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Posts posted by mister_25

  1. 2 hours ago, Curious25 said:

    Well he’s an egotistical idiot if so. 

    Given the era this transplant was likely performed, it is nothing short of exceptional in my mind. 

    100% Agree. I would even argue that it is the #1 Best HT result on a mainstream celebrity.

    Elon Musks HT result is amazing if you consider the fact that he had it years ago before our current age of FUE. It also has maintained very well up to this day. 

    10 hours ago, Mike10 said:

    But it is a bit disappointing to see that with all the money and ressoucres Musk has you can't get a better result. I mean the result is ok but not that impressive

    I'm pretty sure if Elon Musk went for a touch up today he would probably go to a name that we would be familiar with on this site. I'm pretty sure the choices we have are the same as his except for the fact that budget is irrelevant to him. I don't think there are any resources that he can tap into that we can't.

  2. Hey Everyone, 2 days shy of my 2 months update but I thought that it was exactly one month since the last photos I shared on this thread so here it goes.

    2 Month Update:

    As said in the post above ill recap some experiences over this month with less detail

    1-2 Month Experiences

    • Started Oral Minoxidil, as of recent I've noticed more beard hairs in the sink/shower and it being a little bit thinner in two spots.
    • Itching was severe during Month 1, but mostly has diminished on Week 7.
    • I have been gently rubbing on the recipient sites and sometimes I get these hairs with bulbs attached, see previous post for images.
    • Pain has subsided at the end/beginning of Week 5/6
    • Shedding really picked up a day or so after my 1 month update. Within 10 days I lost 95% of the transplanted hair, maybe even more.
    • Native hair has been completely shocked on the crown, maybe with a tiny bit starting to grow back. 
    • Native hair has a majority shocked out in the front, with a small forelock standing.
    • Redness has gone down to a shade of pink, the discomfort has also lifted in the recipient sites and is now smoother but still sensitive to touch (although lightly)
    • I've had about 3-4 pimples, maybe a extra one forming just below my midscalp. 
    • On two days, I've noticed a flaky/scaly look on my frontal forelock. It looks like a build up of deadskin. It isn't a issue though as when I had a shower it disappeared, but did it gives me concerns when I saw it.
    • I still have not cut my donor hair, so what you are seeing is from a no guard shave to 2 months worth of growth.
    • I believe that the donor is 15% better than the last update, If I could put it in a percentage or number.
    • I would say Full Sensation has returned in Donor and Recipient

    Now with those done of what I experienced I will tell you how I feel about my situation, I think its important to share this as I was going in thinking I could go through the Ugly Duckling phase like it was nothing and treat it like it was "part of the process" but it never really did go that way.

    I will say that I feel like how I was before the surgery other than mild-moderate sensitive in the recipient sites. The only difference in my behavior/experience is that I tend to stress eat more (not eat more, just eat poorly) because of the anxiety of my donor and that I avoid wearing hats/headphones and helmets indoors.

    How I feel throughout 1-2 Months in

    When I look at my hair on top now, I think I'm about as bad as I was, maybe a bit better than before I was on Finasteride. You can see my Finasteride/Minoxidil journey through my signature. When I look at the top of my head (recipient sites + midscalp) deep down I'm able to remind myself its part of the process and a good amount of my worry disappears, I still look for maybe tiny hairs that break through the skin but am not too disappointed or upset when I don't see any. No growth that I can see as of yet as to be expected.

    The Donor area has been keeping me in a feeling of anxiety since the third week. I had my suspicions of my donor on my Day 9 Photos, when you look carefully there is a mild decrease in density in those day 9 photos but that would be invisible to the common observer. Now that the hair has grown in longer, it is quite clear which areas are stronger and which are weaker. When I see cases and even videos from @Melvin- Moderator of shock-loss I can describe it as "Blotches/Patches resembling Alopecia Areata with your skin being very visible rather than the hair" in my case I can describe my shock-loss situation as "60% or more of my donor growing in diffusely". I don't believe I've been overharvested as the post-op photos show that the harvesting is clean and even with spaces in between, but even in spite of knowing this something in me thinks there is something genuinely wrong with my donor area. Leading with this feeling I've contacted the clinic and they have given me the following answers

    • It is common for hair to grow in slower after a Hair Transplant. It will not grow further than 1/4 inch a month.
    • My hair regrowth (referring to the donor) has been at a expected level for two months.
    • That hair isn't always the same from one side to the other and this isn't uncommon. (I will say that in some photos where I tried to expose retrograde alopecia, it did look like my right side was a tad bit worse but overall nowhere near to the levels that photos show)
    • Since I had my hair very long, I wasn't able to detect these changes in density of my donor (makes sense, but I feel like its a extreme amount)
    • That hairs grow individually at their own pace and it will not be uniform regrowth from one area to the next
    • This Regrowth won't start until Months 3-5.

    Overall, Trusting the process is quite harder than it sounds. Maybe its the pessimist in me but Its hard to keep optimist through this stage. I imagine this is a pretty standard feelings to many people under going their hair transplant journeys.

    2 Month Photos:

    I have attached some 2 Month Photos. In a few days when I get the chance I will recreate the exact same lighting conditions as the Month 1 Photos (Early Morning lighting) but otherwise here are some photos I've taken in Bathroom Lighting (which is quite harsh when its overhead)

    Top (A little bit of wet hair):





    Left Profile Shot:


    Right Profile Shot:


    Higher Quality Donor Shot (There is a thread I made yesterday showing additional photos):


    A quick comparision from last months Donor Photo:


    Would love feedback especially in regards for the growth in the donor. I personally believe that it's underwhelming in length for 2 months but I do trust Dr Hasson's judgement in the matter so I'll try not to worry about it.

    Would also like to ask, has anyone started having grey hairs sprouting after the surgery? I don't know if its because of the surgery or because of genetics (My Father started going gray at 18 with it starting to become noticeable at my age 22)

    • Like 1
  3. @HappyMan2021 I decided to take a few clear photos while I have time at home. Does this look like expected growth at 2 months?

    I will say that it looks worse in person than it does in these photos. I will mimic the same lighting conditions on the previous Month 1 photos in a few days.

    Month 2: Overhead harsh bathroom lighting (1 Photo on a angle showing my bad side)


    Higher Quality Camera:


  4. 2 minutes ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    You went to H&W correct? 

    How many grafts did you get? If you got a large # of grafts taken, this could be plain-old-normal FUE extractions. ex. say you got 4000 grafts taken from a virgin donor area, then yes when your hair is very short you definitely will have patches here and there. 

    I could be wrong but from what I have observed, shock loss has defined/pattern/solid area of loss. Shock loss is not patchy/diffuse, which is what your donor looks like. 

    I would be shocked if H&W overharvested your donor, but anything is possible. 

    The bright side is 2 months is still too early to definitively rule this an issue or not. I'd say if these patches/'shock loss' or whatever it is is still bothering you and no further growing by Month 4, then you should be more concerned and email the clinic. 

    3872 Grafts. 2000 Harvested on my Left (Good Side), 1870 Harvested on the Right (Bad Side)

    It has improved since the one month photos (maybe by 10-15%) which I will share in the coming days, its just concerning cause I haven't seen many cases like it.

    Keep in mind that those photos are one month growth without a haircut of any kind. Same will be for 2 months as I have not cut my hair since the procedure.

    • Like 1
  5. Hey everyone, does anyone have any cases that they know of that are similar to the shockloss that I have in the photos below with strong/good comebacks? I've struggled to find cases of donor shockloss comebacks on this forum, most of the posts are here asking if they have shockloss and no follow up after a while.

    The ugly duckling phase is pretty harsh and I wasn't expecting to have as many difficulties as I have right now with the donor. Would like some feedback on the harvesting/extraction pattern. I dont think I've been overharvested but would like to ask the question directly. Does everything look normal here?



    Post Op:



    Left Side (My Stronger side, less patchy and growing at a better rate. Also had more grafts harvested in this area)


    Right Side (My weaker side, it is much more patchy than the left):


    1 Month:


    Left Side:


    Right Side:


    Does this look like appropriate growth for one month after a no guard shave hair transplant? To me it looks quite weak compared to how long other peoples hair is after one months worth of growth.

    I am currently a few days shy off 2 Months and it has improved since the 1 month, but the difference that my left side is to the right side is very clear. When I do my 2 Month update on my thread I will also post my 2 month photos here for follow up answers.


  6. 5 hours ago, Chrisno said:

    @mister_25 another update coming soon, I hope? Following your growth with enthusiasm, I have my op with Hasson in June :)

    Yeah I'll post my update in a about 4-5 days when it hits 2 months. Here is a short brief update without any pictures (except the one below)

    • I have started Oral Minoxidil since the beginning of January. I take it in 5mg daily. I was originally going to start Topical Dutasteride along with Finasteride but Dr Hasson said that he wanted to reassess and see what Oral Minoxidil could do for me before deciding Topical Dutasteride.
    • Itching was very severe until about 5 days ago or so. I had alot of those hairs with the skin/bulb attached and I would rub off gently cause they got so itchy. Here is a photo of what I'm talking about. A nice 5-6 hair right here.


    • Pain in the donor/recipient site subsided at around the end of Week 5. Itching however really accelerated on Week 4-6.
    • Shedding increased massively since the last update, On Week 5 when washing my head for about 20 seconds I would count around 60-70 hairs on my hands. Shedding Slowed down at Week 6 when about 90% of my hair had shed. I went from acceptable but little bit of a thin buzzcut to a bald man in about 7-10 days. I would probably say something like 95% of my transplanted hair has currently shed.
    • Native hair has been shocklossed on the front and the crown. The crown is pretty severe and looks almost slick bald whilst my front is also in a pretty bad spot. Part of the Ugly Duckling Phase. The midscalp has grown in fine but now that it is buzzed I can see how much I lost. It was better than I was expecting but not as good as I was hoping. Right now I look worse than my pre surgery but I would say a bit better pre finasteride.
    • Redness has gone from a more aggressive red to a pink. I've been careful and avoided exposure to the sun.
    • I've had quite a few pimples in the donor area, I tend to accidently scratch them out before they develop into a full fledged pimple that I would have to pop. So far as of today I've popped 3-4 pimples on my recipient sites (3 in the front, 1 in the crown)
    • Donor has grown in longer, I would say 5-10% of my donor has recovered since the last update. It looks much more acceptable now in normal/less harsh lighting but the second I stand in the wrong angle/direction it looks pretty bad. The left side (which is the side I had more grafts taken out of) feels thicker/healthier and is longer whilst my right is lagging behind. Looking at photos I took at Day 9 it was quite clear (if your looking for it) where my shock loss was going to be once my hair grew out longer
    • I've also noticed my beard shedding since about 4-5 days ago, not really visible as of yet but every time I touch my beard around 5-10 hairs come out each time. I would imagine that would be because of Oral Minoxidil if anything.
    • On some days my recipient at the front feels very dry and almost looks flaky/scaly. Although after a wash it settles down and looks back to the reddish desert that it is.

    Ugly duckling phase has been a bit harder for me because of the donor shockloss, I can hide under a hat like I have been for years to cover the top but a beanie in Australia summer to cover the back of my donor looks weird/strange and isnt comfortable.

    Would also like to say that I have a second procedure in June 2024 to address the crown/midscalp. Depending on how donor I have available for the possibility of a Norwood 6 I might have my hairline altered (not lowered) and my temples strengthened.

    If anyone has any questions/feedback let me know.

    • Thanks 1
  7. I think it would be very difficult for you to achieve a full head of hair but a definite improvement is very likely.

    You can’t afford to make any mistakes, your donor needs to be perfectly utilised. 

    H&W accepted me as a patient and I’m a Norwood 4 22 year old (was Norwood 5 before medication). You look to be Norwood 6 approaching Norwood 7.

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