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Posts posted by mister_25

  1. 3 Month Update: (91 Days)

    Hey Everyone, just a couple hours shy off my three month update. Here are some experiences throughout the month

    • I noticed some few new transplanted hairs sprouting about a week after my 2 month update. These sprouts have grown in length and you can clearly see the beginnings of growth now.
    • Itching returned half way into month 2 and I experienced a heavy shed on my donor for a few days again, maybe about 100 small short hairs for about 3-4 days. Didn't notice my donor worsening or anything just hairs on my hand after the shower.
    • I had a lump just below my donor area, I thought it might be transplant related so I emailed the clinic and they said it was probably a ingrown hair due to the way I described it. Its gotten smaller but it is still there. I did also visit a specialist in dermatology and hair transplants locally and they think it might not be transplant related and is probably a fatty lump. Said specialist also inspected my donor area and didn't seem very hopeful for the state of my donor. But did tell me my current density (as in the hairs that have sprouted) when he shaved a small isolated spot was about 50 hairs or less per cm2
    • My beard had a massive shed, probably about 40% of my beard hairs have remained.
    • My hair looks much better in person rather than these photos I will present, I am still far below my baseline but It has made strides as of recent (past 2 weeks)

    These pictures were taken in the same bathroom with the same lighting as Month 2.



    Front Left Tilt



    Front Right Tilt


    Top Down (Midscalp and Crown):




    Left Side Donor Profile Shot:


    Right Side Donor Profile Shot:



    Right now I still feel like I'm far below baseline, but I have noticed improvements week by week and its a slow process. I feel like the reason why I'm not above baseline is because I started Oral Minoxidil when I was 10 weeks off topical minoxidil (due to the procedure) and have gone through a shed both in the beard, and in the donor and recipient site. So my Ugly Duckling Phase is not only transplant related but also medication related.

    When I'm looking with handheld mirrors, in person my donor looks likes its improved but the camera really does show the damage of my donor, makes me doubt if I've made any progress in it at all.

    What do you guys think? How am I looking for 3 Months?



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  2. To me the term "mature hairline" doesn't mean "not balding". Its more of a point where your hairline is balding but currently not at a point that is working against you aesthetically. Its often used to downplay the sense of urgency that people have for HTs and rightfully so, just not the answer that provides a logical reason as to why they shouldn't have a HT at 25 at NW2.

    • Like 4
  3. 3000 grafts, maybe 200 more/less give or take. You had a similar baseline to where I was at before my HT.

    Donor looks good.

    Retrograde Alopecia is very common, it doesn't rule out if your a candidate or not but reduces the overall donor capacity.

    If I were you, I would wait 6-12 more months on Oral Minoxidil before going through a procedure. 25 Years old is generally the accepted "minimum" age to go about a HT.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Michael D said:

    I am about around the 2.5-month mark now. Have been kinda bummed out about my hair lately. I'm not really seeing any positive things going on up there on my head. I have less hair than when I started, I think. The new front hairline is basically gone? Most of it. It's really hard to tell.

    The reviews of the place I visited, and the thoughts about them, here. This has been playing heavy on me. This ugly duckling phase sucks.

    I decided to watch some YouTube videos of where others are at. 2 months after surgery. This was a good idea. I am about where they are. I am glad they made those videos.

    I watched some 3 month videos. It seems like, that is when, it is going to start getting Good for me too!

    I hope so.

    Anyone reading this; here is some good advice, I guess? Watch some videos of other guys where you are at in your transplant journey. It might make you feel better.

    I think it helped me go another month, and not worry.


    EDIT: Forgot to mention that back of head has healed except noticing some pimples back there. When getting my hair cut today, my barber asked me about them. One video said that was normal. Hair follicle pushing back through or something? Ingrown hair?? I also noticed some pimples on the front hairline. Same thing there, maybe. I am beginning to have some feeling in my front scalp. Not as numb as it has been.

    Hey man I am about about to cross into three months so I know exactly what you mean as I am going through it, I'm not exactly at my baseline either so I fully understand how frustrating and mellow it can all feel. However from here on out you should see some improvements as most if not all of the transplanted hair has shed and only growth and your native hair coming back is going to happen.

    As for three months. I would say its uncommon to see growth by the three month stage. Most of the time signs of growth are usually apparent by four months, although this growth wont contribute aesthetically as it is very fine.

    As for the pimples/ingrowns, I've gotten ALOT of my recipient and donor which I asked my clinic about and they said it is normal.

    • Like 1
  5. Skin to Hair contrast is the main thing that will impact results, if your hair is blonde and your a white guy you can have more coverage for less grafts. Whilst a white guy with dark hair will need to have more grafts to cover the contrast between scalp to hair.

    Here is a question of my own that I was thinking about.

    If your beard hair is a different colour than your scalp hair. How will that impact your results? My beard hair is almost ginger, whilst my scalp is very dark brown almost black. If I were to use beard hair in lets say my crown and mix that in with my scalp hair will the beard hairs make it look unnatural? The salt and pepper look with a mix of gray and black hairs look natural but how would ginger and dark brown hair look? Unnatural? We've heard of beard hair matching the characteristics of scalp hairs when transplanted but what about the colour of the hair?

    • Like 1
  6. 37 minutes ago, Oxiborick said:

    That's good to hear. I respond REALLY well to minoxidil and Propecia, too, so this oral version intrigues me. Apparently it works better than topical. Looking into Dr. Nader as it would be very convenient and easy for me to get to his place. He already told me that I was a good repair candidate.

    Wonder if I should try to finish off McTyre's "career" or if I should just forget about it lol. I'm thinking about siccing the Reddit HT forums on him. 🤣

    I really don't appreciate being conned and butchered like this. Having trouble just letting it go...

    It does work better than the topical. Oral Minoxidil is one of the strongest and most effecient medications you can be on and will improve not only the recipient area, but also the donor area.

    Dr Nader has some of the most impressive results I've seen. Definitely a great choice, his most impressive one in my opinion was Guy73 on this forum.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Oxiborick said:

    By the way the more I hear about Eugenix the more excited I get. You think they'd be willing to take me on? What are their wait times like?

    Also oral minoxidil sounds pretty amazing. Think I might get that because I've been on oral finasteride and topical minoxidil since the operation. 

    Eugenix in my opinion take on a large variety of cases. I'm 100% positive they would accept you as a candidate.

    If you start Oral Minoxidil, you should take in 2.5mg or 5mg.

  8. 4 hours ago, Adrian P said:

    I just had a quick look at Perkiner you recommended but this is on his page for a before/after, now I don't have much experience in this field but this looks like a bad hair transplant to me, the hair line is way to straight you can kind of see it's fake




    This isnt Dr Pekiner, this is from Dr Ciniks clinic which is a well known hair mill in Turkey. To be honest, I would think he is one of the worst clinics in Turkey from some of the results I've seen, and if this is one of the results that's he is proud enough to show on his website, then that says it all.

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