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Posts posted by Petchski

  1. New-me - great, you've said it...the best docs don't need to advertise, there i said that. Big deal.


    Also, no one is going to trust you implicitly because you have 3 posts, no photos, and no one knows who you are from Adam, you're a doctor, great we'll take your word for it. All I will say is carry on doing more research on Dr Pistone. You are doing the right thing by looking around on the net and going for numerous consultations

  2. Hey guys, thanks for the comments!! Only got home today and currently nursing two puffy eyes, my skill at deception has twisted it in to a food allergy....no idea if a food allergy can give you puffed up eyes. but it seems to work so far.


    CB - It will be this Thursday 8th Feb, and it's staples though, not sutures, lookin forward to having them out already!


    AdamB - Yes mate, i noticed your thread earlier, definitely be keeping an eye on your blog


    Tubs - home sweet home, apart from the unpaid bills that I opened earlier.


    Balody - more down to a question of money, but I wanted to go conservative, can always lower later on. Dr F got an extra 300 grafts from my strip and being the gentleman he is, he put them in for free.


    mmhce - Thanks, I just let Feller do his thing. Look forward to seeing the work you have done, any date as yet?


    Bill - Why I thank you, i'm blushing, can i borrow your foundation icon_smile.gif


    Eman, cheers buddy, downtime is a bitch, but i have my NY Yankees hat that Dr f gave me to hide behind and if anyone is interested i'm working on a book called "a million and one excuses" especially for the post h/t stage...so far a i have, "sorry, i can't come out tonight, the dog has eaten all my clothes" still working on number 2...

  3. I flew across the pond to see Dr Feller, a journey seemingly trod by many an Englishman. We don't have any H/T docs of his

    calibre, so he has been adopted by our people icon_smile.gif


    When i showed up on Monday morning i had not yet had a chance to go over the finer details of what i want. In my head

    i'd assumed that he would work on zone 1 and rebuild my hairline, but by the end of the day Dr Feller and his team had

    1800 grafts, which enabled him to go right back in to zone 1,2,and 3, which is more than i expected, leaving me pleasantly

    surprised. The procedure went well and his team worked away sowing my graphs in to the many tiny slits Dr Feller had made.

    Like i had read many times the worst part of the procedure was the injections, some find them worse than others but no big

    deal in the scheme of things. All in all the experience was top notce and ilook forward to seeing the growth slowly

    coming in over the next 8 months.


    Thank you Dr Feller and his team, and not forgetting Spex


    961104211_6F7D42DE5D8767F806788133231FFAC9.jpg.thumb 941104211_282557151157CD9C671F22B040590697.jpg.thumb 922104211_E76A3FD33C2BF6AD2DD04103180E7688.jpg.thumb 880104211_03DEB5C7C079A02662CA38E6A9F04D82.jpg.thumb 860104211_AA3ACD20B8504A9E51FA6853191B7DA7.jpg.thumb 790104211_8DDEB2821E6B93B534D94C26A693B2F4.jpg.thumb 712104211_4835D7E2D839CCB9A4CAC0998FEAC3FC.jpg.thumb 711104211_0BC7EFC0C854418EC119B1C2B94A026F.jpg.thumb 701104211_263FB1CBC6AB270AF421F2B883310CED.jpg.thumb 602104211_7732D4D64BC80022714E1871C437CC2E.jpg.thumb 521104211_524DCFB577CDC6086CEA9B1EE68032E2.jpg.thumb 490104211_300089F33AFC3C0FF90159C65467F3ED.jpg.thumb 461104211_4A5440B7D23B798DEED571ABE28B167B.jpg.thumb 411104211_B21C016D8DC1DA41DE1BBC44D3477A01.jpg.thumb 281104211_8130DDBE61047775F9CFFB3F65230058.jpg.thumb 190104211_61961607006A415BE61E97B99CAEF0C2.jpg.thumb 141104211_A62D6914B45DBD005C17CF90AC93C833.jpg.thumb 102104211_D601BB85B14877FC5C24AECAC641D2BB.jpg.thumb



  4. Originally posted by Mike78:
    Hair Club for Men's EXT treatment.




    I noticed your post & thought I give you some feedback.


    I have taken the Hair Club for Men's EXT treatment & got really great results now. Before I enrolled in the program I started to noticed my hair thinning at the age of 21 & then at the age of 22 more hair started falling out which really scarred me. I tried serveral hair products & none seem to work. My co-worker told me about the Hair Club for Mens EXT so I researched it & thought I give is a shot so I enrolled in the program. I was skeptic at first but then had nothing to lose so I went for it. After being in the program for 3 months I started to see little fuzzy hairs growing in my crown area. After 6 months my hair started thickening which was amazing.


    If you want more information on this let me know or want to know where I went to enroll in the program. I wish you the best of luck & don't give up.




    *cough, Shill!


    Yeah you got nothing to lose except a wad of cash and the fact that you can buy rogain as cheap as chips anywhere, also all the other ingredients off the internet for a 10th of the price.

  5. I would not say his transplant (1st one) looks natural and some of the grafts can be seen, but i there is much worse out there! If you wear your hair down I don't think anyone would know, but i bet the wind is indeed an enemy.


    I'd look to get it repaired as soon as you can afford it, otherwise it will play on your mind judging by the tone of your posts.

  6. Originally posted by radioh:

    Hi guys,

    I am thinking seriously of using DHI. I went to the Beacon Clinic in Dublin the other week and met with the DHI doctor. I think he was from greece but I was quite impressed with him. He said i needed to procedures (done in the same) day at a cost of 6k in Dublin and 5k in Athens. He seemed to be pushing the Athens route. Im still not 100% sure if im going to do this and some of the mails here are worrying.

    I met with that Dr Kiely before and was totally unimpressed. On consulting a hair professional subsequently he told me some horror stories about his work so my advice would be to avoid him.

    DHI seems to be the best but i think i need a bit more reassurance!!!


    Open your eyes and run for the hills! DHI are clearly robbing butchers.

  7. Hey Jon, hey Dean, How's life in Shills-ville?


    I went to DHI in Greece too, and now I get mistaken for a lion I have so much hair, unfortunately i'm often chased by zoo keepers and spend most of my time on tranquillisers while waking up behind bars icon_biggrin.gif


    Malcolm Mendelsohn will also suck you off while you are being operated on, DHI Rock, yeahhhhhhhhh icon_rolleyes.gif

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