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Posts posted by DavidFrancis

  1. Hi, friends, 
    I did a 2500 graft transplant 1 and a half years ago, and I have the grafts that are misaligned and pluggy. I wanted to remove 500-600 of them and I was always told that it was possible to extract them and put them elsewhere, and implant new hair, but a specialist in Belgium told me this month that it was bound to leave scars, and that new hair could not be put in. I'm demoralized, it was my only hope. I don't understand, they talk about repair, but have there ever been cases of successful repair or extraction of grafts? Can I remove it with a laser or does it leave so many scars? I'm at the end of my rope


  2. Thank you for your advice.
    Concerning the minoxidil, would you advise me to increase it to 5mg? Is it much more effective? 
    I'm also thinking of switching to topical fina but with these two changes I'm afraid of a lot of shedding.
    As for the repair, yes, I'm planning to go to a specialist. But I'm wondering what's the point of correcting when I've got a diffuse at 25, and in 10 years' time I may have nothing left. I can’t even go out 

    I also use a small brush to massage the scalp. When I use it, I lose about 150 miniaturized fine hairs. Should I continue because it's good for growth? Or not?

  3. 10 minutes ago, duckling said:

    there is hope that meds work for you by 1 year.  Because from the comparision of wet hair and dry hair pics i can see that hair diameter is surely low because in dry hair pics if density isnt bad but when hair is wet and you put harsh light it looks like bald spots so its not like you have lost those hair completely but they have thinned way out too much from DHT. and your shedding of miniaturized hair backs it up. dont be disheartened and keep taking meds. maybe up the dosage for fin to 1 mg after consultation. you might have to wait for results after changing dosage though to more 1 year. (possible better results but not guaranteed as it depends on your hair's sensitivity to DHT)

    I hope so. But I'll opt for the topical form instead. 
    But for transplanted hair, is it possible to remove at least the temples? I can't see myself staying with this for the rest of my life. 

  4. Thank you for your advice 
    To tell the truth, I think I'm having problems with morning erections with finasteride, I'm thinking of switching to the topical form to stay on the long term. Im afraid of shedding, i had a big shedding when i started medications. 
    Here are some photos just after the transplant, and one at 4 months. The hair is straight up, of poor quality. I don't know if they can be removed, but I've already been told on this forum that it leaves scars, and other people tell me it doesn't. 
    In the meantime, it's fallen a lot on the middle.





  5. 2 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    What were you prior to surgery? Norwood 3, 6, etc? You need to be on oral minoxidil to see the peak benefits and up to two years on finasteride to see the peak benefits also so don't feel discouraged.

    It's very hard, my friend...
    before the transplant, I had lost the gulfs and the frontal line, but in 1 and a half years, it has progressed enormously, so fast that I'm thinking of a tellogen efluvium. The front hair is straight up, of poor quality, and it falls out everywhere. I don't even know where to start, repairing my graft or waiting a while. 

  6. Hello forum, 
    I am now 5 months on oral minoxidil 2.5mg, and 6 months on finasteride 0.5mg daily.
    The hair loss has slowed down, but there is still a shedding of very miniaturized hair. 
    On the photos, dry hair looks like there are no holes (even if I feel a huge lack of density), but wet hair is a disaster. 
    I'm a bit disappointed with the medication, I was expecting better results. 
    I also want to remove 600-800 grafts because the front grafts are very thick plugs that frizz.
    I also have a problem: all my hair is extremely dry and dull. Could this be due to a TE? Or a lack of vitamin D? 
    Thanks friends




  7. Hello forum, 
    Is there an effective solution to improve the quality of transplanted and non-transplanted hair? 
    I did a 2500 graft a year and a half ago, and I think the texture is different because of bad practitioners. 
    But as for the rest of my hair, it is extremely fine, damaged, rough, and dry, without life. I have a diffuser, and I was wondering how to improve the quality. 
    I've been on oral minoxidil 2.5 mg, and finasteride 0.25mg for 4 months, but it hasn't changed anything. 

  8. Yes I'm sharing more photos with you. 
    I can't keep them long, because I find they don't blend with the rest of the hair for two reasons. 
    1) The hair is misaligned
    2) Since my transplant 1 year ago, I have lost a lot of hair in the middle, just behind the transplant. In only 1 year, the whole of my hair has become thinner, and is of poor quality. 
    I hope that with the medication it will get better. I'm on 4 months of finasteride 0.5mg per day, and 3 and a half months of oral minoxidil 2.5mg per day, and after a huge shedding, the hair loss has slowed down. I am now hoping for regrowth, or thickening of the rest. Do you think I have a chance? 
    I'm barely 25 years old, and I've been psychologically devastated for a year now






  9. 2 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

    The amount of scarring from an FUE hairline extraction really comes down to the skill & technique of the doctor as well as your propensity for scarring. If done well the scarring is usually very minimal and often not visible at all. But you need to go to a top doctor and it won't be cheap. You'll likely spend more having 600-800 grafts extracted and re-implanted than you did for the full 2,500 grafts, given that most of the top doctors in Europe are in the 4-5EUR per graft range.

    I see thank you, but on the one hand, extracting them and then re-implanting them saves my donor area a bit. 
    I have already used 2500 grafts at 25 years old, (even if I think they used 2000), and I am very afraid that I will not have enough for the future

  10. It's less obvious in pictures than in real life, but yes, I've already had a lot of comments about my hair. 
    In addition to the problematic direction, the appearance of the transplanted hair is a bit frizzy, the follicles must have been damaged. 
    Do you have any pictures of the scars left by the removal? Because I am even more confused than before.
    As far as finasteride is concerned, I have a loss of erection in the morning, but I am not ready to stop it, because I have a diffuse with a very high rate of fall

  11. Hello the forum, 

    First of all I thank each of you who take the time to answer my questions, for this subject or for another, because it helps me a lot. 
    I am 25 years old, and I have done a bad hair transplant of 2500 grafts (maybe 2000) 1 year and a half ago, the front line is pluggy, low, and almost all the hair is misaligned. 
    does electrolyse leave scars ?
    Is it possible to extract at least 800? I have seen that it leaves scars, and I have never seen a removal of 800 grafts. Can implanting new hair in the middle and in the hairline camouflage it well?
    I am on oral finasteride and oral minoxidil because of dramatic hair loss.
    Please, I need your advice, because psychologically it is hard. 



  12. To tell the truth, I haven't had a spontaneous erection during the day for 3 months
    It's true that I don't do sports and that I go to bed late, but I think it's due to the finasteride. Thank you for your advice, I will listen to it. 
    listen to them
    I really don't want to stop taking finasteride because I have a difuse, and I already had a transplant that failed and it hurt me a lot psychologically

  13. 45 minutes ago, duckling said:

    It is natural to expect a lot of regrowth from meds after seeing insane results from them in reddit or here for a minority of people. 
    As rightly mentioned above by melvin and gatsby that stopping hair loss shows meds are working. So stick to the meds and wait out results for minimum 1  year.  In 3 months it is not possible to see results of hair growth as after hair shedding , the new hair will take lot of time to grow back to previous length.  Same goes for any new hair growth. (Regrowth of your miniaturised hairs)

    I see.. thanks. my middle is destroyed because last 6 months i stopped topical minoxidil

    About fin, i have again loss of wood, it can desapear after few months ?

  14. 42 minutes ago, jr1986 said:

    Even at a low dose, oral fin stopped my morning wood altogether. Took a break for a few days and it started coming back. Because it basically happens while you sleep I cannot possibly see how it could be nocebo effect or in the mind in anyway. I'm pretty certain it's as a direct result of altering your hormones. 

    I'm almost 3months in, I guess the question is will my morning wood come back on its own in a few months if I continue taking fin? I have my doubts tbh

    I have the same issues and same question.. 

    Now its better for you ? 

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