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Everything posted by Iceee222

  1. So you wouldn’t consider path or laorwong and look further abroad how come ?
  2. Hey I’ve been digging more and doing more research and I see how important it is to make sure the doc specializes with your hair type and loss. Do you think path or laorwong are good fits for my hair type and hair loss? Also curious about Pekiner bicer and freitas
  3. U putting him up their w other top surgeons! How does he compare to Freitas path bucer and Pekiner. Others I’m looking at
  4. Don’t the technicians do most the work now? What are ur thoughts on dr path laorwong and Pekiner
  5. Curious what u think about Pekiner and where he stacks up? Same w path and laorwong ?
  6. How about Pekiner laorwong park bicer? Where do they rank?
  7. Glad to hear you had success w him. I’m very much considering him rn
  8. Has your opinion changed on Nader yet as I am considering him still? I’d appreciate to hear your thoughts on him
  9. Would u not recommended Nader then what do u think went wrong?
  10. I was able to find his work on forum. Looks good also found on Reddit. U able to find it yet if so what u think of him ?
  11. Are you no longer considering Nader I have seen and heard nothing but good things.. curious ur thoughts ?
  12. I’ve heard Pekiner and maybe bicer is pretty close to those other docs I mentioned. where do path laorwong nader camacho fit in w these docs ?
  13. Interesting OK I just wasn’t sure because I’ve never heard of any Dr. Hlc but I’ve actually heard of Dr. Tourin and Dr. Gore. So just the training and doctors overall are better Hlc? Interesting OK I just wasn’t sure because I’ve never heard of any Dr at Hlc but I’ve actually heard of Dr. Turan and Dr. Gur. So the training and doctors are just better overall at HLC? also yeah I’ve heard good things about Dr. pekiner and Dr. Bicer, you wouldn’t even recommend going to them I should just either go with Bisanga or someone in Europe?
  14. I’m curious about this because it appears the two docs at FueCapilar: turan and Gur seem to be more respected than any of the specific docs at HLC and there are so many positive patient reviews about Gur and turan. HLC gives you a random doc and you can’t pick them. To me I would feel better about FueCapilar but if I’m missing something here please chime in!
  15. Hey wondering why people say HLC is better when Dr. Turan and Dr. gur have more and better results than the HLC doctors and plus you don’t even know which one you’re going to get? Also how come people on this form seem to recommend bicer over Pekiner ?
  16. Back to your rating in the beginning of this paragraph what category would you put Dr. Bicer dr Gur dr turan Dr. Pekiner dr path and dr laorwong ?
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