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Posts posted by hairthere

  1. azza,

    with the amount of loss you had and the amount of grafts you recieved i am guessing you will need another procedure to really thicken up. definitely sit tight and give it the full year, if not 18 months before making a decision. in the meantime, have you tried dermatch? i have been using it post-op and my trick is that i apply it straight out of the shower, that way it covers up all the exposed spots evenly. i can then style it a bit more. good luck.

  2. I hate to break it to you, but families are suppossed to be supportive of each other. my entire family knows and they have really been there for me. i mean, these are the people who love you and you should be able to tell. also, if you have mpb, someones else in your family probably will suffer from it too. you can be in the unique position of helping a nephew or cousin or brother with all of your wonderful knowledge on the subject. and if they snicker? so what! once the ht is grown in i guarentee they'll be impressed. besides i'm sure if they just rib you a bit eventually they'll just forget about it.

  3. pilo, it's not the number of transplants a doc does, but the number of consistently ultra-refined hts he does. the docs i mentioned fall into that category. there are docs that are good who will get very little "press" on these forums. however, the docs that do get talked about a lot in a positive light you can rest assured are turning out amazing hts on a daily basis. personally i'd rather go to someone who had a lot of praise on these boards and who showed hundreds of fantstic results here.

  4. pilo, if you're going to travel here for the best, these are considered some of the top docs in the HT industry here in the US, Canada, and the world:


    Hasson and Wong, Rahal (Canada)

    Feller, Shapiro, Alexander (USA)


    i'm not sure why you insist on listening to your dermatoligist. has he/she ever had a transplant? i'm guessing not, but the guys on this board have plenty of experience, so listen up. choose wisely and best of luck!

  5. gator, you are breaking two of the most important rules when considering an HT: you are letting cost and travel determine who/where you go.


    if i were you i'd consult with some other docs like H&W, Feller, Shapiro, Rahal. Yes, you may have to travel, but most of these docs will pay part of the travel expense/lodging. regarding cost, just wait a bit longer for the HT and save some more. if you can save $8k surely you could save $10k.


    imo, both of these docs have quoted you on the low side graft-wise. your area of thinning in the crown alone looks like it would require at least 2500-3k grafts. the crown, known as the "blackhole" can consume a lot of grafs.


    do not rush into anything and do some more consults, online if need be. good luck.

  6. pilo, here's a list of some of the top ht docs in the world:


    Hasson and Wong (Canada)

    Rahal (Canada)

    Feller (New York)

    Shapiro (Minnessota)

    Alexander (Arizona)


    There are other docs out there, but I think most people on this forum would agree you will get a fantastic HT from any one of these docs. They are the only docs I would consider going to. Best of luck....

  7. You'll get great results with your hair type. make sure you have a solid gameplan for future loss/hts. your hair looks similar to rahal's posterboy, so i can understand why you'd consider him at the top of your list. i'd definitely consult feller too and keep alexander at the top.

  8. I've been scouring these forums in earnest over the past few weeks and cannot begin to convey how enriched I feel with the abundance of honesty and support from you wonderful folks.


    So, as my appointment for my first HT is rapidly approaching (with a well regarded coalition surgeon), and I am feeling the onset of some natural anxieties, I've decided to take the plunge and post and see if anyone has any advice for me.


    weeks is not a lot of research time when it comes to hts either. don't jump into anything...

  9. I'm not sure 1800 grafts is going to do much for you. your nw pattern is clearly defined and pretty far advanced. if your few existing native hairs are lost to shockloss then they were likely destined to go soon anyway. if i were in your shoes and going for an ht i'd try and pull as many grafts as possible (4k+). the first docs i would consult would be h&W just because they seem to have a great track record for super high megasessions. that's not to say they can definitely get 4k grafts from you though. i'd also plan for 2 sessions concentrating on the front then the back in session 2. i just don't see the point in doing a half-assed ht with your level of balding....

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