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Posts posted by 1966kph

  1. Thank you for the good luck.

    What gets me with not just ht but most things were money can be made people are prepared to go to all lengths to get a slice of the pie.

    Example and true. During the second world war my ex bosses grandad had a shitty bit of land that even sheep did not want to graze.One day it dawned on him the land was full of something that he could sell Bull rushes to make reefs.

    Thats what they did they made them themselves and made so muchmoney selling to the bereaved the family moved to Australia and bought a farm there.Could you do that? I myself could not.

    The cost of living in some countries is so cheap that we used to have retired people go to Spain or warmer climates during the harsh uk winter and have like a three months holiday at no extra than they might spend at home.

    Other than Lorenzo are there any other good Spanish drs?

    But with the euro zone in crisis Turkey is pulling away in pricing regarding ht.

    Have a good day



    You speak of hair transplantation as though it were a fungible commodity. It isn't. It is a cosmetic surgery. The best at it will, and should, command higher fees. Also -- and don't get upset -- I know that Maral's rep denies that the clinic's low pricing for FUE reflects the delegation of these procedures to technicians, but I find that hard to believe.


    The higher costs of conducting business in some countries, and in certain states/provinces within those countries, will also be reflected in pricing. In New York City, for example, fees for cosmetic surgeries generally are higher than in other parts of the country due to the higher costs of doing business.


    Even within a city like New York, fees charged by various cosmetic surgeons for the same procedure vary widely, yet the most expensive cosmetic surgeons are also the busiest. Why? Because their clientele perceive that they are worth it. Such is the market for professional services, be it doctors, lawyers, decorators, tax accountants, artists, coaches, actors, contractors, or what have you. Excellence generates demand and a willingness by the customer to pay more for that professional's services.


    Good luck with your transplant!

  2. Hello squatch.

    I am not saying they are all uncaring and greedy and I posed the questions to see what others had to say on the matter.

    My wife works in management within the NHS in the uk where everyone is entitled to free healthcare. She's a very caring individual but is tottaly disillusioned with it as some 10 years ago general practice ( local doctors) in which she works changed were by they became self employed and she has witnessed a massive change whereby most practices focus more on money than on patient care.

    She has worked in six places in her 25 year career and can remember all to well the way things used to be where patient care was the number one priority but a lot of the time it is not the case.

    There are obviously a awful lot of medical staff that are caring in the uk about 2000 medical staff volunteered to go out to fight Ebola in Africa so its obvious a lot still care.

    The NHS in the uk is creeking at the seams and in some parts ready for collapse due to his management and government budget cuts.Then its revealed some drs provided to the NHS by agencys earn three times more than the dr employed by the nhs. They don't apply for a nhs drs vacancy and choose to work for the agencys milking the NHS funds and creating huge financial strain on the NHS .

    Like I say some are takers and some are givers is just the takers seem to be growing in number.

    Have a nice day



    I don't know where you get this notion that a Dr. is uncaring and greedy, just trying to line ones pocket. We can have a discussion on prices but.... Greedy and uncaring? I noticed you have put this in a few posts. My grandfather put in way more hours than anyone else in the family. Always on call and answering questions around the clock. There is a lot easier ways to earn money. He also gave away a lot of free service and to charity. How much should a Dr. earn in your opinion? How much should you earn in your profession?.;)
  3. I know this will open me up to all kinds of abuse but I have in the last hour booked my flights to go to maral early march.Cheap as can be and yes ko I agree there are some belting deals about and demistoy was a real contender for my ht as I think he's doing some excellent work and I would definitely say a yes to his inclusion in the recommended drs list.

    I even messaged bill the other day and said as much after he asked me to.

    Civas in Turkey, chueco in Argentina there's a lot of undiscovered talent that needs more attention.

    Would be interesting to see a vet like scar5 give his answers to the questions I posed in the first post.

    Have a good day

  4. So if he would post a photo of the current state of this mess you might be a little more believing ?

    I do believe it to be a genuine case but if the thread starter would please do this i for one would be very interested to see how this healed and read a update of whats happening.

    I believe he is serving his own best interests by not naming the doc but a bi product of this is that it leaves the rest of us at the mercy of a doc that imo has acted disgracefully.




    I hope you healed as well as poss.

    Have a good day


    No, I am not new here and that is one reason I question this. Have never seen anything like it and the story is hard to believe. Can you imagine trying to sleep without creating an infection or causing a hemorrhage? This situation required hospitalization. It is impossible to believe a doc would/could send someone home with this.


    If he wants sympathy or advice, he needs to be totally transparent.


    To start, I would like to see a left side pic showing the recipient zone while I can see the wound simultaneously.

  5. Are we being over charged for hair transplantts?

    How much have you spent thus far in the quest for more hair?

    How much are you prepared to pay?

    What do you think you should be paying?

    Where would you be prepared to travel to in order to save money?

    What do you think should happen within the industry to lower cost for the consumer?

    Do you think drs are uncaring in demanding the price they do?

    Do you think drs should drop prices if they indeed do have our best interest at heart?

    Have a good day and I look forward to the forth coming responses to these questions

  6. We all work to earn money basically and initially to provide for the essentials in life and anything above the essentials is then unessential and a added bonus for ones hard work,a reward. Not a problem with this at all been there done that but what gets me and always has is the ridiculous amount some people think their time is worth while also thinking others time is worth so little.

    Is it essential or imperative to have the big house and Ferrari and lavish life at the expence of others and I mean great expence, ?10.000 - ?15.000 in a day is not unheard of can it not be done for less? Yes a lot less and in this respect most if not all drs are guilty of having a uncaring or selfish nature.What they care that we feel better about ourselves but dont care about our finances that may have been put under huge strain for them to have the car the house the lifestyles they lead.

    Its only when market forces demand change in competition charging less that will bring prices down.

    Look were people are flocking to its not the US its Europe and Turkey chasing big savings so the drs in America have to do something to get the bums in the chair.

    How they gonna do it? Drop prices? I dont know! Any ideas?

    Rant over all have a nice day



    I think doctors are in it to do both. We all work for money, so I wouldn't blame my doctor for the same, as long as he gives good service.
  7. I think it may well be that people in cases such as this do what is in their best interest probably due to whatever offer is made to sort the situation out by the doctor.

    Something such as this could bring their earning potential tumbling down so how much is he prepared to folk out to reap the continued income he is accustomed to?

    Call it a investment but one things for sure the investment pays big dividends for the rest of the drs career.

    Its the money game that coincidentally is conjoined to the cosmetic industry.

    Do you actually think drs are in this business to help people or make mega money?

    Have a good day

  8. Please look again and closely hadenough I'm writing this on my phone so I cannot see the photos to clearly but from memory you can see the sutures still in the places were the site is closed.the photos are real as to whether the rest of the tail is true you make up your own mind.

    Me I believe it to be true and one of my few talents is spotting bullshit.


    Have a nice day


    Photo doesn't look 'real' to me...I mean, the photo may be real, but it was probably taken in the Dr. office right after the strip was removed. I could never believe someone is sent home this way with such little consultation or care as the OP describes. Looks like an FUT hater to me posting a scare pic...especially since he will not name the doc.


    I'll only believe it if I see and hear a lot more about this one...

  9. On this occasion I agree with you ko.

    But in such a big money making industry and online bullshit is rife.

    I think the thread starter is a very unlucky man that sat in the chair of a doc thats cares more for lining his pockets by taking to large a strip for graft number then did not have the skill to close the donor site.

    But it was the really bad lack of comunicateing with the patient regarding the complications making the patient aware that things had gone pear shaped.

    He's probably not named the doc because the doc will have begged him not to and offered him god knows what not to divulge his name as his business would be in tatters a bit like the back of this poor chaps head a mess.

    This dr should not be recommended here and this is why I link to it in posts.

    Moderators is this dr still recommended here and if so why?

    Have a good day


    ^That is a pretty inappropriate comment. A guy came, he posted pics, and you don't believe him, despite his photos, and you now accuse him of a conspiracy to malign FUT?



    There seems to be some serious Savior syndrome going on with HTs. Guys who get FUT/FUE immediately become shills for that technique or surgeon.

  10. Dr karadeniz is indeed the barer of bad news but I guess only time will tell the extent of the damage I hope for your sake he is painting a gloomier picture than the one you end up with but I think its not going to be a beautiful picture.

    I don't think dr Karadeniz command of the English language is 100% otherwise he would stop reffering to these numerous seedy little butcher shops as technicians.He needs to look in a dictionary because the actual meaning is. - Someone with skill and artistry . Is dr Karadeniz saying their is any skill or artistry here because there isn't so I would suggest he find another word to use for these kinds of places that his countrrys government seems incapable of regulating.

    You want to lay the blame at someone's door its the Turkish governments fault because places such as this should not even be in existence.

    I feel for you seeker I really do and I hope you heal up and come out of this with the best possible outcome but like I say its not gonna be ideal.

    Please keep us updated regularly as to your progression.

    Have a good evening




    I wish I never read this but I already had a feeling they may have over harvested the donor area.


    I have been on antibiotics and have been using an antibiotic cream the red bumps have started to go down ( I think)


    I probably won't be able to just shave my head completely due to the scars and leaving the hair to grow will result in this "moth eaten appearance" I am screwed!


    I did regret this procedure from the very next day I had it done, just had a bad feeling about everything. :mad:

  11. I think this case linked below I believe should be a lesson to us all what drs here are capable of getting away with.Nobody actually knows who he is and just on that basis I would not want to go to a doc in the states who knows you could be sitting in this docs chair.




    Roll up roll up any one want to play the fut scar lottery?


    Have a good day and be lucky


    Just out of curiousity, have any HTN owners/employees ever gone after a doctor harshly (in defence of a patient) as a result of a sub par result that has left a patientin limbo, disfigured, poor result?


    I mean aggressively pursue a paying doctor and criticize them harshly in defence of a patient that clearly had a sub par result? or has it been the forum member patient that questioned the result to be scolded to even insiniuate a sub par failed result, ultimately resulting in further discussion or locked thread? I am wondering how exactly does the forum remedy a patients sub par result? I know they mediate but the doctor profits monetarily from the start vs the patient who is left in a retouch limbo, rarely refund.


    I really hope things are remedied for this guy that got a taste of two different types of surgeries, this preventing him from shaving his head?

  12. I agree hairware that would be the ideal way this would,should work.

    Have a good day.


    In order for HRN to maintain credibility for it's recommended doctors as well as the site itself, the moderators must get involved in a case such as this one, contact the physician involved and request that he post a explanatory response.
  13. I just find it hard to understand this procedure plan.

    By doing a fut/fue combo he has taken away the advantage that one method has over the other and in such a small procedure I just don't get the logic behind this approach.

    If this procedure had been a success we would not know about it so the dr might well of used this approach many times with great results.

    I think dr Karadeniz does fut/fue combos ( I may be incorrect ) and like I say I just don't get the benefits of it.One technique or the other is what most top drs do as the norm but as we all know fue was once not the norm but is now a standard procedure practice the world over with some outstanding results.

    If this dr was aiming for a high graft number then it would be a little more understandable but 1500 grafts I don't get it!

    It will be interesting to see what the drs response is to the result and it would be interesting if he were to come here and explain his approach in this case.

    Hopefully the thread starter can get his money back because he paid for a result not a resulting scar and decrease in donor density.

    Have a good day

  14. You may well be right johnny.

    I seem to find that several drs all to often avoid answering direct questions when it is not in their best interest.

    If a dr is not prepared to answer all relevant questions it is a huge put off for me.Why would they not answer the questions? What possible plausible excuse that one would believe could they have for not answering the questions?

    You should make your own mind up but for me the over whelming assumption would be they are avoiding telling me the truth.

    Just like your question johnny why are they not answering it ?

    If they posted wet before wet after and dry before and dry after our opinion may be altered adversely which is in our best interest but not theirs.At the end of the day its a business and big business at that just look at the number of staff dr Erdoğan has plus many other over heads so he needs to be getting a lot of patients through the door into the chair and people wonder why the amount of attention you actually get from dr Erdoğan has changed over the years with techs becoming highly involved in the procedure.

    Oh yeah techs are not by law meant to be doing the extractions according to dr Karadeniz as he has said many times in regard to maral clinic but never has he said it about drs Erdoğan and dr Donagay why would he do that? Again make your own mind up.

    But all that said I have and still think that at asmed the chances are you are going to get a outstanding result even though dr Erdoğan is not as involved as he used to be.

    I have always been impressed with his work since first coming across him going on 10 years ago.

    All we can do is keep asking questions and learning which we do both from answers or even the lack of a answer should tell you something.

    Have a nice day



    Dont expect the clinic to answer you.

    I have asked multiple times why they almost allways show wet before and dry after pictures, and never recieved Any reply. It must be because the dont want to explain it.

  15. Yep las Vegas I'm sure thats not the result you or the dr were expecting.

    It happens but when it becomes a common accurance with a doc recommended here this is why people ask straight away who the doc is to see if it is happening regularly.

    Please let us know when you have heard back off the dr as to what he intends to do moving forward from this result.

    Have a good weekend

  16. Very good thorough presentation by one of the top clinics on the planet

    Whilst like I say its good it is lacking in some information that I as well as others I'm sue would appreciate knowing

    As this has obviously taken a fair bit of time to prepare could you please tell us who exactly does what as one hears so much on the forum so this is a opportunity to hear it from the horses mouth so to speak.

    Does Dr Erdoğan do all incisions on all patients ?

    Who do the extractions of grafts ? Technicians or dr Erdoğan or both ?

    What roles do the other surgeons perform within the clinic?

    Do they do any incisions or extractions ?

    What is the highest number of patients seen in any given day?

    What was said to have the staff in fits of laughter ?

    Are a few of the staff hard of hearing as they aren't even cracking a smile ?


    Regardless of the answers to the above questions it is a very successful setup that all bodes well toward the patients getting the best results possible.

    Have a good day

  17. My wife has a silk n' flash and go which can be used on the face and there are many other devices that can be used on the face as well.

    My wife's does work because her beard is far less bushy than mine now when she let's it grow.

    Have a nice day


    Im not sure you know what you are talking about shreyas - Laser should not be used on the face, and it is painful if its working! Especially on coarse hair.
  18. Hello geralt.

    Dr maral isn't actually hands on during the ht but supervises,consults you draws hairline ect ect.

    I suggest you read through the many maral patients threads for more information about him and his clinic.

    If you want to know anything I would also suggest that you private message the patient or post your questions on the threads.

    There are that many threads that I would imagine you will probably find the answers your looking for.

    Have a good day

  19. Hello wizz.

    The little i have seen of dr de reys work did look very good indeed but i stress the little.

    I think it was in a response to something KO posted that a member said on other forums dr de reys was being slated for poor results over the last couple of years but prior to that had been held in high esteem.

    Like i say i would not know about this as i have not researched this dr much at all but i just thought i would point it out to you in case you missed it.

    I think it was probably about 3 weeks ago the post i refer to.

    Maybe you might be as well to pm KO and see if he recollects it.

    Hope this is of some use to you.

    Have a good day

  20. Well put joe and all true but never the less the lay person was still correct in advising the driver to slow down.

    I guess what im trying to say is that there are many levels of advice that one can either take on or dismiss this is up to the individual seeking advice.

    Am i a expert in ht? No

    Are you {joe} i would answer yes based on your time working at clinics within the ht industry and having undergone ht procedures.

    Are ht doctors experts i would answer yes.

    Are ht doctors who have no experience at the other end of the knife and have never experienced all the feelings associated with hair loss again i would answer yes.

    If somebody asks for advise i would willing give it if i thought it of any use but if i had no knowledge i would advise them to seek the opinion of someone with the relevant knowledge for the information they require.

    It does not always follow though that it has to be someone deemed a expert to give good advice.

    I am a huge fan of the ufc but have never fought in mma but yet at last weeks event i was 22nd in the world out of some 30.000 participants in the fantasy game,Does this make me a expert no it just makes me a little more knowledgeable than some.others.

    The way i see it listen to the advise then either heed it or dismiss it.

    Obviously empire is looking for advice from people who have undergone a ht.

    Makes perfect sense but i think it is up to your peers to determine whether one is a expert or not.

    Have a good day



    With regards to the speeding analogy, an expert is an expert when they know why one must slow down and how soon based on the variables associated with differing vehicles and driving conditions. Simply saying one is going too fast is relative and generally easy. An expert would be able to make the statement that one should slow down based on the make, year and model of the vehicle and how the inertial mass will be slowed based on the braking system known to come with the vehicle from the factory and if the braking system is the actual system from the factory to begin with or if it is a third party braking system from Stoptech, Brembo, Wilwood, etc. The tires that are used, weather conditions, crash test ratings as determined by the NHTSA will also help to determine the survivability of a crash if one does not slow down and gets into an accident. An expert would know this from experience dealing with such situations on various levels and doing so with all kinds of makes and models of vehicles, stock from the factory and customized with aftermarket parts. This is what separates an expert, such as Carrol Shelby, warning someone to slow down from a lay person keyboard cowboy that might have some general common sense.
  21. Seems a strange stance but then again I don't know to what extent you believe this is a appropriate stance.

    Eg someone who has never driven tells someone they have seen speeding round town to slow down but the advice is ignored.The driver is then killed in a accident due to speeding,

    Would the driver have been better to take on board what was being said and remain alive?


    Listening to advice whether it is from a expert or someone who is not is no great hardship especially if they are taking the time to try and help you.

    But then again this is just my theory which you may or may not think irrelevant.

    Have a good day



    "point of view" ???? To me this subject is too serious to give people "theories and points of view" , I need a practical real-life advices.
  22. Hello empire.

    Are you saying that someone who advises you about ht their point of view is worthless if they have not undergone a procedure?

    Have a good day


    "This in effect makes them experts on nothing more than the experience of others" and that's exactly what I'm talking about :)


    You can read books about skiing all life bt one day you will have to put them on your feet and do it yourself.

    And maybe then you can teach people about it and tell them what to do.

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