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Everything posted by MaximusEastwood

  1. One year in. Overall feeling good about the transplant. Getting positive reactions from my friends & family, the result looks pretty natural, and I have decent coverage given the starting point. Considering getting another HT at some point (would do FUE this time), but don't feel rushed to do it. And not sure if i would want to lower the hairline or add density
  2. Thanks! Has anyone tried Xyon? Was reading some reddit posts and people mentioned side effects given the large dosage size
  3. I'm currently on 1mg oral finasteride daily, but am considering stopping as my wife and I are planning to have children soon. The research on whether it can harm the fetus seems unclear, so wondering what the forum thinks on this topic
  4. Thanks Melvin! this forum was super helpful when picking a clinic and for advice post surgery 🙏
  5. I'll probably wait a full year to see how the crown fills in before making a call. I'm overall happy with the results and don't feel like i *need* a second surgery. but if i did another one it would definitely be FUE this time. luckily doing FUT first saves a lot in the "bank"
  6. A little delayed, but here are 9 month photos. Overall hair has started to mature and is less 'kinky' than before!
  7. ~7 month update. Overall happy with the coverage and continued density, but not yet 100% satisfied. My worry is: Hair is very curly/wispy, much more so than my donor hair or my natural hair before it fell out I know hair transplants are the illusion of density, but in natural light it doesn't feel like the illusion is very strong. The left side is also not as dense as the right side Even from the side, transplanted area looks a lot thinner than side of head Curious about whether i'm not being realistic, need to give it more time, or improve styling through gels/fibers/etc.
  8. Looks so good! Just curious - does the transplanted hair stick up naturally? Or is that from styling? I'm finding after about ~7months my transplanted hair is still kinda wispy and tends to stick up without any styling, so curious if that's the case for you as well
  9. Fwiw I asked Dr. Wong about this and he said it’s to help pack the grafts more closely and that you can’t tell it’s in rows once it grows out 🤷‍♂️
  10. Looking great! Do you mind also sharing some photos with your head facing down, so we can see it from the top?
  11. Wanted to share @HappyMan2021 comment about potentially being a botched job, based on the hair angle/quality. Any thoughts here?
  12. Oh no….do you think it’s worth reaching out to the clinic about it? Or just wait?
  13. Hey all - 6 months out from HT, and my hair is looking pretty frizzy and wispy right now. it also continually sticks up. any styling advice to help here? and do you think it will improve naturally as the hair continues to develop over time?
  14. Month 6 update! Starting to get better density on the top, but hoping there's more to come. Just got my haircut yesterday at a 4 guard on the sides, and you can barely notice the strip even then. Wanted to ask two questions to the group: Noticing the hairs in the front (especially on the right-side facing the mirror) tend to stick up, which is different from my hair before it fell out. Is this common? And will it change as the hair continues to grow/thicken? How do people style their hair? I haven't gotten anything except a buzz for over 10 years, so needing to relearn how to style & get my hair cut...Any tips here haha
  15. Wanted to share some top of head photos for ~5 month update. Feels like growth is coming in slower than what i've seen on other patient timelines, but curious to hear others thoughts. The three photos are include: 1. Direct natural light, after having used foam minoxidil 2. Direct natural light, no minoxidil 3. Bathroom (artificial) light
  16. I've been using topical minoxidil for a few weeks now and am considering switching to oral. Did anyone have weight gain with it? I saw that was one of the common side effects
  17. fwiw He gave me the same response when i asked about my row implementation
  18. @mrmajified how did you get this info? just asking the clinic?
  19. Looks good! Excited to see how it turns out
  20. Month 4 update! Front is coming in and it even looks like i have a hairline when you view it straight on. Crown is slower to come in but starting to see some growth
  21. The FUT vs. FUE thread was giving me some anxiety, so wanted to share my month 3 update with a focus on how the scar is healing. Attached pictures below, with some just letting the hair fall naturally, and others showing the scar more directly.
  22. Thanks! I did FUT with Dr. Wong, but this thread is giving me some anxiety about if i made the wrong choice in procedure type 🫠
  23. Who are the best US/Canadian surgeons for FUE? It seems like most US docs really push FUT (that was my experience in talking with several of them). H&W do FUE, but recommending that over FUT seems like a more recent change from them. Who else in North America for FUE then - just Dr. Nader and Dr. Nakatsui?
  24. I got FUT for my first procedure give i'm relatively young (mid 30s) and a norwood 6, so I wanted to maximize grafts and reduce chance of transection. Luckily I was able to get a high graft count (close to 6k), but am still having slight buyers remorse due the possibility of a visible scar. If I were to get another procedure it would definitely be FUE at this point
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