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Posts posted by 1966kph

  1. hello hunter88,i'm 44 and gave minoxidil a breath go for about 6 months about five years ago, but knowing little and due to the shedding i gave it up thinking it was makeing matters worse,now armed with a tad more knowledge i have been on generic proscar and kirkland minoxidil 2 x a day for the last four months or so,just hopeing to maintain while i do my research into a ht,after the initial hefty shed [which is quite scary]things have now bucked up,i took some photos only yesterday to send to a doc and noticed on the crown shots i have littrally hundreds of roughly centimetre long blonde hairs where before there was nothing so hopefully these will grow thicker and darker in time,it is definately worth adding minoxidil to your arsenal in the fight,good luck with it,all the best and have a nice day

  2. hello chaps,i emailed dr keser last week his prices are 3.5 euro,this includes pick up from airport and translater,everything else costs extra,waiting on a responce to email i sent to ASMED doc states on site this may take a couple of days,will let you know what i find out when doc responds,all have a nice day...

  3. hello re001,i would concur with all of the above,you are definately to young for a ht and it seems though i may be wrong that you hav'nt been researching the subject that long so don't rush into something you may regret for the rest of your days,how long were you on minoxidil for?as it doe's take time for the results to become apparent,my advice would be get on the meds [finasteride-minoxidil] and hop[efully you won't have any side effects but remember to come off the finasteride if your thinking of starting a family,try all you can to keep what you've got while you research and explore all options,good luck to you and have a nice day......

  4. hello uk2010,i think i know the dr a you are mentioning and if it is the same doc by coincidence i have emailed him and had a responce to a few of my own questions,i think a 1mm to 1.2mm punch would be to big and imo would leave quite visible scarring but then again i may be wrong,maybe theres someone whos had a procedure with punch sizes 1mm to 1.2mm who could comment.all the best and have a nice day......sorry just noticed post title asking for experts opinions,i am not a expert in any field let alone ht's...sorry

  5. hello quiero pelo,so far from the posts i've seen here there and everywhere about bosley i think i'd rather be bald,you could probably get the queen of england to do the job cheaper and she would probably do a better job,if you are talking about dr michael meshkin he is a recommended doc here so your heading in the right direction and that is away from bosley,all the best and have a nice day.......

  6. hello everyone,there is a member i think called pratik who had two strips removed dureing the one procedure with dr madhu in india,while i think doctor madhu doe's excellant work this is the one occassion were i believe he has made a error in judgement,not only because of the aformentiond tissue issues but everyone given the choice do not want a scar never mind two,everyone have a nice day.......

  7. hello danielkiwi, i think even if you could measure donor density very accurately i don't think you would still be able to excise a pre measured strip so accurately as to acheive accurately a number of pre detemined grafts,as i understand it the cutting of the strip is'nt as straight forward as one may first think so makeing it much harder to obtain a precise number of grafts or strip measurement until it's actually been removed,all the best and have a nice day......

  8. hello mr nk,i hope your worrys are unfounded and that you are just a slow grower,but i'm sure if you do have any problems dr mohand will try everything in his power to address them as i have seen here were he has stated himself that he has offered a free procedure to someone in the past who had'nt achieved exspected growth,i think he is a honourable man who will do the right thing by you,all the best and have a nice day.....

  9. hello all,this is really a question for the powers that be Bill, takeing,future,pat, it's just a idea and i don't know if it's possible for you to do or wether it would be to much trouble,i know the site will soon be selling hairloss products[any idea when this will be starting?]but say you sold the products a tad dearer and the customer was then entered into a monthly prize draw were there were several prizes on offer the top one being a ht with a reccomended doc,and then say lesser prizes of free meds for varying lengths of time,i'm preaty sure this would be a great marketing pitch[don't worry i don't want any commission]to what i'm sure will already be a great success,it would give us poor chaps who don't have a pot to uranate in the chance for hair on our heads without haveing to suffer great hardship.just a idea what do you think? everyone have a nice day....

  10. hello j1j9j85.you should'nt really need any reasurance.i think if a poll were to be carried out here on who are the best for a mega sesion i think h+w would poll a massive percentage,come to think of it their probably the best full stop.it's a pity their totally out of my very limited price range.i could not afford the tax never mind the ht ,anyway the best of luck with your procedure and have a nice day.....

  11. so korec you where looking at your new hair in the rear veiw mirror were you,it was my car you hit so i think my insurance will be very interested in you posting your admission here,only pulling your leg,hope your ok,have a nice day.....

  12. hello cantturnback..looking at your profile it states you are a norwood 1 are the ht results that bad that it has led you to this depression.how do you intend to remedy your situation.post some pic's so others can comment and give advice as your predicument might not be as bad as you think it is,while things can always be better they can also be a lot lot worse as monty python say always try to look at the bright side of life..all the best and have a nice day.....

  13. hello bunker39,theres only a couple of doc's in the uk i would consider and that is either of the farjo's,all the rest no way,you'd be better looking in europe or further afield..what ever you decide all the best with it...have a nice day...

  14. future and takeing all the best with your new roles i'm sure once given the CHANCE you will prove to be as excellant as Bill believes you can be.which is high praise indeed...to say someone who's never stepped on a football pitch entered a boxing ring has never been a politician and thousands of other senarios has no right to comment is i would say quite ignorant[no offence intended]are there not lots of repair cases out there that would say they know a lot about hair loss and ht's yet have made several mistakes themselves leading them to be a repair case...like i say all the best chaps and everyone have a nice day...

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