to lessen the scabbing. Also when scabbing occurs, let it heal/disolve naturally-- as if you assist too much you might be at risk of light scarring.





    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    Zrii Daily

  9. If you go to a good surgeon and have plenty of donor hair, there is no way to really tell. If you have limited donor, then a person who is used to seeing HT, like experience paitent or doctor, might be able to see some thin area in direct sunlight or utlraviolet lighting, but it will only look naturally thinning with a good surgeon and couldnt be seperated from natural thinning person? I too can tell 80% of HT I see because the are not "natural looking" I have seen a few that were good that I couldn tell.



    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    Zrii Daily

  10. MMA tonight, Afflication PPV 9ET, the best card top to bottom assembled (look under my post "Joe Rogan") Amazing card.

    You can TIVO the live Spike UFC show and watch it later after the PPV Afflication!

    Wonder what ad space for this forum would cost Pat on a PPV??? That is how Bodog.com became huge overnight-- they borrowed money for a one spot million dollar ad during SuperBowl and instant popularity!




    Propecia/Rogain xtra

    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    ZRII daily

  11. Diego Sanchez has to learn a stand up game and striking-- I love the kid but just dont think he is athletic enough to be TOP 5-- maybe TOP 20 but you never know. He did just marry the UFC ring girl-- so he'll be distracted for a while!

    Afflication tonight LIVE-- Trump has sold more press passes than other MMA event- internationally they cant wait! The card is STACKED with the best TOP to BOTTOM of any event

    Fedor-Tim Silva (Pride and UFC Champ)

    Andre Arvlosky (former UFC heavyweight Champ)

    Josh Barnett (frmer UFC Champ and Pride Open weight champ)

    Matt Lindland (2000 Olympic medialist dropping down to 180, owner w/Dan Henderson of TEAMQUEST)

    Ben Rothwell (IFL Champion)

    Babaloo (former UFC TOP 5, World Submission Champion)


    Best overall card ever put together- and Trump is paying these guys like boxers. Fedor getting $1.5mill, Silva 1.1mill, Andre $750k, no fighter getting less than $250k. Silva said he is making more on this 1 fight than he did w 4 fight contract as Champion w/UFC! Rampage last fight as champ only made $250K, Griffin who beat him $100k.

    As Trump said, the PPV and purse money need to go to the fighters, he will make his money with advertising/commericals/and Affliction merchandise.

    Watch out UFC.


    Also, UFC live Spike to TIVO

  12. Limmer is good, also there is a good doctor in Oklahoma City I believe who trained under the famous-now retired-Dr. Norwood. I think his name is Dr. Lehr-- he came on as partners and when Norwood retired bought the practice-- You might double check his name.




    Propecia/Rogain xtra

    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    ZRII daily

  13. You shouldnt have bandages on the receipant areas, might have one on the back donor are but most dont even do that anymore.


    Yes were a NEW CLEAN baseball cap, put on front back to avoid touching the surgery area-- might have to wear hat lower than normal. Take saline solution in small spraybottle or Graphcyte and go to bathroom once an hour to spray and keep moist-- especially if hot and might sweat.




    Propecia/Rogain xtra

    MSM/Saw Palmetto

    Nioxin Shampoo

    ZRII daily

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