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Sunset Dune

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Posts posted by Sunset Dune

  1. 4 hours ago, toon_toon said:

    I would never choose H&W. Many poor results from them over the last years.

    Konior seems more safe than H&W, but 35.000USD (or whatever he charges) is just crazy. 
    I have also studied many of his results, and I can’t say they are better than Laorwong.

    In a given scenario where price and location were the same, I would choose Laorwong any day.

    That’s your opinion, a few results you may have seen online doesn’t change the fact that H&W are still one of the best clinics in the world. 

    Comparing Laorwong to Konior is insane, they aren’t even on the same level. No offense to anyone who went to Laorwong, he was virtually unheard of just a few years ago and the thought of going to Thailand for a HT doesn’t sound like the best idea.

  2. 15 hours ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    I apply it at night as well. Right after my shower. I wake up, my hair doesn’t look messy at all. I think topical dut causes less sides because it penetrates slowly.

    This is all speculation, but I think topical dut reduces systemic DHT gradually. Your body probably doesn’t notice it. Because the drug molecule is large, it doesn’t penetrate right away like finasteride. This gives your body time to adjust, so you don’t experience side effects. I think side effects occur from the sudden drop in DHT. Just my speculation.

    Do you take a shower in the morning when you wake up? The gel needs to be on the scalp for at least 12-14 hours 

  3. 15 hours ago, Mauricio said:

    I apply the Top Dutasteride at night before bed so no issues with messy hair. I tried Oral Finasteride many times and eventually got sexual side effects. If I was to switch, I'd rather do so to Xyon's Top Finasteride with 20 times less systemic exposure than oral. Maybe for some people Top Finasteride works better than Top Dutasteride. Eventhough I haven't been impressed with results from Xyon's top Dutasteride at 6 months, I'm going to give it a few more months, because from Dr Hasson's office someone told me that it takes longer for Top Dut to work than Top Finasteride,  but in the long term the results have been better with Top Dutasteride. 

    Kevin Mann has said that Oral Dutasteride (based on studies) is more effective than Oral Finasteride, but he prefers Oral Finasteride because it's working well for him and it has been studied more for AA than Oral Dutasteride. I've never heard him saying that he thinks finasteride is more effective though. He did mention that Oral Dutasteride seems to cause less side effects than oral finasteride based on studies. 

    Were you using generic or brand name? Some studies say generic Finasteride has a higher chance of side effects compared to brand name Propecia. 


    16 hours ago, Mauricio said:

    At Dr Hasson's office they were using Top Dutasteride before Xyon oficially released it. 

    I forgot to mentioned that my DHT went down almost 40% after starting Xyon's Dut. I test my hormones at least twice a year. So it definitely goes systemic, but I haven't had any side effects at all. If anything my sex performance is better. According to Xyon's study on Top Dutasteride they found around 5% Dutasteride in the serum vrs Oral 0.5mg of Dutasteride. So that 5% serum exposure might be enough to cause a reasonable drop in serum DHT. 

    I'm actually considering switching to oral Dutasteride 0.5mg , but nervous about causing side effects with 20 times the systemic exposure. Has anyone found studies on how much Topical Dut drops scalp DHT?


    I’ve been using Xyon Dutasteride everyday for nearly 5 months, I usually use more than 1 pump to get the gel all over the thinner areas of my scalp front and top. I just use my fingertip to spread it directly on different areas of the scalp. Doesn’t really look like there’s any difference to my crown yet, my front does look a lot thicker but that’s probably from the hair transplant. 

    The topical gel makes hair look messy, it’s not the best look and isn’t as convenient as swallowing a pill so I might also consider switching to oral Finasteride (specifically brand name Propecia) if I don’t see any cosmetic difference. I’ll give it 18 months and then switch to oral Propecia.
     I personally wouldn’t recommend switching straight to oral dutasteride, try Finasteride (Propecia, not generic) first to see how you’ll tolerate the medicine if there actually are any side effects. Kevin Mann from hair cafe says dutasteride is actually inferior to Finasteride.

  5. 11 hours ago, Mauricio said:

    I've been on Xyon's Dutasteride for almost 6 months now. So far, just maintaining and no significant regrowth. Someone at Dr Hasson's office told me that Top Dut takes a bit longer than their Top Finasteride to yield results, but over the long term they are seeing better results with the Top Dutasteride with less side effects. He told me he personally saw a cosmetically significant thickening at 22 months! My guess is that Top Dut takes longer to accumulate/reach steady state at the scalp level than Finasteride. 

    I apply one pump by first rubbing it on my fingers and then apply it from front to back. One pump is enough to cover the whole top of my scalp. 

    Xyons topical dutasteride hasn’t been out for 22 months, I don’t see how that’s an accurate statement. 

    There are studies that say dutasteride works better for the front and Finasteride is better for the crown. 

  6. 4 hours ago, wprevil said:

    Appreciate the feedback as it makes sense. Just trying to understand how the process works. I got a question. Do you think baldness happens to white guys like Perez more often than other groups? I ask because I dont see arabs and italians with hair loss.

    Also I've seen homeless people with no hair loss. Has anyone else seen this phenomenon?



    There are lots of Arabs and Italians with hair loss. 

  7. You have very aggressive hair loss at only 22 it’s very unlikely your hair loss has fully stabilized with meds. Finasteride can lose efficacy and may not be sufficient enough for someone with aggressive balding such as yourself. You definitely should consider “upgrading” to dutasteride and you may start seeing more visible hair growth within a year of daily use. Given your aggressive MPB you may want to use topical and oral dutasteride together at the same time.  

    It’s irrelevant what some people “think” of H&W, they are still one of the best HT clinics in the world and Dr. Hasson is an elite surgeon, a few results you might have seen online doesn’t change that fact. 

    Your head looks better compared to pre-OP, the results will continue to improve it can take up to 18 months for some people but given your case you already know you  needed a second procedure. You should have the second procedure with the same clinic, Dr. Hasson is already familiar with your case and I’m more than confident you will get the results your seeking.  

    I only trust two surgeons in entire North America, that’s Konior and Hasson, if you decide to go to Konior for a second transplant your result won’t be that much different and he uses less grafts so actual density won’t be as much as Hasson.
    As for FUT, I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re fine with having a linear scar on the back of your head for the rest of your life. Don’t ever think about shaving your head in the future regardless if you get an FUT or not, that sort of attitude is just submitting your loss to MPB.  

    The only thing that surprises me here is why Dr. Hasson didn’t focus only on the front instead of using extra grafts for the crown unless you specifically requested this. You did all your due diligence before getting a HT but the only mistake you made was asking for grafts in both the crown and front which will decrease over all density, had you only received grafts on the front you would have had a better aesthetic improvement.  Medication can improve the crown on its own buts it’s much more difficult to improve the front on meds if you are that far gone. 

    Definitely add Keto shampoo into your regimen but don’t start it until at least month 12 post op. You don’t want to take any risk damaging the grafts since Keto can be very harsh on the scalp.  

    I personally wouldn’t add beard hairs to the scalp unless you have no other choice, beard hairs will never look as “natural” as actual scalp hairs. 

    Your frustration is understandable but this whole idea about “looking your best in your 20s” is nonsense you will care about your looks just as much when you’re 40. You might spend your 20s alone fighting hair loss but if you discipline yourself by working out focusing on yourself and focusing on work and earning lots of money (for yourself and hair transplants) you will prevail in the end and you can start a brand new life by the time your 30.

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  8. There is a single hair strand that is completely different in texture and color from the rest of my hair (black hair). It looks almost white in appearance and the hair just sticks out, it doesn’t lay flat, can’t be styled or anything. I condition my hair frequently and it doesn’t make any difference.

    I have to hide the strand under the rest of my hair for it not to be  noticeable. This is bothering me, I’m resisting the need to pluck it out because I don’t want to damage my scalp and I’m afraid it will just grow back again. I’ve never had any problem like this before surgery and the appearance of this hair strand is very unappealing.

    Is there any reason that may have caused this? Any remedy? I fear with cutting or even plucking the hair out it’s going to keep returning.

  9. It makes sense for topical to be more effective than oral minoxidil, I honestly wouldn’t recommend taking any form of minoxidil at all unless you have a weak donor. 

    In the long term, Minoxidil causes heart problems, early aging, and once you start it you’re in it for life otherwise your hair returns to a worse condition than it was before. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Legend007 said:

    I think it’s cuz u don’t have a bald area, it’s just thinning, n will be bald later:

    if they do it now, it’s going to make ur current native hair fall out faster wherever they transplant the new hair.

    from my own personal experience, i had a thinning hairline, where the hairs were still there, but it just won’t grow that long anymore n wasn’t cosmetically pleasing.. and when they transplant into it, for the first year, those thinning native  hairs helped the transplanted hair, so I had a nice strong frontal hairline for a good year after the transplant.. but all those native hairs died out pretty quickly after that n only the transplanted hair is left in the hairline, so it doesn’t look full anymore.. 

    That’s just the nature of the beast, cost n gain is minimalized when u still have native hair there .. 

    weren’t you taking any medication to prevent the thinning native hairs from falling out?

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