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Everything posted by consequence

  1. This was at .. 7 months? Quite a jump from 5.5 mo! Any updates?
  2. Sooo which of the four names you mentioned sent you that e-mail? I can kind of guess from the tone. 🫠 Definitely keep us updated.
  3. @track_rat Did you keep seeing Konior to reverse Eugenix's work? How is everything?
  4. Sometimes FUEs may not be as consistent FUTs, though Konior certainly has had success with both. @sbguy01 if you ever come back, please update us as to where things ended up and if you went back for a second pass etc. I hope things turned out okay.
  5. I'm not sure if you're coming back, but if you do let us know if any further procedures.
  6. I know this is an insanely ancient post from a bygone era but I had to bump this. Advice from a quarter century ago, every bit as relevant today.
  7. What a ride. Regarding rejections, I got denied by some surgeons that had accepted me when I sent them pics a few years prior (and my hairloss hadn't changed between the two time points). Surgeons can be really touchy, sometimes I think it just depends on their mood the day they look at your pics, or if you remind them of a case they struggled with -- ie. you could have just been beyond their skill level. I wouldn't take that to heart. And look at the results you got. Amazeballs. Keep us updated. Your final result is going to be something special I suspect.
  8. Very interesting that you say you think they developed in response to microneedling. Almost like you overdid your own collagen production. But maybe also the first time you rolled something over your head repeatedly and noticed your scalp's shape. Doesn't matter, who's going to see with that thick rug.
  9. Pekiner should change his name to peakiner because he's at the top. Wolverine level recovery. The ridges you talked about earlier: I think might be something called cutis verticis gyrata.
  10. I'm not sure if you answered this already but did Zarev do all of the implantation and extraction himself? With the size I'm assuming extraction at least was techs?
  11. It's so interesting how dense it looks from the front and sides but from the top you can see all the real estate. Remarkable illusion. Happy growing.
  12. I love that you basically got JFK Jr. hair and you find the one imperfection. Congrats on an insane result.
  13. Man you are one moody miserable cuss. Half of what you say contradicts itself, you generalize your perceived experience at one clinic as reflective of an entire country of a billion people (and the third world in general), you're rude and dismissive to other forum members and you generally come across as disingenuous. You being a UK Indian or whatever doesn't make insulting India okay. It makes it worse. This whole lateral hump thing that you keep claiming seems sketch af. One moment you say you asked them to stop the procedure prematurely, then the next you say you pointed out to them that they stopped the procedure prematurely. Pick a lane man. And frankly, look at your results -- Eugenix did world class work on you. You've got hair that most people on this forum would kill for. Show some f*cking gratitude. I'm not saying your complaints are even inaccurate. You may be spot on, Eugenix seems like it's expanding at a massive rate and maybe you didn't get the personalized MD attention you thought you paid for. But that's not the point. Even if you have a complaint about a clinic, there's a way to express it with grace and humility rather than with arrogance and disdain. The amount of self entitlement and childishness you've shown in this thread is truly astounding. And in case you're not putting it together, let me just ask you this: do you think any surgeon that uses this forum is going to want to work on you when it comes time for a repeat procedure down the line? You're a nightmare patient.
  14. Try taking pics not on selfie mode. Instead, try to hold the camera backwards and take the picture with the back of the camera facing towards you. It's a little physically awkward but usually much higher resolution on older iPhones. Very hard to see what's going on with the grainy washed out images you submitted, but definitely keep us updated.
  15. Do you have a pen that you recommend in particular? Something like this one? I tried minoxidil foam in the past but gave it up because it was too messy and sticky, and it gave me facial swelling/red eyes. I may give it another go though, who knows. Oral minox has been a game changer for me. Thanks for the suggestions!
  16. That's a fair point. 😬 I'm at 24 weeks which is 6 "Februaries" but 11/29 would be my actual 6 months.
  17. There have been a few studies as of late suggesting that it improves blood flow to the hair follicle (dermal papillae), but they are extremely preliminary -- the one I linked is only in vitro and animal models, and humans are not small furry rodents. Dr. Leal in Brazil apparently recommends its use in his high density patients. I haven't looked too much at his patient submitted cases, but the one thread I saw that mentioned the Viagra was a high density packing and Leal hit it out of the park. I think a lot of people will be on the combination soon as finasteride/dutasteride can cause ED anyways, so it's a nice synergy.
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