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Everything posted by DavidFrancis

  1. Thanks.. but i’ m losing a lot of hair, can i hope regrowth with medication ? And can i switch from oral fina to topical without shedding ?
  2. Thanks my friends for your advices.. I will do a consultation with Mwamba or Bisanga i think, i want to do a removal and adding hair in the same procedure, its possible ?
  3. Thank you very much for your advice and your answer it is very important for me. I will conduct this research, but according to you, is my case reparable? Do I have a chance to get out of it? Because I lose a lot of hair, and if I do a repair, I'm afraid I won't have enough for later.
  4. Hello doctor, thank you for your answer. I am really lost because I don't even know if a repair is possible in my case. I will send you more pictures. I started the oral Minoxidil 2 weeks ago, and I started the Finasteride 1 month ago, because I lose a lot of hair. I'm thinking of stopping the finasteride because the side effects are scary (I think I have less erection).
  5. But you just removed the wrong angles, or added grafts afterwards instead. Because if I take out all the wrong ones I'll have a hole
  6. Wow it’s a lot ! With Bisanga ? And now, it’s better ? Did you add grafts with removal ?
  7. Lupanzula is a doctor in Belgium specialized in repair But i don’t know if Bisanga or another can remove a lot of graft..
  8. Thanks for your answer, I cut my hair.. but when i want to pull down the hair, it goes up.. The clinic is in Paris, in the name of "Maison médicale Auguste Renoir", the doctor is incompetent, and subcontracts with technicians from Turkey. The problem is that almost all the implanted hair has a bad angle. I saw Dr. Lupanzula and he recommended that I put in 2000 grafts to cover it all up, without doing any plug extraction. In Paris, I saw Dr. Mousseigne, who doesn't want to do any extraction either, but to densify with 1000 grafts. I am really lost, psychologically it is very hard. Do you think that 1000 grafts can help? I don't want to damage my donor area too much, I'm young
  9. Hello forum, I really need your help. I did a 2500 graft last year, but the grafts are misaligned too straight, and there is a lack of density. A doctor recommended 1000 grafts because I am young, do you think it is a good idea? It is next week the intervention if I accept Thank you
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