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Posts posted by Petchski

  1. mmhce - I have been very careful, even been ducking really low and sliding out of the car, probably look slightly crazy doing it, but if you do bang your head it's more than likely going to be getting out of the car.


    Spex, that's good news, I thought as much, but you can't beat the calming words of a h/t vet

  2. I think the amount of staples you have depends on the size of the strip cut out of your head. Dr F mentioned the way he took the strip out of my head was the best way to minimise tension. I didn't really ask too much about it. He said I bled the amount of a nose bleed, which was more than most, but added that I clotted really well.


    The only obstacle he had was cutting through some scar material, where most of the bleeding came from, but the scar looks very neat and tidy.


    edit2add - cheers, I love Churchill's quotes. He was a great man

  3. You'll have to wait, but just because there have been bad results from that clinic does not mean yours will be.


    Be good if you could go into detail about the procedure or create a web blog, be helpful for others considering Bosely, especially if it's not as good as it should be, but I hope for you it works out well.

  4. Just read this again on one of Spex's posts,


    "Scabbing and Shedding Grafts


    Once the grafts are placed into the recipient area, the grafts are held in by fibrin, produced by a chemical reaction in serum when the graft sites are made. Typically, the grafts will become fully secure by the eighth day. Scabs will begin to form the day after surgery. On average, scabs will remain present for up to 10 days.


    If a scab falls out and there is a hair present in the scab, this is completely normal. As long as blood is not present and tissue does not appear around the hair, assume the graft is fine. Once the scabs have completely disappeared, you will have the appearance of a buzz cut. Within the next 2-6 weeks, these hairs will begin to shed and the recipient area will appear as it was prior to surgery. The grafts are merely in a resting phase and will begin its growth cycle in approximately 3 months."


    I'm 11 days post op now and still have some scabs on my head, more like dry skin with a thin layer of scab material.


    It's all quite loose, and definitely ready to come off, but when I use my nail to pick it off there are sometimes hair grafts in the scab.I know they are probably fine, but I feel I don't want to risk it just in case... I do clean the recipient area well, but some still stay on...


    How did you get rid of the scabs? did they just fall off on their own account? or did you use some method to help ease them off...the skin below the healed but slightly red, there has been no blood.


    Guess i'm just looking for some reassurance icon_confused.gif

  5. Just read this again on one of Spex's posts,


    "Scabbing and Shedding Grafts


    Once the grafts are placed into the recipient area, the grafts are held in by fibrin, produced by a chemical reaction in serum when the graft sites are made. Typically, the grafts will become fully secure by the eighth day. Scabs will begin to form the day after surgery. On average, scabs will remain present for up to 10 days.


    If a scab falls out and there is a hair present in the scab, this is completely normal. As long as blood is not present and tissue does not appear around the hair, assume the graft is fine. Once the scabs have completely disappeared, you will have the appearance of a buzz cut. Within the next 2-6 weeks, these hairs will begin to shed and the recipient area will appear as it was prior to surgery. The grafts are merely in a resting phase and will begin its growth cycle in approximately 3 months."


    I'm 11 days post op now and still have some scabs on my head, more like dry skin with a thin layer of scab material.


    It's all quite loose, and definitely ready to come off, but when I use my nail to pick it off there are sometimes hair grafts in the scab.I know they are probably fine, but I feel I don't want to risk it just in case... I do clean the recipient area well, but some still stay on...


    How did you get rid of the scabs? did they just fall off on their own account? or did you use some method to help ease them off...the skin below the healed but slightly red, there has been no blood.


    Guess i'm just looking for some reassurance icon_confused.gif

  6. Originally posted by Petchski:

    I'm currently having a real hard time getting these staples out. I thought it was my mothers' bad technique, who I had do it as she is the only one that knows i've had a transplant, not got any out yet, tried soaking the area, but these damn things don't want to come out, really does feel like pulling teeth at this point.


    I'll try again later, but I thought thy would just slide out out, no chance.


    The deed is done, did it myself in the end, mirror in one hand, staple remover in the other...battled through the arm ache and now sitting here with a much deserved bottle of Becks.


    Hallelujah icon_cool.gif

  7. I'm currently having a real hard time getting these staples out. I thought it was my mothers' bad technique, who I had do it as she is the only one that knows i've had a transplant, not got any out yet, tried soaking the area, but these damn things don't want to come out, really does feel like pulling teeth at this point.


    I'll try again later, but I thought thy would just slide out out, no chance.

  8. Incidentally, I do have a White Sox hat! I'll rotate to keep the peace.


    Out of all the American sports, Am football, boring, hockey, nah, basketball, nah, baseball, yeah okay, if I lived in America i'd definitely follow baseball.


    Also, America football is getting more popular in the UK, they even had a write up in the national newspapers on the game and advertised it on the sports channels.


    Answering an earlier question - Dr F didn't work on the forelock bit because it was thick enough and he didn't want to transect any follicles...and i'll go back and fill it in when it thins out, hopefully a good while, using propecia and rogaine with good success

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