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Posts posted by Petchski

  1. Originally posted by Geomarq:

    This is good timing for me as I was recently quoted $3.50/graft for 1500 grafts in the Hartford/CT area.


    In December I met a/ Bosley rep who quoted me $5.50 "end of the year special" if I got it done by 2008.


    What's normal for this amount of grafts? Should I be concerned?


    Be very concerned, any HT clinic offering 'special offers' etc are always untrustworthy...can't you see that that is a sales technique? the top docs don't need to stoop so low

  2. Guys can go in to a prolonged depression when they realise they are going bald, this could potentially drive away any partner...


    Just to add to this thread...


    I believe women do like taller men, as opposed to tall men... what i have not seen mentioned is the fact that it is relative. Women like men to be taller than them, many women are 5'7 and under, as long as your a few inches taller or as tall, then there is not really a big problem.

  3. DHT is the main cause of hairloss, if you have problems taking fin then you need a topical anti androgen.


    Proxiphen has minox, spiro (anti androgen) SOD, retin a


    you could try promox, which is fin and minox i believe, but topical or go for flurdil, xandrox15plus...


    Basically you need a topical anti androgen, you'll have to look the rest up.

  4. Word up yo,


    Alright you got me, i'm no badass. I'm due for surgery in a few weeks time and obviously apprehensive but looking forward to getting it done at the same time, but i realised i don't actually know what the failure rate is with H/T's?


    I know it's a subjective question, if you go to a hair mill your chances of failure, and by that i mean no to poor growth, are increased, but i'm going to a coalition doc, so what are the chances of poor growth as a percentage?


    Anyone care to indulge me?

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