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Posts posted by DavidFrancis

  1. 16 hours ago, Eli_Avdikian said:

    Maybe increasing the Oral Minoxidil dose to 5 mg/day can actually do the trick for you. Dutasteride doesn't necessarily have worse side effects than Finasteride, especially when administred in small doses. I advise you to watch the video that Melvin uploaded on the hair transplant network on the safety of low-dose Oral Dutasteride (it's from an interview with Dr.Sergio Vano). 
    By the way, are there doctors in Paris willing do prescribe Oral Minoxidil for hair loss ? What's his:her name if I may ask

    Thanks for your help, 

    Im very affraid of dutasteride it’s my limit, but i will se the video. 
    About Oral minoxidil, Bisanga told me to increase to 5mg, but i have seen that it’s increase side effects for similarly results. 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    What side effects did you get? Most people seem to love or hate fin. So i am curious if the side effects are.manageable

    At least for me minoxidil was useless

    Less of libido.. that’s it. 
    The problem is that i have very dry hair, and oily scalp after 2 days without shampoo. It speed my hair loss. I use ketoconazole but it’s not working. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    I cannot explain why, but it appears that dutasteride can (and anecdotally appears to in most cases) have less side effects than finasteride. Perhaps consider switching a day or two per week to it initially?

    I’m so affraid of this medication.. im on 0,5mg per day of finasteride, i will up to 1mg, but 1/2 days. I will see in 6 months

  4. On 10/23/2023 at 12:24 PM, Gatsby said:

    I really recommend that you get a referral if you can to see dermatologist. I'm not one but if you are having no side effects to oral minoxidil then you could try going to 5mg a day and monitor for any side effects. I'm on 5mg a day of oral minoxidil and I have zero side effects from it (but that's just me).

    Yes i see dermatologist next month thanks

    Im really afraid of my diffuse, i want to remove 750 grafts and put them in the middle


  5. 38 minutes ago, A_4_Archan said:

    You may consult a good doctor who has more experience with hairs and ask for his/her advice regarding this...some doctors are doing dutasteride mesotherapy this days and getting good results from this...it helps to reduce scalp dht 

    Thanks my friend

    But where ? There is nobody in France. And i’m afraid of dutasteride, even i don’t see other options 

  6. Hi everyone, 

    I need your help, I have question about DHT sensitivity. 
    I m on fin 0.5 mg per day since 9 month, and 2.5 mg oral minoxidil since 9 months, but i shed everyday a lot, and i have diffuse thinning. 
    I believe that my DHT blood is low now ( i will check it with blood test ), but my DHT Scalp sensitivity is high. 

    What’s the solution in this case ? For someone who have high sensitivity, there are nothing to do ? 


  7. Hi forum, 

    I just want to know if its possible to get Ketoconazole 2% without scalp irritation. I just have few dandruff, but i have seen that it's efficient for androgenetic hair loss. Im already on finasteride  0.5mg and oral minoxidil 2.5mg, but i have no result, and still a lot of very miniaturized hair ( maybe 200 , 250 per day). 

    Thanks in advance !

  8. 3 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

    Oral minoxidil can take a year to see peak benefits and finasteride can take up to two years. If you do go ahead for a repair give your scalp a year from when this surgery was first performed. All the best!

    Thank you, my friend, 
    Yes, I had my operation 2 years ago, 
    I'm already 8 months, I hope to see some improvement. 
    If not, can ketocozanole shampoo help? 

  9. On 1/30/2023 at 3:12 PM, Rafael Manelli said:

    Minoxidil works by extending the anagen (growth) phase of the hair. At any time, up to 20% of your hair may be in the telogen (resting) phase, wherein the follicle lies dormant under the skin rather than producing hair. Minoxidil should basically prolong the time your hairs are active .

    so it can effectively increase density, but it doesn’t actually do much to stop the effects of DHT related miniaturisation and alopecia. So it might appear to give you more hair, but they’ll likely end up shrinking too. I trust DHT inhibitors more as a long term treatment. Minoxidil is more ancillary.

    Give minox a bash. It’ll probably do some good. But I’d stick to the fin as well. I believe side effects are overrated, people worry too much. I’ve never noticed any sides from it. A relaxed attitude is a healthy one.

    Thanks for your reply 
    Just a quick update: I've been on oral minoxidil 2.5mg a day for 7 months, and finasteride 0.5mg a day for 7 and a half months, and I'm still losing a lot of hair. Visually, I look the same as in the photos from January, but I'm losing a lot of hair. It scares me, I've tried everything, and I've never had the slightest positive result from either medication or a hair transplant. 
    I'm planning to repair my transplant by removing 750 grafts to make the middle part denser, then re-densify the front, but for the vertex I don't have a floor.

  10. 48 minutes ago, A_4_Archan said:


    Imo you should consult a good doctor and go for physical examination and get your scalp and body checked and do all the required reports related to this and plan your line of treatment accordingly...this will be the best advice i can give you in the situation you are in rather thn just giving you names of few treatments/medicines for hairloss ...i hope this helps you ..best of luck....

    I did a blood test but no deficit on iron, zinc, vitamin D. Im surely very sensitive to DHT with a very speed thinning. 
    Lupanzula didnt see my scalp when i saw him, i must see another doctor

  11. Hi friends, 
    I'm posting on this forum again because I'm looking for your kind advice, 
    I have a diffuse at 25, with a failed transplant 2 years ago, and I've been on oral finasteride 0.5mg a day for 7 months, and oral minoxidil 2.5 mg a day for 6 months. 
    Let's just say that I used to lose 400 hairs a day, but now I lose 300. I still have shedding, and every morning I find a huge amount of miniaturised, almost invisible hair. I haven't had any regrowth. 
    Can I expect anything? Or should I increase the doses? 

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