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Everything posted by mister_25

  1. Just to reiterate, these are observations that give me a cautious approach and attitude towards Pekiner, if they were addressed then I can look past these. But they havent been. I've seen some cases with poor growth in highly dense packed areas on Reddit. The growth was poor enough where I would label it a "Disaster" I tried to find them but was unable to, so if you want to dismiss this point I think its rather fair of you to do so. And quotes from this user in another thread I find inexcusable.
  2. Dr Hasson thinks the results are excellent so I think the offer of a free touch-up or refund is off the table if they were to say that. Also the doctor said I have coarse hair, and when you look at any hair transplant material, coarse hair transplants are always fuller than medium or finer hair transplants. This was also discussed on this thread if you go back a couple of pages. I've tried by combing in all sorts of ways, my hair falls flat against the skin because of the very little volume, no matter how I part it. Slick back looks the most natural because the hair naturally gets pressed closer towards the scalp anyway. I have to live with the weak hairline for now. Its "passable" as long as I'm not in direct lighting. I'm probably going to "test" dutasteride by starting on Fin 6 times a week and Dut 1 times a week, and slowly over the course of a year work my way up to 7 days usage. I got a prescription for Oral Dutasteride now but I havent ordered any. You nailed it on the head about the failed expectations, All these people downplaying by saying you still "got a significant improvement" fail to see the reality of the situation. Regardless its a significant improvement, or even if this is somehow 100% growth. The doctor told me, in person, at his clinic after I directly asked him "Are my expectations achievable, and reasonable" and he said they were, this is what I set in my mind as my expectation due to his response, this is what was reinforced into me. I will say without a doubt the peak of my self hatred was about 1-2 months into minoxidil usage when I had shed all my hair from minoxidil. And in-spite of the disappointment that was my hair transplant, I don't nearly hate myself as much as I did back then. My point is, I don't think I am suffering Finasteride induced depression. Pretty sure its body image based and how I was treated during that. My social life worsened on both ends, one side from my depression affecting my on my confidence to say witty things, joke or to mingle and share personal matters and opinions without being judged/rejected. On this end this was entirely on my behalf because the simple answer is if I didn't care about my body image whatsoever then It wouldn't affect this at all. But the other side was and is completely outside my control and it genuinely changed how I was treated. When I went NW3 but still rather thick and full hair, I was still mocked, excluded, a topic of gossip, a example of "what not to be", etc. When my balding progressed into NW4, I straight up was mocked relentlessly, whenever I had a small disagreement with my "friends" they would just say "I don't have to listen to someone who's balding at 20". That's the type of life I lived for a while, at the end of the day. I felt and was treated as "less". I don't have that type of life now, but I carry that with me. Unlike what everyone says, your personal image matters. If I didn't shower and I smelled horrible, then gossip about me smelling bad and being unhygienic would exist, I would also be excluded more often due to this, who wants to invite someone that smells bad to a bar or club? Same thing with receding/balding, or acne, or fat or anything else society deems "defective, undesirable, unattractive" And the reality is, they probably weren't worthy of being my friends anyway which you are 100% correct on. Regardless some of them removed me from their life, I removed some of them from my life, they are gone now but doesn't mean the damage isn't done. Everyone is the sum of their life experiences, observations, anecdotes. When I went from a non balding man to a balding man, I was simply treated horribly or even ignored and rejected completely by some groups of people that I called my peers and friends. I can change the state of my hair by struggling with everything I have by exhausting a significant amount of my savings, funds, time and energy. But at the end of the day, I cannot change the fact that I was treated horribly by the closest of my peers all because I was balding. That's a part of who I am now, that's something I will have to live with and probably will never go away. I won't adjust finasteride dosage because its working for me how it is, I might be swapping to dutasteride over the coarse of the year. But excluding Saw Palmetto is probably going to happen if I switch to Dutasteride. I'll research into it, but I will probably try it because if it improves my hair then it simply improves my life. That's literally what my life boils down to. But the reality is, I am not made out of money. I exhaust huge financial resources into my hair already as it is and every time I add things like "Personal Trainer, Therapist, Gym Membership, Nutritionist" I just get further away from the future hair transplants. I am leaning towards Konior/Couto the most out of the ones you have listed here. As for Dr Hasson, he has offered a phone call to me but I told him that I want to wait until I hit 12 months, the reason I said this is whenever I had a issue, H&W would just tell me to wait, I do not want to hear that again at 11 months as the reason why my result isn't where I wanted it to be. I just got fibers and tested them for about a day, fibers get my hair going from a 55-65% to about a 90% of where I want to be. Its a good intermediate solution but at the end of the day, it doesn't make me look I'm not balding. My hairline is just too thin, and to high to look like someone at the age of 23. Still I feel like that when I have fibers in, my hair looks "average" and won't give anyone any negative or positive thoughts on it so thats the biggest win I can ask for. Thank you for this. My problem is that I don't get the same fulfillment out of my hobbies that I used to get before hair loss. I associate my hair loss as "losing my youth" and the reason I say this is because I went from "freshly graduated from highschool with no balding" to "heavily balding" in the span of a year. I work so hard with all the financial and other resources I have just to offset this, its ruined my perception on enjoying the present, I only care about the future and I consider the present "lost" to me. The thing is, I don't know if I am able to achieve my goals anymore. The assessments about my current donor are about 2000 grafts, which isn't enough to address my level of hairloss in my opinion. On top of this, because of the stress that my hair growth was slow and the responses of the clinic were practically just "wait", I developed alopecia areata from stress. My trichologist straight up told me, that he does not think I am a good hair transplant candidate anymore due to my areata. He is very against it, but he also says that I can't back down from future transplants because I'm already in deep. He never said it but I'm pretty sure he implied im in a really sh*tty situation. At the end of the day, can I expect significant improvement? Yes. Can I expect my goals to be achieved? I don't know, my goals were to just have decent-hair that can pass off as my age. "My Age" refers to whatever age I am at. The world runs on what people think of each other, and this is no different than what people think of H&W or any other clinic/surgeon for that matter. If enough people "think" on this website that Asli Tarcan is a upstanding clinic that provides the best results, than word of mouth will make it known that they are a "upstanding clinic that provides the best results" even if they are grossly wrong. The reason I picked Dr Hasson of H&W is that I "thought" he was "the best and most capable choice for my situation and case". To generalize, people are filled with "individuals" who each have their own personal anecdotes that they willingly go out of their way to share them, and in less common cases even explain them, this happened many times with Clinics like H&W to the point that many people associate H&W as a elite clinic due to their consistent excellent results, the same thing can be undone if people believed there is a new trend where they stopped caring for their practice and their results suffer as a result. If a large group of people come out and say it, then its worth considering and addressing. Konior in my case said that he would do something between 1000-2000 grafts (depending on how much I get placed into the hairline) and that he would select the strongest 2000 hairs/grafts that I have in my donor for the best coverage. After my donor has healed he can then assess how much I have remaining. Can you elaborate on this? I care about how I look now, and the "near future" which is my 20s. 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s even 70s and 80s I am going to care what I look like from before, now and until I die. The reason I put emphasis on 20s, is that very rapidly after I turned into a adult, I went bald which is associated with aging and a undesirable attractive trait. You are only young once, and I want to look good in my physical prime and at the height of my youth. Is that really nonsense? I already actively do what you are saying about building myself up finaicially and discipline wise. If anything, your comment just reinforces that its proabably the best thing I can do outside of addressing my hair. But this does not address the present where I am miserable now, only the future which may or may not have my hair goals met. For the past 3-4 years, I've been obsessed in self improvement, I began gym, self care, reading self help books, dismantling bad habits and assembling good ones, and improving my discipline in ways that apply to all aspects of my life. I can improve in all these aspects and become "better" or "more" than the average person in these ways, but at the end of the day the one way that I am "less" than others overpowers my thinking. Its unhealthy, and I cant change it after years of on and off therapy and so far months of consistent therapy. I am aware that I need to plan for the long term, that much is obvious and because of your comments I have gotten a prescription for Oral Dutasteride. But the whole idea that hair restoration is a marathon and not a race isn't 100% accurate. If I keep playing the waiting game like I have been doing this whole time, I'll be 30 by the time everything is addressed. Whilst I may live to the ages of 80 or so on, I am not young forever. I want to look the best I can for the longest amount of time, and early is better because my youth wont last forever. Small Update now that I am 11.5 months in My previous Areata patch is about 90% filled in, it took a good 1-2 minutes in the office to expose it in a way that was slightly visible. However I developed another one that is smaller than the previous one, my trichologist explained that since I reacted very positively and well to the injections the first time around that this weaker patch is all but guaranteed to really fill in, which is a good thing but still a pain in the ass that I have to go through this a second time. Because I developed this second areata patch, I have more of a understanding of "what causes" my areata loss. I see a very similar circumstance/situation/pattern on the weeks leading up to when I first discover these patches and that is excessive stress to when it hits boiling point. I don't want to elaborate in detail because I find this topic in particular very embarrassing to share publicly, so if anyone is interested in this they can send me a private message and i'll elaborate as long as they keep it private. Outside of that, Not much really to report on, if anything there is slight improvements but not in growth or amount of hair on my head.
  3. No that is not what I am referring to, although that also has factored in to my wary/cautious/hesitant outlook when it comes to considering Pekiner. What I am referring to, is that I have read a few "concerns" that haven't been addressed, which makes me wary and cautious.
  4. I think they are both excellent options, but I definitely will say I prefer Ferreira's ethics and work over Pekiners.
  5. Why wasn't he able to determine that you were not a suitable candidate before harvesting? And why throw away a small 200 grafts? Why not just implant and call it like that? If other doctors were to find you as a potential candidate for their clinic, you would be 200 grafts down for literally no reason.
  6. Any native hair that I have lost would of been too weak to survive the surgical process anyway. They were extremely thin in diameter and the only area that loss was visible in is on the left side hairline. I am practically maximising already. I am on two DHT blockers, high dosage of oral minoxidil for 10 months, I mean I can add ketoconazole but I’ve already stabilised with no visible regression for almost three years. I am absolutely certain that as of now, that doctors and myself consider my situation stabilizied. Why would I risk changing Finasteride for Dutasteride when finasteride works for me? If I swap to dutasteride and it’s not as effective for me and I start to thin again, I’m creating more problems down the line. I will probably add new medication, but waiting another year? Probably not. All I do is wait and I hate it. I’ll wait for doctors but not this. My goal is to restore it with the best ability, precautions and methodology as well as early as possible.
  7. No as of now, for multiple reasons. Getting a FUT really ruins the bald look and the buzzed look in my opinion. In spite of me desperately wanting hair I also wants options for shaved heads. I don’t think it’s necessary unless I go into 6/7 territory. Beard hair in my opinion is a better alternative for my case. From what I’ve seen, filling in a FUT scar with SMP or grafts is very difficult to achieve something that looks satisfactory on shorter cuts. I would only consider a FUT after I’ve exhausted all options or I enter a territory where I have noteable loss in the 6/7 areas. If I am low on donor with only 2000 grafts than donor preservation is just as important as restoring the front and crown. And if I do get a FUT, I would probably get it with Konior.
  8. Honestly, I don't know. All the mixed feedback really adds a massive element on confusion and is actually detrimental to the way I process my decisions. I've been told by you and others, publicly and privately that I have "good/great characteristics and donor" but also been told by others that it looks like I have DUPA and I actually have poor donor. How can you not be confused when two different groups give the exact opposite opinions. I especially started getting confused when I was told that I have fine hair by one group and coarse hair by the other. It infact still has some hold of doubt on me, in spite of the doctor saying that I have coarse and wavy hair. Its not a 3-4 year thing. I checked every single result. The post-procedure photos that came into question started around March 2022 but were minimal concern until the final results came in around December 2022. Now in 2023 I am seeing alot more people express concerns about H&W. I don't want to bag on the clinic that I am still considering, but the most I will ever say is that before my transplant, I actively searched for bad hair transplant results with H&W and I could only find three posts that were rather public that spoke negatively about them from either experience, or result. Now when I search it I see multiple reddit threads and other cases, probably including my own. Considering Couto, Ferreira and Konior the most, looks like this line of thinking is probably right so far. Here is the thing, I did not want to have to rely on beard grafts. I am not opposed to getting beard hairs implanted in my scalp, but I would be very cautious because my beard is very different than my scalp. My scalp hair is dark brown, almost black whilst my beard is red. On top of that my beard hair is very wiry and unruly whilst my scalp hair is wavy. Its very different characteristics and if I transplant my beard hair and it is "unable to adapt to the scalp characteristics" its going to look very unnatural and very poor. I'll PM you a case that shows what I am fearing as I do not want to publicly shame the user for his poor result.
  9. This will be a long post, it will serve as addressing some comments I want to reply to, what I am doing, thoughts on doctors I am consulting with, and a small description of my hair at 11 months in. I've had my donor examined at my current trichologist three-seperate times (Once during my donor shockloss at about two months in, and twice during my areata checkups at the 7/8 month mark). I've also had Doctor Hasson previously operate on my donor before. In-fact I am going in for a third Areata checkup next week making it the fourth time this trichologist has examined my donor. Just for full context, this trichologist I currently visit was recommended to me by a notable forum member who is very knowledgeable about the hair transplant situation going on in my country. I have retrograde alopecia, so I have a reduced donor zone. If I can only get 2000 grafts out it would make me only able to harvest about 5900-6000 grafts in total. Doug once told me that if someone's retrograde alopecia were to take up 20% of the donor, then they would probably only get 5500-6500 grafts out of their donor. I was expecting this to be honest. Regardless, what Dr Hasson told me at the clinic when he had finished operating on me, and what he is telling me now contradict each other. Dr Hasson told me that if I opted for a conservative hairline (which I did), that I would be able to address the frontal third, and the crown whilst also having grafts saved for future hair loss, whilst also achieving my goals after the second procedure. Now Dr Hasson has told me that I will have to "choose" between the frontal third or the crown. If I'm looking at every bit of information confirmed about my donor, this is what I can list that concerns my donor. Average Density (From Dr Hasson) and "Average at best density" (From Dr Konior), Seems to be Good Density (From my Trichologist) Average Characteristics (From Dr Hasson) Coarse and Wavy Hair (From Dr Hasson) Retrograde Alopecia NW6/7 Potential When you say wait, how long are you talking about? The options that I am very impressed by have spots probably around some time at the end of 2024 or the middle of 2026. Is that a sufficient wait? I am very confused by people telling me to wait because of my mental health. The reason why I am miserable is because I have blatantly obvious hairloss now. Isn't my best interest for my mental health actually addressing the problem? It seems counter-productive to me. And to really reiterate, the whole idea of "focus on other avenues of your life" to "distract myself of my hair loss" doesn't work for me. I have acted on this forums advice both publicly and privately. I see a therapist now, I actively go to gym more consistently with a stronger sense of routine and discipline, new and improved diet that I find is giving me better results and even progressed at my job. I do not feel better or fulfilled in the slightest. I hate myself for my hair loss, my whole purpose in the past three years of my life is to rapidly improve myself in every conceivable way, especially since I lost almost all of my social circles and friendships because of my rapid and sudden hair loss. All my earnings are put towards funding future procedures, gym membership, psychiatrist appointments, flights, food that fits under my diet and accommodation. It is all to address the one insecurity that makes me feel less about myself and has made others treat me as if I am less. I am not sure if I would get a second procedure with Dr Hasson or H&W. I will say that I have a scheduled phone call with Dr Hasson and after that phone call I will make up my decision and post all the input I have received from the clinic and my collective honest experience. Also a thing worth noting. Due to my Areata, Dr Hasson has said that he wants to delay my second procedure to November 2024, the reason for this is that he wants one year without active areata before performing a proecedure. I am not saying that there was no significant improvement, because in its own way there clearly is. I cannot describe this procedure as a failure or a success when you look at hair transplants objectively. But the miss match from expectation and reality is devastating. I asked the doctor at the very start. In fact its in the opening paragraph of the original post "are my expectations reasonable and achievable" here is the exact quote My expectation, that I had reinforced on Day one post-op. Does not line up with reality. 3800 was not enough to address my balding, I have stated multiple times I was and I am still aware of this. I always knew, from the very beginning that I would need two procedures. My problems do not arise from this understanding. What I was told, was to meet my goals I will need to do two two personalized surgeries. The first surgery would address the frontal third and add some coverage to work with in the crown (3872 grafts). The second procedure would boost that crown to the satisfactory degree and boost the mid-scalp by reinforcing the weak point. At no point did Dr Hasson indicate to me that my frontal third would be insufficient in a first pass. (This quoted second procedure was somewhere in the 2000 range. Getting me to a grand total of something around 5872) Yet again I'll say it plainly. The reason why I am unhappy is the frontal third is weaker than what the doctor reinforced in my expectations. I have not seen any hair loss at all since I started Finasteride/Minoxidil at the beginning of February 2021. No hair loss at all for almost three years. My regime works and I do not want to risk changing one item for another. However, I do not mind adding something on top of another. This is the regime I was thinking off if I were to progressively bald again or If I can reasonable add more stuff without risking side effects Finasteride 1mg a day (currently taking) Oral Minoxidil 5mg a day (currently taking) Topical Dutasteride once a day Saw Palmetto once a day (currently taking) Ketoconazole maybe twice a week? May as well say what my hair is like now at 11 months in terms of improvements; The hairline seems to have improved in terms of how "natural" it is, the weak point that I deemed as "unnatural" at around the 8/9 month mark has softened up due to the hairs maturity. But it still stands out to a degree. The hairs seem thicker, but as for "amount of hairs" there doesn't seem to be much improvement. Crown seems to show more improvement, and even in poor conditions (example I am referring to is bedhair where my hair was all over the place) it is a significant increase in coverage/density. In the plainest and simplest terms my hair right now has two states based on two major conditions Without direct light, I look like a NW2 with visible early signs on transitioning to NW3. This only applies outside of a top-down angle and frontal tilt. With direct light, there is a obvious mismatch in density between the transplanted hairs and the native forelock. And all those transplanted areas are very see through. It looks like I have hair in the NW2 area, but I am "rapidly approaching NW4, skipping the NW3 process" As for the consults, here is a update Konior - The difference between communicating with a Clinic (like H&W/Rahal who I consulted with) and a Doctor directly is night and day difference. I feel like I am getting personalized emails straight from the source itself. Konior seems rather straight forward and explains his reasoning and gives honest input. He told me that due to the information I provided (which he said is not entirely accurate due to lower resolution photos) is that I have up-to 2000 grafts and that would be pushing the upper limits of my donor capacity, and that he would transplant the best 1000-2000 I have in the frontal third to boost the density. Ahmad - No update, I need to provide more information on my part. Ferreira - Not taking online consultations, but I have been placed on the waiting list when they arrive. Bisanga - Rejected as he does not take patients under the age of 28-29. Pinto - Not taking assessments Couto - Not taking assessments, I have been told when to contact them when they are available to book one. So far after researching additional options, the doctors that I am leaning towards the most are Konior and Couto so far. This can be subject to change.
  10. I don't really have a choice, hair loss has damaged my social life and destroyed my confidence. My options are either struggle and try to restore my hair or live a miserable twenties by giving up. I am past the 11 month point, I will be withholding information about my communications with H&W until the 12 month point. I have been communicating with other surgeons. General consensus is that I have 2000 grafts left and I have to choose between fulfilling my front or crown. And to answer the question, Dr Hasson said that my hair was Coarse and Wavy, so any misconceptions about my hair being fine contributing to the less than stellar result should have their answer.
  11. You will hear alot about Dr Couto's temple points, in my opinion its the most consistent work.
  12. From my experience, observations and personal anecdote, I will say that communication is a extremely important part of the surgery. I was once a person on here that believed “at the end of the day, the result is what matters and I’ll choose based on that, who delivers the most consistent results, what are they like at their worst and what are they like at their best in terms of ability and portfolio” Only after consulting with other doctors for my second procedure did I realise how much clearer, honest, straight forward communication adds to the surgeons ability as a whole. I think your frustrations are under represented in this industry. At the end of the day, the surgeon did right by you by stopping the surgery if they had no confidence in restoring your hair. But the heartbreak, the struggle, the ruined anticipation for taking the first step towards fixing your life. That’s on them.
  13. Norwood 7, crown dips low but your lateral humps aren't that low either. I imagine if your goal is to fill your scar it should be rather achievable. I can't really say about restoring the front because you have your hair shaved down so I can't really tell about hair characteristics or anything Top US and Canadian surgeons are very expensive, $10000 USD will not get you 5k Grafts. Probably around $20000-35000 USD is around the 5K range. My advice that I will give you is that "where to look" isn't a clean and simple answer. In my opinion, Spain has the most surgeons that I would be able to place my trust in, but in the same breath there are many hair mills in Spain that produce lower quality work. When researching, you don't want to fall into the early pitfall decision where you've made up your mind on "where" to get your surgery before you decide "who" is performing it. Many people fail on this step and exclusively search on Turkey where an overwhelming majority are hairmills where risk outweighs reward. Instead, research doctors individually and assess each doctors own ability, skillset and portfolio and try to find the doctor who's ability, skillset and portfolio closely align with your case and what you need. Pitella and Sethi (Eugenix) are the ones that have impressed me with using body hair/beard hair. I do not know what they charge. I'm going to put emphasis on this. I highly recommend that you do not pay anyone other than a surgeon for a consult. A surgeon will give you the most accurate answer both through online consultations and in-person. On top of this, a forum member that is not a surgeon or affiliated with this industry does not have personal stakes associated with giving a accurate/quality consultation. If they are wrong its not like they hurt their business because they are most likely not in a industry involving hair. I would start writing down some names and go through results spanning back 3-5 years. Consult with each, and ask as many questions as you need.
  14. I am struggling with the same issue, I have shedded in a area that was previously full in September but is now much thinner in October. I’ve tried asking my clinic if it will grow back two-three times but they do not answer that particular question or they have ignored it. In my case I started Oral Minoxidil in January so a 9 month difference.
  15. Zarev cases are rarely shared but always followed with great attention due to the consistent extraordinary results. Looking forward to seeing your results In my case a majority of my growth happened between month 7 and 8, everyone really does grow differently.
  16. All the results I've seen from him are patient posted results and they have been very impressive when it comes to utilizing the donor
  17. Money wise, I don’t have a full concrete answer. I would think of Couto, Konior and Ahmad. Maybe a few others like Ferreira and Pinto who I am still researching. But if money could buy time I would love to avoid Zarevs waiting list…
  18. I emailed info@fuexpert.com and got a response back.
  19. Many people don’t want others to know that they got a hair transplant, celebrities are in the public eye that often that someone will definitely notice and turn it into a source of gossip. This applies to other cosmetic procedures as well.
  20. Do you have the photo of this patient after the first op and when the scabs came off after his first hair transplant? So we can clearly see the difference?
  21. Looks normal, I had a annoying cowlick for about 8 years when I was a kid, looks very close to this. If your really scared about, you should look into fin as previously mentioned or if you just really want to know whether your balding or not buzz your hair down and take a look
  22. Not all rows/patterns are created equal. The ones that you see from Couto and De Freitas are undetectable when the hair is grown out, and when buzzed short they still look somewhat normal most of the time. These should be easy to correct with minor touch ups by adding grafts in a staggered/random pattern. Then you have your Turkish hairmill rows or even the cornrows you see from D****. Which are absolutely horrific to go through, I’m pretty sure there are some active members here who got some of these repaired and they can tell you what it’s like. From what I’ve researched, only really the techniques and the surgical instruments have really developed in the past couple of years, and these types of rows you are seeing from doctors like Couto, De Freitas, Wong and even Bisanga are still relatively new but are getting increasingly more common, It really interests me because when you read any material on the nature of a good hair transplant, they condemn rows of all kinds, even by some of these doctors that I listed, maybe it’s outdated information. I think it would be a interesting topic for @Melvin- Adminto discuss on his podcast with a doctor like Couto, Freitas or Wong to kind of air out the topic in a offical/public manner considering I’m seeing more and more of these threads when I visit here. Also, for your short hair argument, if your transplant doesn’t work out or expires after a couple of years. You would usually fall back on shaving your head or buzzing it. So it is perfectly reasonable to be concerned, there are also ways to conceal FUE and FUT scars like SMP, Fit farming and donor restocking. People want to be informed and to be ready for situations like that.
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