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Posts posted by mister_25

  1. 13 minutes ago, Archan said:

    Dont know why suddenly some people get vanished ..i have seen many who keep on updating regularly till 3-4 months and thn they disappear...surprising ..

    How I see it is this.

    I imagine the only people that would be on this forum that do not have hairloss would be doctors and technicians, or maybe prospective patients who want a hairline lowering.

    Otherwise the average person on here would have some degree of hairloss and alot of feelings of lowered self esteem and low confidence due to their hairloss. These people have had hair on their mind for a while which is why they joined this forum.  Now that they have their hair on their head after 4-whatever or so months and they don't have that feeling of lowered self esteem associated with hairloss, the thoughts of "should check HRN" or "need to update my HRN thread" would become much less and eventually would fall very short off their priorities until it is forgotten about.

    Unhappy patients would stay on here for longer due to the feelings of lowered self esteem would remain or even intensify.

  2. 2 hours ago, Adrenaline7 said:

    1) Is having so many doubles but not many singles and triples normal? I also thought quadruples were possible.

    It is normal because they use singles for the first few rows of the hairline, then they placed doubles/triples behind it for added coverage.


    2 hours ago, Adrenaline7 said:

    2) Do the density measurements seem like it’ll give the end result enough density? 40 grafts/cm2 at the front seems low? 

    I think your hairline will be at a satisfactory level, unsure about behind it. I would say you are probably in the clear when it comes to density for a first pass.

  3. Hey everyone, there have been two developements on Week 9 that I thought would warrant a minor update. One of them if true is a good update and the other is a new concern that I’m not sure if it is hair transplant related or not. I have emailed the clinic but I would like to hear if anyone else has had something similar happen to them.

    New Growth?

    A few days ago I was looking carefully at the recipient site because I believed I was developing a pimple and noticed these very small, short stubble hairs that are barely through the scalp. Some are a bit longer than others and others are much shorter. But I believe all of these were shorter than the transplanted hair shown in my post op photos. What do you guys think?

    Lump under the donor area

    Yesterday I had some pretty intense itching on my donor and eventually I felt what was this small lump just underneath my donor. I’m not entirely sure what to make of it and am awaiting a response back from the clinic, thankfully it’s not on the donor area itself which makes me question if it’s transplanted related or not. It’s not really visible in this photo but this is where it’s located if it’s any value. Circled in red.






  4. I can't really tell that much by the pictures, but it looks like you are a advanced NW5 case.

    In Europe: Mwamba, Bisanga, Ferreira and Pinto are the ones that I've been impressed with for NW5 cases.

    In North America: H&W and Konior, I also like Naders work.

    Your probably going to need 6500 grafts minimum, probably higher.

    In my opinion and anecdotes, NW5 isn't the breaking point where you have to accept a degree of thinness and weakpoints, you can still get a strong head of hair everywhere at the cost of probably your whole donor (without it looking depleted visually). This is where medication is key because if you can prevent yourself from ever heading into a NW6/7 you can preserve your donor for small refinements and touchups and generally have a stronger head of hair.

    We have seen massive NW5 recoveries before on this forum so if you do this right you could be one of them. Keep in mind that you will most likely need two-three surgeries to achieve coverage everywhere.


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  5. 10 minutes ago, Rafael Manelli said:


    People say don't do HT young, but that's because your hair loss may advance. However yours is already super advanced. Depending on how much it bothers you, I can see why getting an HT ASAP could be a good idea. Nobody wants to be Norwood 6 at 22. People telling you to wait can feel like people saying just sacrifice your youth. For no apparent reason.

    Get a consultation with someone good, who will analyse donor and recipient and check for underlying skin conditions. 

    Finasteride might help. But dutasteride would probably help more. Your loss is diffuse, so meds might be able to restore quite a lot, and concealers like toppik might be able to give you a good dense look. The advantage of diffuse thinning rather than recession. 

    You have good hair traits for coverage. It's a bit curly. I can't speak to the density on the donor as you haven't posted a photo. You'll need a huge number of grafts if you want the whole area filled in, but fewer grafts than you might expect since the hair is frizzy and curly, and fewer still if you respond to meds.

    If it were me, I'd go on dut, toppik, check my donor health and capacity, and take it from there. If you have enough hair you might be able to get a full surgical restoration. Won't be cheap, but could be worth it.


    I got my HT at 22 years old and I knew all the risks.

    Its not a "good idea" to get a hair transplant ASAP, that's a dangerous approach and the one thing I can imagine that's worse than being a Norwood 6 22 year old is being a Norwood 6 22 year old with a botched hair transplant or a hair transplant that wont last.

    OP, My advice is that since your hairloss is already very extreme, and if I'm reading your messages correctly you have the photos mixed around (meaning the first photo is the one taken recently and the one where you are very bald was taken a while ago) you have a chance for a good transplant. But you can't afford to make any mistakes.

    You want at least one year on Finasteride/Minoxidil, maybe even a bit more to reassess if the regrowth you got is going to stay. You want to make sure you have money for the right surgeon for your needs. You need to have your donor assessed and see if you have miniaturization in the Norwood 7 Zone. You have to plan accordingly and you can't afford any mistakes. It is rare for anyone Norwood 5+ to get second chances.

    I know that it sucks, I'm the same age as you so I know exactly what your going through but you gotta look forward to maximise the best chance of success and by doing that it may mean to wait a little longer.

  6. 24 minutes ago, zenmu said:

    i’m hella excited for your results. your donor hair and quality in general is really good, and now that you’ve got a transplant to thicken up hairline and crown i can’t wait to see you grow your hair out luxuriously. it’s just a waiting game at this point

    I'm at the peak of the ugly duckling phase right now, but I would say my Finasteride/Minoxidil shed was much worse, I practically became a Slickbald Norwood 5/6 for about 3 Months. If I can get a photo I'll post it here. The waiting game aint easy lol.

    As for Donor hair and quality. Dr Hasson said it was Average Donor Density and Average donor characteristics. The donor is in pretty poor shape right now and waiting for recovery to happen.

    I will need a 2nd HT to fill in the midscalp a bit and a small portion of the crown but otherwise this HT should get me the appearance of a full head of hair

  7. On 2/3/2023 at 8:22 AM, zenmu said:

    how’s the growth from your transplant going?

    Here is my thread on my transplant.

    As for growth I've noticed maybe 5 or less hairs that are probably new growth. They are much shorter than the hair that was transplanted on the day of the operation. This is a rather new development about three to four days ago. This is considered very early growth at the beginning of Month 2. 

    I shedded about 98% or 99% of the transplanted hairs or so. Those remaining 1%-2% of hairs haven't grown any longer (whilst the ones I shedded were growing longer before) There are two hairs that are the exception to this and have grown longer in length and are about half the length of my native non miniturized hair (double the length of my native miniturized hair)

  8. From my experience, a good sign. 

    When I started Finasteride/Minoxidil I had shed ALOT of my native hair at 1 month in, I practically looked slickbald Norwood 5/6 Everywhere. I would probably say somewhere in the middle of the 3 month mark is when I noticed I was back where I started but when I was 4 months in I was better from where I started.

  9. Just now, bejzel said:

    I know some are even more unlucky. And I feel for you man. But looking at me it looks like a bald spot. And i guess it's thinning at the back. And If i take monoxidil for a year maybe it will look slightly better. But I'm worried of mistaking min hair from actual hair. And not knowing how my MPB is progressing

    You are that early in MPB no one can even say you are balding, NO-ONE. It looks like a cowlick if anything.

    You should be able to get Finasteride at your age, go to another dermatologist or get a prescription from a GP. Finasteride is much more of a priority than minoxidil (it stops the process of hairloss, minoxidil doesnt do that)

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  10. A small update for this thread. 

    In about two weeks or so I would be 2 years into my usage of Finasteride. I would say the results peaked In November 2021 with no further improvement. I have not noticed any regression, sometimes I feel like I have and then compare to my old photos on around December 2021 and notice its the same.

    On around January 3rd or January 5th I discontinued Topical Minoxidil for Oral Minoxidil. I was originally also going to start Topical Dutasteride but Dr Hasson told me to wait and see what Oral Minoxidil could do for about 6-12 months. Then reassess and I can start his XYON Topical Dutasteride if I'm able to get it shipped. 

    So far after almost 1 month on Oral Minoxidil I've noticed increase shedding in the beard which I expect to be normal. It will be quite difficult to monitor improvements with Oral Minoxidil on the Crown and Frontal Third but the untouched midscalp of my transplant will be a good indicator if things thicken up.

    No side effects.


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