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Everything posted by DavidFrancis

  1. Hello! Yes Lupanzula, but he doesnt' want remove grafts, just densify. About minoxidil and fin, it has no effects .. i shedding very very miniaturized hair. I suspect the dry of my scalp to be at origin.
  2. Thanks for your help, Im very affraid of dutasteride it’s my limit, but i will se the video. About Oral minoxidil, Bisanga told me to increase to 5mg, but i have seen that it’s increase side effects for similarly results.
  3. Yes im almost sure that it’s from fina I will see for the libido.. doctor said me that with 1mg 1/2 days it will be better Have you an idea about oily hair after 2 days of shower ? Im sure that it’s speed my hair loss
  4. Less of libido.. that’s it. The problem is that i have very dry hair, and oily scalp after 2 days without shampoo. It speed my hair loss. I use ketoconazole but it’s not working.
  5. I’m so affraid of this medication.. im on 0,5mg per day of finasteride, i will up to 1mg, but 1/2 days. I will see in 6 months
  6. Thanks for your help, But in all cases i need remove hairline, so i can use grafts for the middle now ? I cant dutasteride im very affraid of side effects, even finasteride i got little side effects. Doctor told me increase oral minoxidil to 5mg ( im on 2.5 mg), but i saw that there isn’t hudge difference.
  7. hello friends, Since last year, my diffuses is progressing.. Oral minoxidil and finasterid do nothing .. I will remove 800 grafts from my hairline and put them in the middle, and then redensify. it’s good idea ?
  8. Yes i see dermatologist next month thanks Im really afraid of my diffuse, i want to remove 750 grafts and put them in the middle
  9. Im afraid of side effects of duta.. even topically Oral minoxidil 5mg is better alternative than 2.5mg ? I have diffuse on all my head
  10. Thanks, But i hade side effects i think, i continue because it's my unique option.. I will try with topical; I see no solutions for me, just i lose hairs with diffuse thinning
  11. Thanks my friend But where ? There is nobody in France. And i’m afraid of dutasteride, even i don’t see other options
  12. Hi everyone, I need your help, I have question about DHT sensitivity. I m on fin 0.5 mg per day since 9 month, and 2.5 mg oral minoxidil since 9 months, but i shed everyday a lot, and i have diffuse thinning. I believe that my DHT blood is low now ( i will check it with blood test ), but my DHT Scalp sensitivity is high. What’s the solution in this case ? For someone who have high sensitivity, there are nothing to do ?
  13. Still no results at 9 months of treatment.. my shedding is for very miniaturized hair I have no hope if medication don’t work on me
  14. Ok, but can I do this without scalp problems? Im afraid of a shedding
  15. Hi forum, I just want to know if its possible to get Ketoconazole 2% without scalp irritation. I just have few dandruff, but i have seen that it's efficient for androgenetic hair loss. Im already on finasteride 0.5mg and oral minoxidil 2.5mg, but i have no result, and still a lot of very miniaturized hair ( maybe 200 , 250 per day). Thanks in advance !
  16. But i can use Nizoral without scalp irritation ? Im afraid that it's accentue hair loss. I have very agressive hair loss, when i pass my finger in the hair, i got 50 hairs.
  17. Thank you, my friend, Yes, I had my operation 2 years ago, I'm already 8 months, I hope to see some improvement. If not, can ketocozanole shampoo help?
  18. Thanks for your reply Just a quick update: I've been on oral minoxidil 2.5mg a day for 7 months, and finasteride 0.5mg a day for 7 and a half months, and I'm still losing a lot of hair. Visually, I look the same as in the photos from January, but I'm losing a lot of hair. It scares me, I've tried everything, and I've never had the slightest positive result from either medication or a hair transplant. I'm planning to repair my transplant by removing 750 grafts to make the middle part denser, then re-densify the front, but for the vertex I don't have a floor.
  19. I have the same problem.. Does anyone have testimony from Bisanga for removal extraction ? I didnt see a lot
  20. Im afraid my friends i have finish my shower and i see red things on my scalp. Do you have seen that already ?
  21. It's falling so fast.. i would like to try topical finasteride the problem is that I also have a failed graft, and I want to repair it. Feriduni suggested a 700-plug extraction, but I don't know if I should do it now or not. The truth is, I'd rather repair my graft than stay like this.
  22. But if it’s not a vitamin defficience, it’s necessarly alopecia from genetics no ?
  23. Thanks, I did a blood test but no deficit on iron, zinc, vitamin D. Im surely very sensitive to DHT with a very speed thinning. Lupanzula didnt see my scalp when i saw him, i must see another doctor
  24. Hi friends, I'm posting on this forum again because I'm looking for your kind advice, I have a diffuse at 25, with a failed transplant 2 years ago, and I've been on oral finasteride 0.5mg a day for 7 months, and oral minoxidil 2.5 mg a day for 6 months. Let's just say that I used to lose 400 hairs a day, but now I lose 300. I still have shedding, and every morning I find a huge amount of miniaturised, almost invisible hair. I haven't had any regrowth. Can I expect anything? Or should I increase the doses?
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