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Posts posted by zztop01

  1. Thank you everyone for the replies, I'm happy to get this much information and feedback! 

    - Back when I was younger, I used to have the occasional ED, probably due to anxiety. That is pretty much solved with nofap, though I wouldn't really like risking that again. So I guess, my past issues do tell me that I may be prone to issues down there. I'll also have a wedding in August, so have to think of the children 😅

    My hairloss started at 16, and is pretty much at the same level where my father and both grandfathers are. All three of them are diffuse thinners, around NW5 and NW6. How likely is for me to progress beyond my ancestors? I thought my hairloss is pretty much stable, that's why I was willing to risk it, but if you think it could get worse, then perhaps not doing an HT so I can shave without scars might be a better option.










    On 5/16/2022 at 12:19 AM, J-C said:

    Please let us know the names of the clinics/Drs who you have been consulting with so far. Being a higher Norwood the only one in Turkey I would consider would be Dr Bicer. Of course many clinics would just agree as they want your business, they are not considering what would be best for you. That’s not to say that some clinics might be able to take on you without being on Meds though… 

    Maybe you could get some consultations done with @DrTBarghouthi(Vertex), HDC @Doron Harati, @Dr. Felipe Pittella, @DrMunibAhmad(Fuegenix), @Eugenix Hair Sciences, Hattingen & Dr Zarev.. 

    I got rejected at Lorenzo and Pinto. Ferreira never replied back, either denied or maybe too busy.

    I did email Bicer, was told I'm a good candidate at that clinic. 3800 grafts first session for the front, then second session some time later for the crown.


    On 5/16/2022 at 12:31 AM, ML488 said:

    Would love to see some pics

    Done, posted the pics!


    On 5/16/2022 at 3:11 AM, GaryStruthers said:

    Yep. Count yourself lucky that you found this forum, as I imagine many other younger guys wish they did post Turkey. Transplants are available medication free, but just be prepared for 2 to 4 surgeries as you age. Are you able to try meds to see how you’ll respond? I jumped on 1mg of Fin and Minoxidil foam for a year just to see. No real side effects (I was worried) I got a lot of hair back, and my Eugenix surgery in August will be significantly cheaper. You’re in good hands here. 

    Thanks! The problem is, I have had past ED issues, and don't want to aggravate them again (and have a wedding in August). Plus I may need to have an orthopedic surgery some time later, and it's probably not good to risk experimenting before that.


    On 5/16/2022 at 6:10 AM, general-etwan said:

    North American and European transplant doctors are the most strict in the world because most only want to operate on cases that they feel will turn out the best. They also want to keep your expectations in check and they don't want to charge you so much for a procedure that you'd then complain about.

    Transplanted hair doesn't need finasteride, but the idea is that original hair that is still left on your scalp, behind the transplanted hair, will continue to disappear without medication, leaving an unsatisfactory appearance that could lead to complaints. I always use Joe Biden as what I believe to be an example of this. It seems almost certain that he had a transplant when he was younger in the hairline area because his hairline strengthened up and has remained intact for all the years since. That would be extremely odd if he hadn't had a transplant. However, he has a giant bald spot from the middle of his scalp to the crown because there was no hair transplanted there and either he didn't take medication or the medication didn't work for him to help keep or regrow that hair.

    I consulted with Bernstein in NYC in 2020 and they rejected me because I had not tried finasteride and was a NW6. They told me they'd never charge me for a procedure that would not make me happy. They told me I'd need to take finasteride for a year first and see regrowth and then reevaluate. 

    At the end of last year I decided to go on finasteride, and luckily since I'm young and my hair loss was more recent, I've been able to regrow a decent amount of hair, and now I'm in a stronger position to have a procedure done. 

    Turkey hair clinics are more likely to do whatever you request and just take your money.

    I strongly recommend everyone try finasteride (+ minoxidil, + microneedling) for a while prior to getting serious about having a HT. At worst, you won't get regrowth or you'll be a non-responder, and at best, you'll regrow native hair which will mean a HT can be fewer grafts meaning lower cost. Finasteride is a very safe and widely used medication and 95% of men who take it experience no negative side effects at all, and much of the remaining 5% who do can tolerate the side effects. 

    Thanks for the info... Perhaps I may change my mind on fin, though probably not this year, or at least not before December since I have a few things to sort out.

    Though I'm not really looking for perfect hair. Even Biden, I think he looks OK for his age.

    Do you think if I'm older/balder, then the surgery would be easier to manage without medication?


    On 5/16/2022 at 6:31 AM, DrTBarghouthi said:

    Please share som photos if possible.


    On 5/16/2022 at 7:45 AM, Eugenix Hair Sciences said:

    It is ethical to tell you that your baldness will progress and new areas will get empty. Taking medications will prevent any further progression of baldness. Without medications, transplant would be a hassle as you would have to go for it again and again.

    Thanks for the message, I posted some photos.


    On 5/16/2022 at 6:47 AM, mafpe said:

    it depend on what you're looking for, are you fine with the hair only lasting probably 2-8 years? it would stay probably for a couple of years, but after that it's a mystery.


    now for the pessimistic and grumpy way of looking at it,

    the doctors that rejected you are fearful that you become a bad example of their works, and the possibility that you rage on them because the transplanted hair either do not last, or is too sparse. The headache that people will brand them as incompetent if your head later keeps losing the transplanted hair and being compared to other surgeons are not something any doctor want to have.

    you are on the far end of baldness already and don't plan on taking the meds to keep your hair loss progression in control, these factor won't produce a stellar result, especially not for the long term.


    for those who agreed, it's possible that they just say yes to get client, or they are confident that donor hair does not miniaturise nor are they affected by MBP, so they think it's okay to give you an HT.


    apology if the sentences are rather jarring or looking at things very negatively on the pragmatic side of thing.
    i saw that other people already explain correctly on the why.
    simply put... your HT carry a higher risk than those who are lower NW, and or are taking the meds.

    I guess I'm not really looking for perfect hair like these football players.

    I just wanted the front to be slightly stronger so I can keep my hair longer, and perhaps something on the crown so it isn't completely bald, just thinned out.

    Would I be of lesser risk once I'm older and balder? I kind of feel like between choosing a risky/bad HT, or getting symptoms from fin 😅 Maybe I can just shave it off in a few years, and not risk having scars on the back of my head.  

  2. I just got rejected from another EU doctor due to being in my 30s, NW5/6 and not using medication (fin/minoxidil or dut).

    Got told that if I get the HT, the effect would be minimal and not lasting, and it's not worth it financially. On the other hand, doctors in Turkey did seem eager to operate, so I'm not sure who to listen to?

    Do any NW5/6 have successful HTs without medicine?

  3. Hi, I'm a long time (5+ years) lurker and first time asking a question!

    I'm thinking of having a hair transplant this or the next year. I've decided upon a few doctors from reading this forum, but I have no idea whether they are in a similar quality and price range.

    The doctors I'm thinking about are Dr Pinto, Dr Feriduni, Dr Freitas and Dr Ferreira.

    I tried to contact Dr Juan Couto, but they said they are full and don't accept any new reservations (or maybe they do only from football players).

    If it helps, I'm 33 years old, NW5 and have no previous transplants. Hair loss started in high school, and it has been slowing down every year.


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