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Sunset Dune

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Posts posted by Sunset Dune

  1. On 12/29/2023 at 5:14 AM, Stilgar said:

    Cool 🤣. I have another question, You seem to have an almost perfect Vertex and Crown (which will probably be maintained since you are on Fin), i.e. your hair loss is limited to your frontal third and mid-scalp, why haven't you asked for a more aggressive hairline and maybe some work on the temples as well? like this guy in this video

    Thanks to fin, it seems to be really good at preserving the crown and vertex areas…I wish I got on it sooner…

  2. 16 hours ago, Mauricio said:

    I've been considering switching to oral Dutasteride 3 or 4 times a week, but because I had side effects with oral finasteride, I'm hesitating. Dr Hasson said in the interview with Melvin that they have seen better results with their Topical Finasteride than with Oral Finasteride, especially in the front. I believe him, so a better alternative for me might be to switch to their Finasteride/Minox combo, if I don't see regrowth in the next few months with their Top Dutasteride. Topical Finasteride has lots of studies proving its effectiveness, whereas Topical Dutasteride has none, at least that I'm aware of. The only person that I know that has seen regrowth with Top Dutasteride is Melvin, but he's also on oral Minoxidil. For me, I guess it's keeping my existing hair, but haven't been impressed so far. 

    I would give the topical dutasteride more time, Dr. Hasson personally recommended the topical Dut to me after the transplant.
    He believes it is superior to the finasteride topical, I trust him so I’m going to keep using it and see where things go.

  3. 5 hours ago, Mauricio said:

    They didn't say by how much efficacy is reduced.  They probably don't know since it's hard to measure that. I wouldn't risk using it after 6 months. 

    They responded that they currently have no plans to release Minox/Dut combo. 

    How are you responding to their Dutasteride?

    My front looks a lot thicker but that also might be due to the hair transplant (I had 4000 grafts for the front by Dr. Hasson) though I do think it’s doing a good job retaining my existing hairs.

    I still have a thin patch on the crown, I haven’t noticed much regrowth for the crown but it doesn’t seem to have gotten worse either.

    I’ve been using the topical Dut every day for 6 months now.

    I’m slightly disappointed they aren’t going to release a Min/DUT combo.. I’ve never used minoxidil but I’m beginning to consider it. 
    I’m probably going to hold off on minoxidil until at least 15 months after my hair transplant because of the initial shed caused by minoxidil. I don’t want to tamper with my final results, I’m still at 9 months post op. 

    If I ever notice I’m still losing ground on topical Dut I’ll switch to the oral form but I’ll probably start off with Finasteride first. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Mauricio said:


    At Xyon they told me that it's good for 6 months after compounded. After that, it loses its effectiveness. 

    By how much efficacy? 
    Also, have they ever mentioned anything about when they would release a Minoxidil/Dutasteride combo like they did with their Finasteride topical?

  5. I’ll be blunt, this is not going to be dense result and it doesn’t look like 3300 grafts were used either. Your hairs will end up looking sparse at the 12 months final result. 
    If you have a weak donor they should have never tried extracting 3300 grafts to begin with. 

    You should have started your research on this forum before you had a hair transplant.

  6. Generally speaking how long of an interval should there be between hair transplants? If you want to have a full head of hair without any visible thinning by addressing each problematic area one by one (hairline/frontal third region, mid scalp and crown)  

    Should you get a transplant every year or wait at least every 2 years? I’m assuming the scalp needs time for recovery and so does the donor area. 

  7. On 12/24/2023 at 2:07 AM, onlywantsomenicelonghair said:

    Not replying could also be because of the Christmas holidays. I personally wouldn't worry if everything is booked, your HT is confirmed and you know where to go. You will be fine. Don't stress out too much, especially since the HT is soon.

    Christmas isn’t officially celebrated as a holiday in Türkiye and that’s still no excuse for lack of communication.

    Even if he were the best doctor in the world not having any communication comes off as very unprofessional and sketchy. 

  8. 7 hours ago, BeHappy said:

    I took finasteride for 11 years. I gained a little bit in the first maybe 3 years, then pretty much stayed the same for a few years, then went downhill and lost everything that was gained plus lost even more and was worse off after 11 years than when I started. That was when I gave up on it and stopped using it. My age at the time was 31 when I started and 42 when I stopped.


    So you lost everything while you were still on Fin? Why didn’t you switch to DUT

  9. At 11 months your hair should be looking more dense than this, you’ve decreased density for a low hairline which wasn’t a very wise choice. You should not go any lower your hairline is already very low, if you are going in for a second procedure you need to add more density to what you already have. Which clinic did you go to? Your surgeon should have never done this to you in the first place.

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