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Posts posted by HairIsThere

  1. Alright so I know the side effects from Propecia have been talked about quite a bit on this site, but I couldn't find anything on here that talked about the specificity of the timeline. I have been using Propecia since the summer of 2005 and have had no adverse side effects since. Now I think I read a while back somewhere that if you are going to notice the sides then it will be very quickly after you start using the drug. Is this the case with Propecia or would it be possible to start experiencing side effects years after taking it? I guess my main question is...if you don't experience any sides within say a month or 2 or even a year after starting are you pretty much golden for the rest of your life? Or are there studies that say even though you didn't have them early on they could start up "x" amount of years down the line?

  2. So I've recently read an article about pubic hair transplants from one's head to their pubic region....yes let me say that again....from their HEAD to their PUBIC region. I think this is absolutely insane to waste your precious donor scalp hairs on pubes! I mean let's get serious here...thats ridiculous!! And if you didn't trim it it would start lookin like Chewbacca was hangin out in your shorts! Supposedly it's very prevalent amongst Asian women. Is this some sort of a cultural thing I guess? Anyways I just thought I'd start a pretty interesting thread.

  3. So I've recently read an article about pubic hair transplants from one's head to their pubic region....yes let me say that again....from their HEAD to their PUBIC region. I think this is absolutely insane to waste your precious donor scalp hairs on pubes! I mean let's get serious here...thats ridiculous!! And if you didn't trim it it would start lookin like Chewbacca was hangin out in your shorts! Supposedly it's very prevalent amongst Asian women. Is this some sort of a cultural thing I guess? Anyways I just thought I'd start a pretty interesting thread.

  4. I'm sure it can be done because I've seen articles where people inquired about moving chest, facial and even pubic hair to their head....I still can't get over how someone would want pubic hair on their head..I mean being bald is bad but not THAT bad. But basically wherever they take the donor hair from you will have some sort of a scar and I don't think personally I would want one that big on my body where it couldn't be covered up.

  5. I suggest wearing a bandana instead of a hat..it's much less dangerous IMO and fits on your head very nicely. If you think about it, a tight hat is way too tight especially around your hairline and a loose fitting hat sits on just about all your grafts, just not necessarily the grafts on the hairline. I know docs say its ok to wear a loose one out of the surgery clinic but personally I wouldn't and didn't risk it. A bandana is much more comfortable IMO as well. Just tie it on loosely and when you take it off just untie it and sorta let it fall off your head. Other than that just try to relax as much as possible and welcome to the HT club!

  6. This is a good question, but I see no reason why as a male you should stop taking it. Women just can't get it in their bloodstream and there's no way that can happen via sperm. I can also guarantee that if this was an issue there would be some serious documentation on it and the warning would be written all over the label for the drug.

  7. Hey Drew, congrats on that head of hair man it's gonna look awesome! I noticed you said you switched to using Avodart in a previous post...I'm assuming Dr. Wong gave you the prescription for it? What has your experience been like with it so far? I've heard it can be even more effective at halting hairloss than Propecia but also the side effects are potentially more harmful. Any feedback would be awesome and congrats again buddy!

  8. I was told by my doc that I could start doing aerobics/cardio after 1 week and needed to wait 2 weeks for light weightlifting. So after one week I started back into doing body lifts like pushups and chinups and also started doing some isolated leg exercises like leg press and leg curls at about week 2...(I am now a month post op). Now some people think this is crazy but everything I did I ran by my doc/team and they said it was ok. The differential in theories on this topic is huge though. Basically from what I understand is that you essentially can't even pull your grafts out after day 10 (though I wouldn't try to disprove that!) and after a couple weeks you can start lifting but just don't do anything that pulls your neck or puts pressure on it. Deadlifts and shrugs are especially out of the question for a while. Also no squats, holding heavy dumbbells and things of that nature until about 6 months or so until the scar has fully healed. Light/moderate benchpress I think is ok as long as you don't go so heavy as to drive the back of your head into the bench (e.g. when you arch your back). Hope this helps! Just make sure everything you do you run by your doc first because only they know exactly what they did to your head and will give the specifics of what you can or can't do.

  9. I gotta say that in terms of where you started and where you ended up after the HT this is single handedly the most impressive results I have seen. Congrats man.... If I was Rahal, these pics would have just promoted you to the poster boy of hair restoration at my clinic....and I gotta admit, I have extreme follicular envy of that spiked wet hair!! The last time I had my hair spiked like that I think I was 15....being able to go swimming again I'm sure is a thrill. I can't even remember the last time I went swimming and I'm only 22 icon_frown.gif Anyways, I can only hope my outcome is as sick nasty as yours man! Congrats again!!

  10. I accidentally popped a pimple about a week ago in the shower and it had a litle dab of blood on it but my doc checked it out the next day and said it was fine. Anyways, the past few days I've noticed it's come back in the same spot and it looks pretty raised off my scalp, especially after I shower. It looks like a see through whitehead with a thin red line in the middle (possibly a hair?). Does anyone know what this could be and why? Anyone ever experienced something like this?

  11. I accidentally popped a pimple about a week ago in the shower and it had a litle dab of blood on it but my doc checked it out the next day and said it was fine. Anyways, the past few days I've noticed it's come back in the same spot and it looks pretty raised off my scalp, especially after I shower. It looks like a see through whitehead with a thin red line in the middle (possibly a hair?). Does anyone know what this could be and why? Anyone ever experienced something like this?

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