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Posts posted by DavidFrancis

  1. 19 minutes ago, Rafael Manelli said:

    You seem to be thinning over a large area. Without stabilising with meds, you’re playing a game of catch-up by transplanting areas as they fall.  Best thing you can do is finasteride, and dutasteride if fin is not enough.

    if you can stabilise, you almost definitely have enough grafts to restore a full appearance of density. Maybe 1000 at the front and 1000 in the mid to back would be enough.

    it’s understandable to want to be conservative because you’re young, so I get why you’re reluctant to spend 2000 grafts. But the grafts should last a lifetime (more or less), and you’d end up using them anyway in the long run, so I don’t see much downside to using them now. They’ll remain even if the native hairs fall, so it’s not as if they’d be wasted. The main concern with wasting grafts is if you dense pack a particular area and then run out of grafts to cover another area that thins.

    Thank you for your answer, 
    Yes I completely agree with you, once it's down I might as well put it on now
    I'm on finasteride 0.5mg a day, but I'm hesitant to switch to topical, or 0.25mg a day, or even stop, because I really don't want any erectile or fertility side effects. And, can i hope regrowth with oral minoxidil ? 

  2. 1 hour ago, AlexMeister21 said:

    Your result reminds me of mine and I'm in a worse position than you. I think you'll be fine for the future if you do another surgery. Looks like you have a thick beard and you could probably get like 2-4k backup grafts out of that to use on the crown if need be.

    Yes i have a big beard, but i don’t know what is the best between do a repair now, or wait.. 

    i’m losing hair in all my head 



  3. On 1/25/2023 at 10:46 PM, HappyMan2021 said:

    for each repair surgery Mwamba removed some of the bad angles and planted them elsewhere. ex. he extracted the bad grafts and implanted them on my thinning crown. 

    During this same round of surgery - once he was done with all the extractions, he then extracted donor hair and implanted in the areas he originally extracted from, this time with correct angles)

    Thanks you very much for your advices, i see it’s possible to extract them

  4. 8 hours ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    I am a firm believer that you shouldn’t proceed with something that you were unsure about. By looking at your pictures, it seems obvious to me that you were in need of another procedure in order to correct your hairline which appears far too straight, seems to appear multi haired graphs and contains too much spacing between follicles.  1000 grafts strategically placed correctly by an exceptional surgeon could indeed make your hairline appear much more natural looking. Now I don’t know who your lash surgeon was nor do I know who your new surgeon is… But I think it’s important that you feel confident in your decision moving forward.

    I’m assuming and hoping that you’re going to a different surgeon for your second procedure than you did for your first. That said, I strongly recommend that you are selecting a surgeon based on research and their proven track record of reducing outstanding common natural looking results. If not, and you just simply selected another local surgeon without researching them, I recommend to stop in your tracks and take your time to research surgeons. Not all surgeons are equal in their ability, skill and experience.

    below I presented my suggestions for researching and selecting the best surgeon for you. I presented this many times before but it’s very important in my opinion as physician selection is the most important factor in obtaining the results you want and need.

    How to Select an outstanding hair transplant surgeon. 

    1.  Start by looking at the surgeons recommended by this community, in particular the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.  Surgeons recommended by this community have met a demanding set of standards and are approved based on meeting those high standards.  Many online hair surgeon memberships don’t have any criteria other than to pay a membership fee.  Furthermore, physician members of the coalition have met an even higher and more demanding set of standards and have proven to be amongst the best of the best in the profession.

    2. Now even amongst a list of outstanding surgeons, not all surgeons are created equally. Therefore, while it’s tempting to select a surgeon based on price or location, try to avoid this as many individuals travel great distances to undergo surgery with an elite surgeon they are most impressed with. Thus choose a surgeon based on their proven ability to produce outstanding results rather than because of cost or location.

    3. Narrow your selection down to 3 to 5 surgeons you are most impressed with.  You can do this by using this discussion forum and others to view examples of patient results posted by both the clinic and their patients.  Speak with and meet with real patients in person if possible. If not, video chat works pretty well.

    4. Come up with a list of consult questions to ask each surgeon/clinic you are considering. I’ve created several different posts on this forum with good questions to ask doctors.  If you need help coming up with a list of good questions, please let me know.

    5. Consult with each doctor you are considering and ultimately, choose the surgeon you feel can best meet your goals.

    I hope this helps  

    Rahal Hair Transplant

    Thank you very much for your advice and your answer it is very important for me.
    I will conduct this research, but according to you, is my case reparable? Do I have a chance to get out of it? Because I lose a lot of hair, and if I do a repair, I'm afraid I won't have enough for later. 

  5. 11 hours ago, DrMunibAhmad said:

    Can you provide higher quality photos of your donor area? The bad angles and multiple hair grafts are visible in the current photos, but better quality images would be helpful. Additionally, have you considered taking medication for hair loss before getting more grafts from your donor area? It would be wise to do so. Lastly, it may be beneficial to remove the poorly angled grafts in the front of your hairline, but if the density of grafts behind the hairline is low, it may not be necessary to remove all of them, especially considering your limited donor and young age.

    Hello doctor, thank you for your answer. 
    I am really lost because I don't even know if a repair is possible in my case. I will send you more pictures.
    I started the oral Minoxidil 2 weeks ago, and I started the Finasteride 1 month ago, because I lose a lot of hair. I'm thinking of stopping the finasteride because the side effects are scary (I think I have less erection).






  6. 1 minute ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    who is your surgeon?

    if you have bad angles the only solution is to extract and reimplant them, or kill them off with electrolysis and start from scratch. Simply planting in more grafts around the badly angled grafts do nothing. 

    Based on your pictures I'm not really seeing a bad angle problem, but I seem definitely seeing the lack of density. 

    Can you specifically take pictures of the bad angles and/or describe where they are located? How many bad angles would you say you have?

    Thanks for your answer, 
    I cut my hair.. but when i want to pull down the hair, it goes up.. The clinic is in Paris, in the name of "Maison médicale Auguste Renoir", the doctor is incompetent, and subcontracts with technicians from Turkey.
    The problem is that almost all the implanted hair has a bad angle. 
    I saw Dr. Lupanzula and he recommended that I put in 2000 grafts to cover it all up, without doing any plug extraction. 
    In Paris, I saw Dr. Mousseigne, who doesn't want to do any extraction either, but to densify with 1000 grafts. 
    I am really lost, psychologically it is very hard. 
    Do you think that 1000 grafts can help? I don't want to damage my donor area too much, I'm young


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