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Posts posted by BaldReaper

  1. 12 hours ago, Dave100 said:

    I'll try and upload some. 

    Had it with Dr Lorenzo and when I say not involved was more around the extraction etc.

    I found him very knowledgeable but the hairline design it was a bit too conservative I felt, even if it did turn out good so no knock on him. He seems to have a vision for each case and doesn't waver from that?

    Lorenzo is one of the GOATs of hair transplant and very ethical, would never give you a hairline lower than what your donor can handle

  2. On 11/24/2023 at 5:38 AM, consequence said:

    Yield 9 or 9.5/10 - Very hard to tell with how fine your caliber is but it looks strong to me.
    Design 8/10 - I echo Melvin's sentiment that this had to be intended as a 2 stage surgery or because you asked for a low hairline.


    Design is 0/10, they literally recreated a NW0 hairline and temples to a NW7 patient , yield doesnt really matter in this case.



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  3. 3 hours ago, Nawaba said:


    Permanent nerve damage is a real concern in hair transplants. I underwent a transplant six months ago, and initially, everything went well in a hairmill. Some days, I experienced nerve pain, which went away after a few weeks. However, the same nerve pain returned around the fifth month. It's a real pain in the ass, and according to sources, this could be permanent. Has anyone else had a similar experience? This issue is not widely discussed, and it's impacting my life every day.

    Hi man, what kind of pain is it and where exactly?

  4. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Admin said:

    You consistently try and troll this clinic. Critiquing the clinic is fine. But I’m very protective over forum members. You haven’t posted any pictures of yourself, I’m sure there’s a reason for that. I do not tolerate members being disrespected or disparaged. 

    If you don’t think there’s a difference, that’s fine. You can say it looks the same. But the comments and references to his hair here were rude. There are no post-op graft placement photos. But to me, it’s clear the hair is combed upwards and the difference is clearly visible.


    I am going to ignore all these baseless accusations and I am just going to say that in my previous comment I mixed this with another post of this clinic that indeed there was no difference between before and after. But you cant really blame me for that as I don't have a hard drive in my mind to remember all my comments after you delete them.

    I don't have anything personal with this clinic or the Dr, all I do is share my honest thoughts both in the good and the bad results I see in this forum, trying to protect the members of the forum from being taken advantage of from this dark and shady industry that has destroyed many people’s lives.

    You can post here screenshots of my comments side by side with the results I commented about where my criticism was inaccurate or unfair.


    In this post I just commented

    "why are the grafts pointing upwards?"

    so tell me Melvin, what is insulting and disrespectful of the comment "why are the grafts pointing upwards"

    Me and 90% of the forum members have never posted a picture of themselves, I don't post a picture of me because there is absolutely no reason to, but curious to hear what the reason you believe is..

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  5. On 11/22/2023 at 5:36 PM, Melvin- Admin said:

    I’ve removed some inappropriate comments. It seems some users simply want to troll a particular clinic. If you don’t like the work, fine, that’s your opinion. But as @Steeeve said I have zero tolerance for trolling members of our community. Perhaps that’s acceptable or encouraged on other platforms. It is certainly not acceptable here. 

    @Melvin- Admin I see that you removed my comment.

    I simply commented my opinion that the result is very poor and the pre-op picture looks almost the same with the post-op result, what exactly was inappropriate about this???

    Someone could say that you just dont want to see this clinic being critisized publicly for its poor results, I wonder why....


    Edit: I made a mistake, I didn't comment that there is no different between before and after, I commented that the grafts point upwards, the comment about no difference between pre and post op was in another post

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  6. General Norwood somehow I only just now came across this post and after reading through all of it I would like to share my thoughts with you as well as with all the people that may read this comment.


    1. You were unlucky not doing enough research and trusted a Dr who only cared about putting you in the surgery chair and not about your physical appearance and long term happiness

    2.  At this point Eugenix reminds me more of a Turkish hairmill, 0 ethics and only interested in money, you were a NW6-7 and they lowered your hairline 2 cm and put 700 grafts to your temples, no ethical Dr on the planet would ever have this approach with a patient like you, clinics like Asli Tartan do this kind of things. One simple search with "Eugenix" included in the title will make it clear to everyone what this clinic represents and how they treat their patients at this point. 

    3. Bisanga was 100% right in everything that he said , Bissanga is a really ethical Doctor that realy cares about the long term happiness of his patients, Eugenix is not.

    4. Additionally to them treating your permanent aesthetic procedure with the same seriousness as throwing a used piece of paper to the trash can , they also caused you coblestoning which you can clearly see in this picture.




    5. My piece of advice to you would be to put all the grafts you have available to the areas behind the hairline and keep using this combed back hairstyle, I believe this way you will have good looking hair and hairstyle.


    All the best

    • Thanks 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, consequence said:

    My actual 6 months (180 days):






    Still having density issues at the center/left hairline that haven't changed, and even the right looks a little sparse from the side.

    From looking at (several) cases similar to mine on the forums it seems about 30% are behind me at this month and 30% are ahead, with about 40% being just where I am.

    For the people who are at my level, it seems most of them stayed about the same through the end. So yes I've got 6-12 more months for caliber but I'm not holding my breath at this point. Time will tell, but my hunch is that it's unlikely.

    The good news is I can style my hair a little and disguise it, at least from the front:

    Hair combed from left to right:



    More chaotic neutral:



    I've been looking into microneedling that @mxnprettynice suggested though I know others have debated about its benefits. The Dr. Pen that seems popular on Amazon is appealing, but according to that 700+ page thread on Hair Loss Talk, the Derminator may be best. This is from a comment there:

    Here's a video from the Derminator manufacturer that goes into more detail:

    And an image from their website:


    Wish they had done it with something that acted more like scalp soft tissue (ie. a banana or half boiled potato) but the demonstration is compelling. It suggests that some pens have more motion in the translational x-axis as opposed to a straight z-axis puncture like you see in the second row.

    Still, I wish they had the Derminator on Amazon so I could see some user reviews. The pen's inventor himself has kind of weak diffuse thinning in that video which makes me wonder from whom I'm taking advice.

    And regarding PRP, Dr. Couto's kit is from an Italian manufacturer that I've not been able to find in the US. I sent them a message on their website to see if I could purchase the machine for myself but haven't heard back. If they don't follow up, I am going to go with Emcyte as that has the highest and most consistent concentrations of platelets/growth factors according to the study I linked above. Who knows if this means they get better results. Studies that have compared PRP with saline wounding suggest that the majority of the benefit is the wounding itself, so.. whatever.

    More than anything, I just don't want to go through a second procedure -- the first was such a painful rollercoaster. Not being able to dye my hair has isolated me from the dating scene for the last 6 months and I don't want to go through that again. Still, surgery may be the only option after a year and perhaps it's not as bad the second time around, but I'm trying less extreme solutions first. Second procedures can also fail or not provide improvement too.

    Alrighty then, onwards and upwards.


    Your hair looks good for sure, you also expose it with very transparent photos in contrast to what most people in this forum do in their presentations.

    I would personally expect something better from Couto but its still early to say anything for sure, give it 2 more months.

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