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Posts posted by Cory

  1. 1 hour ago, arthurSam said:

    Twice is a little better (see graph bellow) : black cicles are twice 5% and empty circles are once) and squares are placebo ; week 96 is the date at which minox have no effect anymore. After about 108 weeks you return to the same state that you had been on without taking minox (minox only work for 2 years).


    So what you are implying is to stop taking minoxidil after  96 days?

    Do you have a source of this study?

  2. 48 minutes ago, Archan said:

    Don't know about that..am using since many years and never had any scalp issues till now...but evryone has different skin type and adaptability ..so there mite be a small percentage of people who may face allergic issue ..but i dont think so that the build up would be there after so many washes ...did you check under microscope after few washes? 

    I am a big fan of Toppik, and I don't mind using it for the rest of my life. I do rinse/wash it out in the evening.

    The doc said he had a patient that had not used Toppik for more than half a year, still he had seen some left on the scalp (with microscopic vision). I was surprised too.

  3. This is possibly the 100th topic about Toppik (pun intended), but I wanted to bring up a new question which I haven't seen asked her on the forum:

    • Can Toppik cause, or contribute to inflammation?

    I was advised by a top doc. not to use Toppik again. He stated that there's a possibility that it could be a cause of inflammation to the pores. 
    I have looked up all Toppik ingredients in several 'Ingredients checks' or however you may call them. They all came out okay, not harmful to the skin.

    Something I do know is that Toppik cannot easily be a washed out completely. For the naked eye it does wash out. However under a endoscope/microscope it's still visible after weeks, even months of washing and rinsing.

    Curious how you guys think of this..

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Rock92 said:

    I have started taking Proscar (1/4 of 5mg) 2 weeks ago after my hair transplant and now i do get irritation in my urinating passage at night..

    I talked to my patient coordinator for the hair transplant and she asked me to take it alternate days.


    I wanted to ask folks here if they experienced any such issue. Any advice for me? Any medicine to relax my prostate?

    I also read so many negative articles about finastride so i am also scared tbh..

    With me the sides were more frequent peeing and slight ball ache. It disappeared when I switched from 1mg to 0.5 daily.

    Try lowering the dose

  5. 3 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    They don’t measure it really, it depends on what the patient is comfortable with, some patients don’t want any visible thinning in the donor. Others don’t mind a uniform thinning that makes their scalp look homogeneous. 

    That makes sense.

    I figure hairstyle is also a factor in this, as longer hair can give more an illusion of density of the donor than a really short trimmed one. But then still maybe a really short donor can more easily be filled with SMP.


  6. On 2/11/2021 at 1:34 AM, mcr7777 said:

    They need to take the biopsy in the right area of active LPP - as if they take from an unaffected part of the scalp the biopsy probably won't show anything and you may be misdiagnosed.

    Hi, sorry to be late on this thread, but I'm curious..

    Would this also mean that parts where lpp isn't present (or noticeable under a microscope from biopsy), there wouldn't be a risk of rejecting existing or new-implanted follicles? Or only increased risk at that particular part of the scalp?

    I'm wondering if lpp can be confused with 'regular' folliculitis, or if there is a very clear distinction.

  7. 7 hours ago, IonNumberFive said:

    I'm going to be having an FUE transplant in about a week and I'm trying to figure out what options are possible for simply being in public during the following year as I wait for the grafts to grow in. Previously I've used hair fibers and worn wigs, but the latter is I'm sure not a good idea after I have grafts in, even after they're rooted, as the only way I can get a wig to to stay and blend invisibly involves glue/hair gel, a blowdryer, and pressure--so like the opposite of what I should be doing after a transplant.

    So how can I cover up a bunch of very sparse, noticeable hairs all over my scalp for 6-12 months? Would going back to hair fibers damage the grafts? Is it soft hats only? If I trim all of my hair very very short after 3 months or so, will it not be noticeable? I'm wondering if maybe I can just keep it very close-cut for months and it'll just look progressively better as the grafts start showing. Everyone who knows me would be shocked I have short hair, but at least strangers might not notice...?

    Anyway, sorry if this is a dumb question. It's just been hard to seach for this information, as most information about hats and haircuts that I found was just "Here is when you're able to start doing this at all," not "Here's what people do to look at all normal for the year after FUE." 

    You can use a concealer, after a few weeks

  8. 25 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    There is no ethical surgeon that would guarantee success. There are no guarantees, its that simple. If you can’t accept the risk, don’t get surgery. Going to a quality surgeon puts the odds in your favor, but its not a guarantee. Furthermore, no one can guarantee your expectations or your happiness. The results may be good, but you might still be unhappy. So for multiple reasons, there are no guarantees.

    I get what you say. Succes is a subjective concept.

  9. 18 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    There is no perfect surgeon. Surgery is a gamble. Even with the best surgeon, the results are not guaranteed. If you're unwilling to accept this, I suggest not getting surgery. Remember doing nothing is never a bad choice.

    Can a reputable dr. deny or confirm this in this thread? 

    If a dermatological underlying problem can be ruled out, would this still be the case I'm wondering..

  10. 5 hours ago, ScottishGuy21 said:

    Expectations are way too high due to the world of social media. Everybody expects are 10/10 result because that’s what they see on Instagram 

    I’d be more wary of a clinic posting 10/10 results every time than one with solid 8/10 ones. Lighting, topik and dare I say photoshop can all give a hugely false impression to would be customers.

    That’s the beauty of this forum. There’s a wealth of detail for people to look through with endless streams of clinic reviews. It’s fairly easy to get a feel for a Dr once you’ve spent a few hours on here.

    Agreed! A few things I find helpful are these also. 

    I saw Melvin mentioning one clinic that tried to sue them for not deleting a bad review, and they did not delete it despite those threats. So that shows a form of ethic sense. After all that's the most important thing if you try to help others.

    I believe this forum has a healthy community and good moderators. I really hope it stays that way, because we live in a world where we get manipulated into buying things and perceiving things the way that others want you to. Maybe I went to deep there, but that's just my thoughts..

  11. Hello all,

    I've been using finasteride, and it's working well for me while I take 1mg per day. Now I would like to reduce my intake as I wouldn't want to temper with my hormones more than necessary. It's quite expensive too (approx €1,2 per pill), although money isn't a big factor.

    What would be the best strategy to test this?

    • 1mg. every other day?
    • 0.5mg everyday?
    • Something different?

    Would like to get some advice. Thanks in advance! 🙂


  12. On 12/8/2022 at 5:59 AM, Randomdude said:

    Sorry for late reply. Well she said 3000, as she was going to focus on the hairline and then whatever is left over on the crown. But, the crown got a bit thinner than the previous photos I showed her. I can see it maybe going to 3500 graft to make it full. I’m no doctor but doubt the 3000 will fit that crown and also the hairline. 

    If your donor is okay but not sufficient for the whole front and crown, maybe you could choose less density and use a bit of hair fibers. Or you could do a conservative hairline, one that's not too low..

    Hope it works out for you. Will you keep us updated on your journey? 

    • Thanks 1
  13. Hi all,

    Something I cannot find here on the forum and elsewhere on the web is how multi-grafts (should) behave.

    Myself I have a lot a few multi-grafts where one hair grows and the other from the same graft remain stubble, or shed. I'm wondering: Are they suppose to grow simultaneously or separate? And is it possible that with extraction one was damaged, and one wasn't? 

    You would say that if the graft is dormant, that neither one of de multi-grafts would grow. And when it's anagen (awake) both grow.

    I am unable to take a photo of my situation bc of my camera quality, but this screenshot of a YT video shows it.



  14. I also have a lot of stubble hairs that remain in the same state and length as right after the procedure (7,5 months ago).

    But what’s weird about this situation is that some hairs in the same multiple grafts grew, while the other remained the same or shed..

    Could it be that some hairs in a multiple graft survive and others don’t? You would say that the graft itself is alive or not..

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