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Posts posted by 1966kph

  1. hello guys...used this company a couple of times now but only had the kirkland minoxidil brand...very good service though and good prices..might try the rogaine next time due to the greasy residue for a few hours after applying the kirkland brand,which i understand does not happen with the rogaine,is this true?...all the best and have a nice day...

  2. I ordered mine for same source "minoxidil-direct" and it costs 54 UK Pounds which is around $92 AUD (Australian) or $79 US (American)


    Prices above include international shipping fee


    Please do not provide misleading information that only cost $50 when is much more!!

    hello kristijan...what do you find misleading that its not totaly accurate and costs 54 pounds rather than the 50 pounds he stated?. four pounds hardly seems worth quibling about..all the best and have a nice day. if my eye sight right he said question mark 50 not a dollar sign 50....

  3. i'm sure everything will turn out hunky dory as dr feller is a top doc and i'm sure if you were to have any issues dr feller would try his hardest to sort them as he also seems to be a very honest and careing individual.max growth to you and have a nice day....

  4. hello batel2006..i presume your in the uk as to am i and the only doc's in the uk i would consider are the farjo's in manchester who are the only uk doc's reccomended here,if traveling is'nt a problem to you there are several quality surgeons in europe...but if its uk deffinately the farjo's..what ever you decide all the best ...have a nice day...

  5. hello lukeyb1687..i hav'nt noticed any side effects at all from the fincar and just a ocassional itch from the kirkland minoxidil,provillus might work well for you[i hope it does] everyones different and have differing results from the same medication,i'm starting to believe i may well be stuck in the centre of a tornado as my whole life i seem to have been pissing in the wind...all the best with the meds and have a nice day....

  6. hello lukeyb1687, if i'd have known as much as you know now when i was your age i probably would not have progressed to my present norwood 6,all you can do at a younger age can only benifit you in the long term,i tried provillus and to be honest had no noticable results,i'm on minoxidil and generic proscar and have noticed results after only two months but like i say being a norwood 6 i'm urinateing in the wind and getting wet. all the best and have a nice day....

  7. thinking?if i were you i would get on finasteride and minoxidil as soon as possible and if your so worried about the scar you would probably be better focusing your research into the best fue doctors out there..but that said you may achieve good results off the meds to satisfy your hair requirments and not need to worry about haveing a ht..whatever you decide all the best with it...have a nice day...

  8. hello shah..it may have gone up in price resently but the cost for the only reccomended dr in india is still very cheap...how much would you pay for a bad ht?...results are everything regardless of cost.i don't think you will find a better doctor for the money...whatever you decide all the best with it..have a nice day....

  9. hello k10..for that kind of money i would want a full head of hair,a face lift,laser eye surgery,a penis enlargement and of course the brain surgery i desperately need.i sincerely hope you get maximum growth from your procedures and if i were you i would definately hound bauman for money [if your not happy with the results]so you can pay to have a ht repair by a quality doc...all the best and have a nice day

  10. hello kitty..without seeing pictures and you stateing by how much you want to lower your hair line by it would be hard for anyone in the know [that doe's not include myself] to determine which procedure to undertake,but if i were you and if cost was'nt a major factor i would deffinately source a highly recommended surgeon who has consistantly good results in fue....whatever you decide i wish you all the best....

  11. hello ketan...look at the resent post by reds who had a ht with dr madhu recently,he seems very happy with his experiance and results so far,,i have seen quite a few posts on here from patients of dr mahadevia who wer'nt so happy with their results,,dr madhu is recommended on here and dr mahadevia is not,,,that will do for me i would and will be chooseing dr madhu,,,,,i think reds said his prices are rs 45 rupees per grath for strip and if i remember rightly from his website i think its about 3x that for fue,,,,,,have a nice day

  12. i am also very interested in dr madhu for a ht and will probably book one with him early in the new year....apart from dr mohmand in pakistan you will not find a cheaper highly RECOMMENDED dr on here and as far as i can tell any other forum....apart from one case i read about were he harvested two strips in the same procedure [which the patient was ok with but which i cannot fully understand ] his work appears to be very sound...good results and from what i've read very positive feedback from his former patients..but if traveling and finances arn't a overwhelming issue for you then there are a lot more dr's recommended here that i'm sure would be capable of fulfilling your ht needs.....whatever you choose all the best with it..have a nice day....

  13. nice one... i already have the hair mirror made with hair harvested from my sleeping children and wife,but i am very interested in the religous tuppee as i'm not a religous guy it would kill two birds with one stone as were all getting closer to meeting our maker....as dave allen the irish comedian would say .......may YOUR god go with you........i once new a chap with five dicks his undies fit him like a glove....you've got to laugh or you'd cry ......everyone have a nice day...

  14. hello reds,hope your healing up nicely,i am a uk citizan contamplateing going to dr madhu in the new year,i have read lots of good reports about dr madhu and from what you have said it seems you are very pleased with your experiance in india,so i am presumeing you would recomend dr madhu and india as a place to go for a ht? just as a matter of interest how much were you charged as i had seen somewhere that he had resently increased his prices.....hope you acheive your desired goal from your ht ,heal well,,all the best...the work looks neat and tidy..fingers crossed for you...

  15. i am to a uk citizen considering a ht with said doc as his work seems very good and his prices also fall within my very limited budget..the only thing that is putting me off is the security for a uk caucasion on the streets of lets face it is a very dangerous region of the world...i may desperately want hair on my head but i don't think i am prepared to risk the potential danger in pakistan..however i am seriously considering my only other option which is doctor madhu in india as his prices are very similar to those of doctor mohmand,his work also seems on a par with doctor mohmand but the region is a lot more stable..but if pakistan is'nt a issue for you i think doctor mohmand is a highly recomended doctor who will strive to give you the results you are hopeing for....all the best

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