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Posts posted by ray35

  1. I'd like to bump this thread, I have the same question. Obviously, nobody has been to both places, so we'll never get a true evaluation on the question... but I'm really leaning to Eugenix, Dr. Gur has results and they look great and the videos from Grant are excellent, it's just that Eugenix seems to me like such a well-oiled machine and folks here who have great experiences there are so detailed and numerous.

    For Eugenix it's a bit more travel for me and doctor involvement is a bit less (exclusive package), but their method of slits then DHT and the tech team that goes to work in that process seems super competent from what I've seen. So that's very appealing. Bu then so do the results from Dr Gur, very soild and his techs clearly do adequate work

    @NARMAK I know you're happy with your trip but have a couple pending issues at this point.... if you had it to do all over again would you do anything differently?

    @Gatsby Obviously, you're stoked, great results. Do you ever think man maybe I could have gone to (insert alternate clinic)...

    @Ryan Daniel I guess same questions to you as above, your results have been great and your detailed experience echos most all I read. Any second thoughts ever?

    I guess that's it... would love to hear some thoughts on this or aspects of Eugenix that maybe got glossed over in your reviews that made it special for you or perhaps you think back and think that wasn't all that cool. Thanks!

  2. Grant, really great result and phenomenal documentation via those videos and what a great result! Congrats man. 

    Couple questions, I read Dr. Gur does pre made incisions, was that your experience? Sorry you may have mentioned it but as im sure you'll recall in researching all this stuff it kinda runs together. Also anything about the techs contributions that stand out in your experience? 


  3. This doesn't concern me too much and listen I'm a definite there needs to be growth at six months person.... but I think this looks pretty ok. I'm not seeing any bare spots or anything alarming. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see this be a great result. You have lots of growth in there and likely lots in there that's just getting going or transitioning from wispy almost invisible hairs to better caliber. Maybe I'm seeing those pics wrong but it looks like you're well on your way.

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  4. You've come to the right place. I imagine that graft count is in the ball park, maybe some bumping it up to 4k. I'd really research and be open to travel with this if I were you, being in the UK you've got some great options not too far away.  What they drew on you is alright, always keep in  mind that that line is deceptive because the hairs pop from that line some even if styling the hair up. I would say explore the temple area a little... not necessarily creating temporal peaks given those appear naturally non existent but make sure that blend is smooth in any design you choose. This design is pretty solid, I'd just keep that aspect in mind as you look at what others have done who have similar hairlines. 


  5. 3 minutes ago, Steve B said:

    I wasn’t able to do the first wash there. I was in Turkey over a weekend so the office was closed Sunday. I flew in Sat, had the procedure on Monday and then left Tuesday after a checkup. If she recommends doing the wash, I’d go for it. The timing just didn’t work out for me.

    Cool, wow so you had a quick turn around. I keep thinking I'd want to hang in country and let grafts take but then I see folks like you who are jet setting around hardly 48hrs out from surgery😅 and not having an issue whatsoever with results. It's a long flight, were you keeping the grafts sprayed down in flight?

  6. Oh I just mean post op... follow clinic instructions and I like to error on the side of extra caution. So usually by day seven you can get back to normal on some things, grafts have taken root... but I think like 10 days is safer. Some guys are trying to get back into the gym on day 5 and things and I just think hold tight and follow instructions and endure the pain in the neck it is to sleep with the weird neck pillow and shower with care and stuff like that.

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