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Posts posted by ray35

  1. Question for folks who have traveled far for HT... Looking at folks who did USA to India and or Turkey or that general distance.

    So for India, fly in 20 hours for me 1 stop is the best I can make it from my location. Then pre op appt, then surgery next day... then say 2 days  chill rest. Then fly back that same 1 stop 20 hour flight?

    Is that nuts 3 days out?  It's 10 hours in the air a couple hour layover then 10 more. 

    Turkey is appealing becase its just one non stop 10 hour shot. And that seems less daunting to me.

    I wish I could stay longer like to day 7, then I'd not fret so much. Just that 20 hours in air post op... I'm 6'3 so flying isn't the most comfortable and sitting and sleeping seems risky. 10 hours I'd just push through but also risky.

    So I know folks fly post op and that's not a concern so much but I'm wondering about folks who have experience flying back a couple or few days post on a long haul 10-20 hour flight and their experience with that.


  2. 2 hours ago, JoDimaggio22 said:

    Is your scar noticeable with like a 1 guard fade?

    So I can go to a 3 clipper attachment.... but I don't do a fade. I doubt it I bet the line would be visible. I just wear my hair at 3 clipper taper up to a 4... but that's my clippers attachments they marked like 1 through 7 and those numbers are not reflective of inches. Just to be sure we're talking the same measurements. But the scar is super thin... I could have it filled with an FUE .

  3. If it's cool enough weather wise where you are and it's fashionable, I'd go with a stocking cap that wasn't snug.

    I'm not much of a hat guy so in the sun post op, well after that initial period of course, I'd use a spf mist spray. But mostly kept my sun exposure to a minimum.

  4. I'm researching Fuecapilar and specifically Dr Gur. I have seen the youtube videos of recent clients and those results are great as are the pictures here and the folks sharing their stories. Very appealing as a clinic.  However, I wonder about the lack of anything substantive pre-2017... for both doctors actually. They've both been around according to their CVs for years. Here on this forum Gur has 17 pages if you search his name.... compare that to say Gabel who has 85 pages of search results or Eugenix who has 242 pages or Bicer who has 82 pages.

    It may mean nothing, it could be a simple explanation such as he worked for a company that wasn't doctor focused for years, I mean the results you can find are all pretty sound. But there frankly are not that many for a guy who has been in the game since the early 2000s... you'd think general searches would yield more than primarily stuff from 2021 forward.

    Just wondering if anybody might have some thoughts or insight into this. Thanks.

    PS it's certainly not to malign them at all, their results of late that can be found are pretty outstanding it's just strikes me as odd given their long work history and that not being reflected with reviews given how much we know folks hop on the forums and chat it up


  5. What do you mean crushing?  I take 1mg daily as prescribed by doc. Thankfully zero sides. You may be fine... it's a by and large benign med. Also if your meds are in 1mg form, you can get a pill cutter, very common inexpensive device.

    I can't speak to the varying dosage, I've only ever just done the 1mg.

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  6. 3 hours ago, Ryan Daniel said:

    Hi Ray,

    My alternate clinic was BHR clinic with Dr Bisanga, simply because he does excellent natural density and world class graft extraction... however since I built a strong relationship with Eugenix and the doctors, I decided to put my faith in them.  I don't know what I would say regarding negatives at Eugenix. From my own experience, maybe I wish I had little more time in the office for consultation just to refresh things more and show things on the big screen about mapping and grafting plans. Otherwise, a good experience 

    Thanks RD, that makes sense. Appreciate the reply!

  7. 3 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    I'll specifically respond to the tagged part. 

    I would have probably adjusted the temple point design very slightly to make them more symmetrical and i think i would have on the day before the surgery and night before talked to Dr Das and explain that i had paid for her to do crucial extraction and implantation because i cannot 100% confirm but am 99% sure that she didn't end up doing the frontal hairline and temple points. I think had i had the conversation beforehand that it was agreed with Eugenix that Dr Das would do that, it probably would have got honoured. 

    So, a lesson in hindsight i would give to others is to speak up beforehand themselves. 

    I guess as a side thing, probably not drink coffee on the day of surgery lol. I can't say it was the definitive cause of my blood oozing, but it probably didn't help. 

    Eugenix are good and a solid outfit from when i went at least i can say, hospitality and going above what would normally be done to help me. Can't praise them enough on that. It's just the other external factors of getting a Visa to India that really hampered the process for me and if i knew how bad it was, i probably would have started the Visa process significantly earlier. 

    Not sure how i would really do it post-pandemic when airline policies for re-arranging tickets aren't as good now and even if i wanted to go back, my personal circumstance in terms of getting a Visa is definitely a hassle. However, for those that can get to India, i'd say to still do all your research. Check reviews and make sure you feel confident you're going to the right place. There's plenty of places that were being praised and eventually went on a downhill trend and became a bit of a wary choice. I hope Eugenix continue to excel and i haven't overtly come across any latest cases with issues, but again, it's all part of your due diligence to be confident. 

    Thanks very much, yeah that makes sense... I feel like I've definitely done that research and was thinking I'd certainly communicate clearly and be sure we were all on the same page. I like your results so far, you're definitely one of the people who have helped my conclusions particularly the fact that you're real about it and fair. Thanks again for the reply!

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