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Posts posted by 1966kph

  1. hello guys,i think i might end up haveing to sell a kidney but with the ammount of hair loss i have i might sell both of them,i'm also thinking of getting a night job as a topless barmaid but by topless i mean no hair on top of my bonce,but seriously i think i may try getting a part time job to help pay for it but i will definately wait until i have the cash to pay for it before booking anything,ht's are dear enough without have to pay interest on top,all have a nice day.....

  2. hello fuewatcher,dr feller is a excellant strip surgeon and from what i have seen a very good fue surgeon so i sincerely hope your a very slow grower,i have also seen a few times were he has gone out of his way to help folk for one reason or another,i would surgest leaveing it a few more months at least then if you still have any concerns bring them to the doc'attension and i'm sure he will try his damdest to address them as imo he seems like a genuinely nice guy,all the best and have a nice day......

  3. hello Bill hope your well,must agree with your above posts,this is the first time i have seen anything posted by darkman and he certainly knows how to ignite a fire with his outragous claims regarding fut and especially dr kulahci,how he imagines the world of ht to be and reality seem poles apart and to come here with such bluster and a all knowing attitude serves no purpose in helping anyone, and help imo is what this forum,its members and the moderaters is all about,i don't think darkman will be missed here between his occasional post with the attitude he has,everyone and this includes you darkman have a nice day......

  4. hello darkmanhyk,i must agree on the point about fue leaveing one in a better situation if the procedure fails,but i must disagree that fue is the the only way to go,how many times have you seen fantastic results from mega sessions performed by numerous doc's and especially hasson and wong[who imo are the masters of mega sessions]with one pass?,there are also quality doc's who every once in a while for one reason or another have instancies of very poor yeild,same goes with fue,i myself have only resently been looking at fue as apposed to fut as i thought the ammount of graths i need i would not be able to afford the 5000 ish graths i need imo for the desired result,i have narrowed down my choice to either dr erdogan or dr kesser both in turkey,but i have seen far more succesful fut's than fue's and i'm sure there are a lot of people here who will defend fut and i think rightly so,each to their own its everyone individuals choice,for me i think it will be fue but for everyone else thats up to them,you pay your money you take your chance,i sincerely wish mahmood a successful outcome to his plight but these things happen even with the most accomplished ht surgeons,fut or fue,all the best and have a nice day....

  5. hello feelzgood,whilst your hair appears thin when long when its clipped shorter it appears not,do you not intend to keep it short? even when its longer i would say it looks fine and i could definately live with that ammount of hair,you already said this maybe a case of hair greed and that seems to be the case as imo it looks good,whatever you decide all the best with it,have a nice day.....

  6. hello delicio,do what you can now because when its gone its gone,one of the biggest mistakes folk make is comeing off the med's due to the shedding,i did the exact same thing myself years ago,i went back on the med's about 6 months ago and after the very alarming shed my situation has improved beyond were i started from,if i'd stayed on the med's i would probably be better off by several thousand hairs,good luck to you but whatever you do don't get a ht yet as the only doc's out there that would give one are'nt interested in you just money and you will be very fortunate if it does'nt completely mess up a good portion of your life,its better to be bald than need corrective surgery because of some greedy asrehole,all the best and have a nice day....

  7. hello korec,glad to see your results at 10 and half months are no less than i expected from the only quality surgeons in the uk-very good,try to keep your eyes on the road and leave the admiration of your hair to us jealous bald buggers,all the best and have a nice day.....

  8. hello toma and jambalapamb.one of the worst things imo about ht's is the shedding of the transplanted hair but to have no shed and growth from day one it must be hard to remove the smiles off your faces,do either of you intend to ask dr madhu what the spray consisted of as it seems very coincidental you both not shedding,i sincerely hope you both carry on growing with no shedding,all the best and have a nice day....

  9. hello robin1,sounds like you are one of bosleys few happy patients,it is a rareaty to come across a happy bosley survivor and so people automatically think they have some connection with the clinic,i trust this is not the case with yourself,all the best and have a nice day.....

  10. hello witts,there are quite a few good fue surgeons in europe,and there are a couple in turkey i am personally concidering myself purely because i would rather avoid the strip scar,they seem to be doing some nice work and also because i have a very limited budget and they are about a qaurter the price per graft compared to some US surgeons,all the best and have a nice day....

  11. hello witts,like the chaps above have already stated there is only two doc's worth considering in the uk and that is the farjo's in manchester.is traveling a issue for you?is it strip or fue you're looking for?the farjo's don't do fue and most people would say that they are very conservative but which i think in lots of cases is the best approach,all the best and have a nice day....

  12. hello surfarosa,i would have to say your hair looks completely fine and to risk any kind procedure imo would a risk just not worth takeing,leave well anoth alone and stay on the med's as they seem to be working great for you,all the best and have a nice day.....

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