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Everything posted by FallenIdol

  1. It’s a very impressive result. You look very young, and given the retrograde alopecia on the sides, you should consider at least taking oral minoxidil to preserve this result and help retain the rest of your hair. It’s generally very well tolerated.
  2. Looking great. Shaping up to be a really nice hairline, with lots of soft singles that make it completely natural looking. Solid work from Dr Pinto.
  3. Thanks for updating with your progress, you’ve got a great, natural looking restored hairline here!
  4. Any updates? Would love to see how this turned out for you!
  5. A great result, and there’s no hiding any weaknesses with wet hair and direct light like this. If you are inclined, it would also be good to see pictures with dry hair at some point, as I’d bet the result looks even better in regular everyday conditions. Congrats!
  6. This is great. By 2 months you already looked highly presentable with no signs of “ugly duckling”, and the 3 month photos look like someone with negligible (if any) hair loss and no signs of a transplant at either the recipient or donor. This is set to be an amazing outcome.
  7. Your result was really very good, so it’s possible this could be due to anagen desynchronisation, that can occur the year after a transplant. There are videos on this forum that explain the concept if you use the search function.
  8. Hi Keviin, last we heard from you you were nearing 5 months. Any updates?
  9. Pure Barry big man. Your heid’s lookin’ brand new. Cured! (google translate should facilitate the interpretation of this post for any non-Glaswegian readers)
  10. It looks really great to me, even with wet hair and very close up. With dry hair and a little bit of matt hair clay I’d bet this looks phenomenal. Congrats!
  11. The images aren’t showing up (at least for me!). Might be a technical issue
  12. Thank you! It’s good that you have barely any residual redness left in the recipient sites. Looking forward to seeing your results as there’s been some very good outcomes, from fuegenix on here
  13. Are you based in the Netherlands or did you travel far to get this done? Did you have much of a wait between the consultation and surgery? Thanks!
  14. Looks like a very natural full head of hair. Really great result!
  15. @Hairmagic — you’ve got a phenomenal result here! I know you said you probably wouldn’t have time to respond to questions, but if you have a chance — did you initially experience shock loss of your native hair in the crown where you didn’t receive any grafts? From the limited pre-op photos it looked like the crown was thick, then thin early post op, and now thick again. Thanks
  16. Looks really great. I knew straight away you were from Glasgow from your initial photos btw — the buildings outside your window are instantly recognizable!
  17. It’s a pretty amazing result. Even if this was the end result (and I don’t doubt there’s more to come) it’s very impressive. Congratulations
  18. You didn’t at all! Just complimenting an outstanding result and very impressed by how it’s all gone so smoothly!
  19. Although I see what you mean about the subtle difference the lighting makes here, I'd just like to reiterate that this hairline already looks phenomenal. You look like you've had the ideal hair transplant experience -- quick healing, minimal ugly-duck, highly presentable appearance at around 2 months, and a 5 month result that anyone would love to have at 1 year!
  20. Hi @BuellerBueller Would be great to see the one-year end result for this if you get a chance some time. Was already looking great on your last post
  21. They did an amazing job. I’d never guess this was a transplant
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