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Posts posted by 1966kph

  1. hello linchpin,you should be a author with posts that long you could soon knock out a novel or two,glad you had a good experiance in georgia and i sincerely wish you the best of growth,have you any pictures you could share here?and please try to keep us imformed as things progress,all the best and have a nice day.....

  2. hello chaps,david-takeing-when do you think the on-line forum store is going to be up and running as i am sure you know a lot of people struggle to find suppliers they can have 100% faith in,i think there is little doudt that it is going to be a great success,all have a nice day.....

  3. hello chaps,shines i surgest you show your results to the forum members so we all know your concerns but to post a thread then not back it up with evidence,i'm sure if you have genuine issues dr madhu will try his best to address them as he seems from what i have seen to be a genuinely nice guy,bill why not give shines a resonable lenght of time to respond showing proof of his concerns or remove the whole thread as it seems totally unfair to be advertiseing dr madhu as a inadequate ht surgeon with out any evidence to back up his accusations,everyone have a nice day....

  4. hairisthere,i once ordered some generic propecia from canadian pharmacy and ended up with pills called finotop 1 i think they were called,i heard nothing but horror stories about them so rather than risk it i ended up flushing them,i would surgest you email the company first and find out exactly what it is your paying for before parting with any money,all the best and have a nice day......

  5. hello DMac,very glad to see you came home from iraq with nothing more than excellarated hair loss,your the same norwood pattern as myself and if i had any choice of surgeon to go to it would be jerry wong because of the size of sessions he doe's on a regular basis with great success,untill you go for a consultation your probably being a bit hopeful of getting 5000ish even with scalp exercises,i hope you have everything on your side[donor density,laxsity,ect,ect]and you end up haveing a true mega session and meeting your hair restoration goals sooner rather than later but you'll only have a better idea of a gameplan once you've been for the consult,all the best and have a nice day....there is a chap omar77 who had 6903 graths in one session with dr wong so it is possible.....

  6. hello mr nk,as i already stated i thought dr mohmand was a honourable individual and he has once again proved to me that he is just that,i'm sure he will try to help you in any way he can but at the moment being only 6 months you'll both have to play the waiting game to see wwhat course of action to take if any,wishing you good growth and all the best.....

  7. hello steelie 17,several years ago armed with very little info i packed in finasteride and minoxidil because of the shedding,i went back on both five months ago but this time stuck it out through the scary shed and now i can see and feel quite a bit of improvement,my only regret is that i did'nt have the knowledge i now have years ago and i would'nt now be where i am with this ammount of loss,my advice is to stick with it for at least six months and see how you get on,all the best and have a nice day........

  8. hello going,i must admit i did have to submit the same email several times,it contained the photos they require and a contact telephone number includeing international and area codes and they rang me back,i surgest trying again if they recieve your email i'm sure they will contact you,if you still don't have any joy PM me and i'll see if i can be of any further help,all the best and have a nice day.....

  9. hello megatron,wb280,whilst i hav'nt yet had a ht and probably like most browsed here as a guest for a year or more before becomeing a member,i think like the internet as a whole is just about information and once people have the info thats it they move along and get on with their lives,i sincerely hope that when i do eventually have my ht hopefully early next year that i will show the well deserved gratitude to this forum and its members in trying to educate me,without it i don't know what i would have done,i still may make a bad decision but the chances are far less so thanks to everyone here and everyone have a nice day....

  10. hello bill,excellant post,we only get one crack at life on this little sphere and lots of us are a lot more fortunate than others,while lots of things influence the time we have here and yes to some of us [myself included]hairloss is a issue, but at the end of the day i'm one individual out of billions and maybe i should stop worrying about my thatch so much and show more concern for the really neady people of the globe,selfishness and greed must be two of the worst human traits and i think the world would be a beutiful place without them,all the best keep up the good work and have a nice day.....

  11. hello rayj8,looks excellant and will look superb once grown out,what exactlly have you treated your scalp with since your ht that might account for the no shed,i shed a massive ammount when starting on minoxidil and finasteride[very scary]biggest problem was they all took root on my back[bummer],all the best and carry on with the remarkable growth,have a nice day......

  12. hello chaps,had a email and a chat on the phone with doctor erdorgan from asmed,prices are 2 euro per fue,that includes pick up from airport ,you pay+300 euro for meds,50 euro a night bed breakfast and lunch in a room at the clinic,he spoke very good english if your interested give them a bell or email them and they will call you back,hope this helps,have a nice day....

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