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Posts posted by JoselitoElGallo

  1. 3 minutes ago, BeHappy said:


    I've had about 3000 chest grafts transplanted over several sessions from True & Dorin. If they didn't grow then I wouldn't continue using them. Are they the best grafts to use? No, of course not, but to say the survival rate is almost 0% is far from accurate. For me I'd say it's been higher than 50% easily.


    Can you share a link on your case?

  2. 6 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I will for sure ask, be sure to join the podcast as well. 

    Would be great If you get a podcast with him.


    I dont know if you speak spanish but the case shown is not with chest hair and what he say in his website is that even not all the patiences with beard are good to trasplant, also for chest, saying that even having tones of hair in your chest it doesnt make you a candidate for BHT.


    So far I never seen a case of hair using chest hair.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    They are good surgeons no doubt. Chest hair is last resort donor source. Dr. De Freitas has done chest hair before, but only on certain patients and cases. BHT in general requires a different type of punch and technique. BHT is usually only done with surgeons that do extensive repairs or high baldness. From what I’ve seen Cuoto and Pinto do Norwood 2-4 mostly, so there’s no need to do BHT. Doesn’t mean they’re not excellent surgeons.

    I will be talking to Dr. Bisanga, one of the best in Europe. I will be sure to ask him about chest hair and the survival rate. He has used chest hair a lot on repair cases. 

    Bruno Pinto has done long NW scale, also Freitas. 

    I never seen a case Of Freitas using chest hair, Can you share with all of us?

    Would be nice that you open up this topic with him, in case is positive I have unlimited donor area 🤣🤣🤣

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  4. 5 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    The research is only as good as the surgeon. That’s my point, while one surgeon may only get 29% another may get 80-85%. 

    I never seen Couto, Pinto  or Freitas doing chest extraction, so they dont know how to do it, are them not good surgeon?


    If they dont use it, is for a reason, very poor survival rate.


    They would rather prefer to be honest with the case than give false expectations and open the pocket,

  5. 23 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I know chest hair isn’t as good as beard, but the survival is definitely much higher than %5. Even Dr. Camacho noted that they can get close to a 100% if they do a small number. 

    My biggest issue with medical literatures is that you’re relying on one surgeons expertise and experience, as we know. Surgeons are not created equal, their talent and results vary widely. 10 years ago there was a study that showed FUE grafts skeletonized. The grafts barely grew. Everyone referenced this study as proof that FUE was inferior. Well, now we know that isn’t true, and that particular surgeon wasn’t very good at FUE.


    29% I find too generous that research.... Thats mean every 3 grafts you throw away 2 ( more than 2). And you are charged in full.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    The opinion alone doesn’t make him a troll, but his behavior here makes him a troll. You joined a few days ago, so you’re not aware of his behavior. When he first came his name was “HLC Butchers” I then asked him if he had an agenda here. Keep in mind, we have zero affiliation with HLC. But I still like to keep the forum fair and honest.  He then changed his name “whats your agenda here” then he changed his name to “good hair transplants are botch jobs” this is all troll behavior. My job is to call out this behavior. You’re free to state your opinion, even about me. I respect opinions, but I will always call out trolls. 

    I dont have a bad opinion about you actually I think that you are doing a great jon in fairness to you.

    But what I mean is that in the post, he only said the reasons why he consider Eugenix as a hairmill and all of a sudden many people went against him.

    He can be right or wrong, who knows, everybody has their own opinion thats why the forum is very helpful, but I didnt find it a troll post.

  7. 1 minute ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    No one pays any ads on the forum. Let’s get that straight. We have 0 I repeat 0 ads. We’re able to operate because recommended surgeons, who go through a rigorous approval process, which includes public scrutiny on this forum pay a monthly sponsorship fee. That’s the reason why you don’t see any ads on this forum. 

    So, why you can not respect the opinion of a user that consider that Eugenix is a hair mill (not my opinion) and saying that he is a troll.


    I find it so unrespectful coming from you (moderator).

    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, asda said:

    My opinion is that even lower packges of eugenix are still good and safe. But i was confused with @Hope everything is novapost here, and on other post from the same member saying that Eugenix is hairmill. I have seen him to call Eugenix a hair mill and a tech driven clinics in various posts. So he is a troll member ?

    is his opinion.


    What I see is too many ads paid by Eugenix in the forum ....

  9. 3 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Where are you getting chest hair has 0% survival rate? Several surgeons harvest chest hair with great survival. Dr. Mwamba stated that chest hair can be a good source, but patient selection is key. Dr. Bisanga said this as well. 

    I read the medical  researches. And the survival rate is from 0% to 10%

    First of all the behaviour of chest hair is totally different than head hair or beard hair, the wau of growing chest hair is limited unlike the others 2.

  10. Regarding Eugenix, I will say my opinion, I dont think that they are hair mill, but for sure they are not top.


    Whats really dissapoint me from them is the extract chest hair that has almost 0% survival rate for the sake of charging you the graft. I know for some patiences that the chest hair is the last hope but I never seen a top doctor getting grafts from there because as I said there is no survival rate.


    Another thing that I dont like is the treat to the donor area, but is not bad at all.


    We can not consider hairmill, they have good results with too many patiences, but there is some details that they turn me off.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Harry Bosch said:

    Still looks white/gray to me, especially in the daylight.  I get a lot of comments on it.  Dr. Bruno suggested it will be less noticeable when my hair gets longer and the trauma of surgery wears off.  Grays in that area were existing prior to surgery but I had no idea the extent - likely related to some form of fibrosis that Dr. P hopefully remedied with an additional 200 grafts

    It is not a big deal, you can always hair dye it.

  12. On 6/29/2022 at 5:54 PM, hairystyles said:

    I have a surgery scheduled in August my doctor's clinic will be going on vacation the day after my surgery for 3 weeks and won't be able to do any post operative checks or care for me following the procedure. From reading the posts here on the forums I know that the first week is very delicate and that usually when coming in from out of town people stay a few days afterwards for post operative checks and washing. Particularly as I will be in a foreign country and there is a bit of a language barrier, not being able to see him afterwards is concerning to me. I am considering delaying my surgery, even though I know with his schedule this could mean waiting a long time I could really use the advice of people who have been down this path before as this is my first surgery ever.

    -What would you all do in this situation? Would you delay the procedure or is it reasonable to care for myself without help?

    -What were your post operative regimens? As far as washing my hair after surgery, returning to the clinic for the "first washing" seems to be a big deal, correct? Any advice on how to do this correctly would be appreciated. Also, what ointments/post op care regimens did your doctors prescribe after the procedure? I know Dr. Hasson for example likes using some sort of viscous petroleum jelly type ointment after the procedure to reduce scabbing (at least that's what it looks like on the pictures his patients have posted here) and others have mentioned they spray their hair with saline or some sort of "nutrient spray" after the procedure every hour till the scabs come off. If any of you could share the protocols your doctors used I would really appreciate it.

    -How long did you wait to fly out after the surgery? I am 15 hours by plane from Madrid and will have to transfer flights at the 6 hour mark. I won't have anyone with me unfortunately.

    For how long you are planning to stay in Madrid after surgery?


    Me I had to take a 26 hours fligh after my surgery so I wait for a week. I suggest you to wait 5 to 7 days as well.


    Usually for first 3 days post HT, just keep hydrated every hour your receptor area.

    After 3 days you can wash very gently your head.

    Usually every clinic has their own protocols and Couto and his team will provide it.


    For the anhestesia in your face apply dry ice from time to time. Actually you dont have to do anything so special, jus rest at your room.

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