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Posts posted by HairIsThere

  1. Yeah I think a lot of guys spike or comb their hair back after an HT because like you said they like to show off the new hairline and show they "don't have anything to hide". However, I am one that has always, even before I was balding, styled my hair to "lay" on my forehead. I wouldn't say I keep my hair long, but definitely longer than most guys keep theirs. I'm hoping that my HT will give me those layered looking bangs that will lay nicely on my forehead without having the combed forward balding look icon_smile.gif

  2. If a patient says ,Wow excellent job ,I dont see clinics demanding an explanation to why they feel its an excellent job.


    PGP, very good point.



    Also some guys come on ,do a little research ,make a couple of comments, and jet.

    Not everyone is up to typing full page reports with every post.

    So what John didnt like the result BIG FRICKIN DEAL!!!

    A simple honest comment got the book thrown at him.

    If we let physicians intimidate us then what good is this forum

    The patient seems happy ,and thats what really matters


    Completely agree here....I would say there are only a very few amount of posters that get on here many times a day, everyday and when they do, they aren't going to write a novel explaining themselves regardless of whether or not they like the result. Hence why there is very few follicular salvation club and celestial follicle club members.


    This whole thing is sorta comparable to lebron james at his summer camp a few weeks back.. Gets dunked out by a college kid, some dude gets it on film, lebron and nike go over to the dude and say give me that tape, and confiscated it, so it will never ever be seen....


    It just seems to me if someone proves they can handle and accept any sort of criticism, whether it be harsh or constructve, then that speaks volumes about that person. Back in high school I can't tell you how many times me and my teammates got absolutely shat on by the football coaches...we would be pissed but we just took it, didn't say anything and it all blew over within the next few minutes. You bring WAY more negative attention to yourself when you start freaking out.

  3. Dr. Feller,


    I can understand your concerns when it comes to the individual that has been goin after you for a while now. But I have to believe that not every single person that may say "honestly, I didn't really like that result" is either that same guy or someone else with the intent to malign. Every single doc on here that posts pics gets one or two or a few that say they didn't really like the outcome. You are without a doubt one of the most renown docs on this site and I don't belive that one person has the capacity to sabotage those views. Everyone has their own pair of eyes and can judge for themselves. No matter what one's profession is, you can never ever please everybody. If these negative posts happened ALL the time, I could understand why you take this sort of serious action (with lawyers, private investigators, lawsuits, etc...) But I suppose I don't quite get why you are jumping to such serious conclusions so quickly. JohnS could just be an occasional poster that got on here, happened to not like that result, posted his comments on it, got off the comp and went and did something else and maybe laughing his ass off right now thinking "how in the world could that post stir up so much trouble"...nothing more. I also wanted to ask you...in your opinion, what would have been an acceptable form of criticism from JohnS? (ie what is an example of how he could have phrased his opinion on this particular HT?)

  4. JohnS, can't really say you like it? The dude was practically completely bald before the HT. Feller framed the face which is the most important part and now they can attack the crown in another 1 or 2 procedures. I think it looks really good. The guy just chose to go with a more dense front instead of total sparse coverage.

  5. Hey Mike, scabs comin off with the hairs is completely normal. I was extremely concerned as well when I was going through this but it is definitely ok....and once they start falling off the area does start looking barren and will stay that way until about month 3. HT's are certainly not an instant gratification and the waiting sucks ass...I'm only at the 2 month mark and still have a long way to go.

  6. From being a long time weightlifter, I have come to the conclusion that lifting will allow you to attain an overall "in good shape" type body (including abs because you employ your abs in any exercise that requires mid section stability). However, with this said, you cannot get "defined" and "shredded" abs or rid of your love handles unless you do fat burning exercises for your core....basically ab cardio. And crunches are not the way to go - crunches only work the top portion of the abs and it is not a long range motion. Therefore not a lot of energy is utilized and thus not much fat is burned. You have to burn through that layer of belly fat before you can see anything....you can have the strongest, most developed abs but not see them if you have that little layer of fat sittin on top of them. I'll post a few links from youtube of my favorite ab workouts.


    Leg lifts -


    Ab roller -


    Core stability (aka Plank) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ar2iRusnnc&feature=fvw


    Awesome overall workout -

  7. I'd be interested in hearing what docs say about this too.


    Also, Dr. Lindsey, a friend of mine has extremely agressive hairloss at age 21 and only has some thin strands of hair on his head but has a persistant anterior fringe. Sometimes he grows his hair out and sometimes he'll shave it all the way down to his skin to sort of give that "shadow" look. IMO he looks 20x better with this shadow look as it seems like he has a somewhat decent head of hair. However when he grows it out it looks really bad. I've always been curious as to why this is the case. I've often thought of shaving my head down to my scalp just to see what it would look like but I've just never got the balls to.

  8. triffid -


    You must have been doing some heavy weights or something for it to expand that much. If I may ask, why would you think that chin ups would put too much stress on the donor area? There is no "pulling down" resistance with a chinup as your hands are holding on above your head so I don't necessarily see how it could strain the area. Also, what do you mean by disturb or rupture the follicles left in the vicinity?

  9. Hey man, I would recommend you get on Propecia ASAP. Like danny said, it doesn't look that bad right now, but you may very well be balding especially if you see a bunch of minaturized hairs (short and thin). If you are in fact balding, those hairs will only get thinner and shorter until the follicle is completely suffocated from its oxygen and nutrients. Propecia will help you keep the hair you have in the middle/crown areas and possibly even in the front. Just keep monitoring your hairloss and seeing if it gets worse. If you are losing your hair, it's definitely something that's tough to deal with but there IS something you can do about it. Hair transplants are the real deal if you choose a good doc and you can get a good amount of hair back.

  10. So I'm at about 1.5 months post op and my scar seems a little more red and just slightly bigger than what it was a few weeks ago. I believe it has gone from about 2mm to about 2.5mm. I have been weightlifting but certainly not heavy at all. Is it normal for the donor scar to stretch slightly over time? I guess my main question is, what width of scar would justify saying "wow doc nice job"?

  11. Was there a lot of blood when it came out? I've seen posts on here from docs and techs that after 10 days post op the only way you could get the follicles out of your head was by cutting them out with a scalpel....so I don't think that there is any way you're losing grafts at 4.5 months. You should call your doc though and email her those pics you posted on here and see what she says. To me it just looks like hair that has been shed with a scab that maybe wasn't ready to come out (hence the bleeding). But like you said, you should be experiencing growth at almost 5 months and not shedding. I'm actually pretty anxious to see what she has to say so report back por favor!

  12. Realhair, as you can see, it is a general consensus on this forum that if you are too young (i.e. younger than about 27) and balding fairly aggressively that you should not get an HT. Well I am 22 and I have been balding since I was about 17 so I would consider that pretty aggressive. So like yourself, I know how much it sucks to start losing your hair so young. I found out about Propecia when I was 18 and it has worked very well for me. I have maintained most of my hair in the back/middle of my head and therefore decided to go ahead and get an HT back in May. Obviously I have no results yet but I am still very happy that I did it and don't regret it. Now I know when people read this they're going to say "well just wait unitl you lose the rest of your hair in 10 years and see if you regret it then"....but I still have a lot of donor grafts left, enough to get good coverage or another "touch-up" procedure later on if I want to. Your hairline is what frames your face and basically determines your look....so IMO it's a lot better at any age to have a strong hairline and decent coverage in the back than it would be to have a weak/mild hairline and good coverage in the back.

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