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Posts posted by BaldReaper

  1. 31 minutes ago, jwolfe890 said:

    Really curious where the added value from Konior would be. If this result was posted under his name, Konior stans on the forum would be fawning all over it. 

    I dont know what Konior stans would say but I agree that in this forum there are people that comment often without being knowledgable about hair transplants.

    Konior’s value comes from the consistent results he has been showing the past 20 years that are really close to perfection.

    This result wouldn't be published under Konior’s name because Konior doesn’t put multis on the hairline as you can see in these photos if you zoom in.

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  2. I would not just look at 2 photos as they can be misleading based on 1. lighting 2. angle 3. head shave recency.


    I would browse their profiles and see various pictures, only then you know how it really looks


    Also Ben Howedes and Andrew Tate have had an ht and then shaved their heads, you can check them as well.


    If you dont have an instagram account you can still just google their names and search in photos.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 8 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    No one’s hair is destined to look like this, everyone would stare at you, and not in a good way. 

    Make no mistake, this is completely unnatural. 


    I’m positive this guy would give anything to look like this


    Part of the problem with having a hair transplant at this age, you can’t grasp the reality of the ramifications of a bad HT. If you’re slightly insecure about a V shape hairline. You would be absolutely destroyed if you looked like this. Which is very possible before 30. 



    If you look like this you shave it,definitely not let your hair grow long, then you look like Zidane, which is ok.

  4. 12 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    Trust me, that is WAY worse than a receded hairline. Just imagine how you feel about your baldness. Now compound that with still being bald and having an obvious botched HT that all your peers talk about behind your back. Really envision it. 

    This sounds VERY insecure, also you dont care about your hair the same when you are 20 and when you are 40.

  5. 1 hour ago, Michael Vories, MD said:

    We have always tried to implant singles in the hairline- it is the process that has changed. Because we use implanter pens, in the past we used the red (0.8mm) pens for singles and the blue (1.0mm) for multiples. This way I knew while I was implanting which pens had singles. The problem with this plan is that with the speed we implant it is easy for the technicians to not see clearly which grafts were true singles and which grafts may have telogen hairs that looked like singles but were actually multiple hair grafts. By forcing them to separate out 300 of the finest caliber true singles on each hairline case we are much more confident that only true singles with low caliber are going into the hairline.

    So the reason that multiples can be found in this patient’s hairline is that its possible to miss some multis that are on telogen face and appear as singles.

    According to your website 6-8% of the hairs are in the telogen phase.



    So lets assume that the assistants missed every single telogen phase hair and 8% of the single grafts that you implanted in the front were actually multigrafts.

    Now lets look at the patient’s photos in the comment above, what we can see there is that about 95% of the follicles on the hairline are multis.


    How would you explain the remaining 87% of the multigrafts?

  6. 23 hours ago, Michael Vories, MD said:

    Although it is not typical for our results, this is not the first time we have received feedback about inadvertent multiple hair grafts in the hairline. For this reason at the beginning of this year we changed our procedure that for all hairline cases we separate out 300 of the finer single hair grafts to go into the anterior hairline. Of course for all patients previous to this who have noticed multiple hair grafts in the hairline we offer to front the hairline with single hair grafts at no charge to the patient. This is an example of how being part of this forum has changed our practice for the better.

    So, if I get it right, before the beginning of this year separating single grafts for the hairline was not part of the process? 
    You just implanted any type of graft on the hairline? Wow

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