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Everything posted by NARMAK

  1. Just looking at the recipient area compared to the donor, i'm genuinely shocked at how it doesn't look touched at all for that many grafts. The hairline design and temple points in particular are very transformative. Honestly, i would go so far as to say, if i put a photo of you pre-op from the first procedure, directly post-op and now post-op on your 2nd procedure, you look like different people. Genuinely that much is how the new hairline design has changed your look imo. I can't wait to see it grow in and i think you 100% have got the best treatment and attention one could have hoped for. It should be an amazing result. Your temple points are now more significantly bolstered than what i had. 330 grafts on my right temple and 400 on my left so it will be amazing to see what your near 1100 grafts just on the temple points will look like. Wishing you a speedy recovery and also a great R&R time in India Armen!
  2. Mine is a slightly weird one. From my glabella, it's 6cm i believe having measured it myself with a tailor tape but with the eyebrows even without furrowing my brow, it can become lime 5cm from the top of the tip there. Then added to that, i think the way your specific head is shaped, it can and does make a big difference to how things look. That's why sometimes even at a higher set point, it looks good for somebody. It all needs to be proportioned to your face and features. Overall though, i 100% think it will be an improvement to you and you'll be happy with it.
  3. I am pretty sure i explained myself and believe that the answer to your original question was No. The hair doesn't grow in those yellow areas quicker than the central white highlight.
  4. No, your hair can grow in some areas quicker than others, but that doesn't mean it will definitely grow in those specific areas more and less. The most important thing is the direction and angles of the hair when implanted and then you have to wait the full time.
  5. If you had none of the other hair loss you do, and were completely stable for years, especially on medication then i could see an argument to go with this, but on a warned basis. That said, i do agree with the above poster. In an ideal world of unlimited grafts, that's your perfect hairline, but unfortunately in a more realistic turn, that's too aggressive to start off with and then keep chasing. This is very similar and tbh, i think would give you solid framing. Just obviously not the ideal you would want, but definitely still hits all the basics of a solid frontal hairline and you won't have to chase it much if you slip. Believe it or not, what you drew is kind of how much Eugenix drew my hairline in front of the existing hairline too. It wasn't as low as i thought in the end. I posted you an example. The fact you have temple points and i didn't is why it probably looks more drastic on mine, but along the hairline, it's pretty similar.
  6. That's all you can do. Your research, then trust in your choice. You aren't going to a hairmill or even a doctor that's planning to overharvest you. The next and final parts after the surgery and whatever you could try control are then in the hands of your body to heal and grow. Just be patient and understand its a journey and it will take time to get to the 12 months mark.
  7. I would suggest an eyebrow pencil you can wipe off, not a felt tip lol. A cheap one from a store like Primark in black would do well. In terms of hair loss, maybe he did feel like the crown area loss extended to the midscalp a little. The middle picture shows that a bit imo but hopefully the procedure will get you solid coverage. Looking forwards to your journey and also, you could also ask him to make it a more straight hairline on the day if you want but it's all a numbers game and whether the extra amount is worth it to you visually for the front.
  8. But to me, this is how i've always felt about the medication. I don't really think my position on it had changed tbh but if wording it this way has made it clearer for people, all the better.
  9. I don't want to be that guy, but widespread slavery as we know it may be gone, but modern day slavery is alive and well for many people. It's just changed forms but just as ugly in every facet. However, the legacy of the consequences that permeated from it are still very much alive and well. Maybe that's why the person also felt particularly sensitive to it. Only they perhaps know given the choice of language used. Look, i think it's okay to say you personally do not let it bother your interactions with anybody as it should be whatever happened in history, but judge people as they are. However, i think elsewhere people may have been treated differently and it affects their interactions. That's why generally i try to stick to the forum mandate like Melvin said helping guys keep their hair. I mean, regardless of ethnic background, it affects us all without discrimination lol
  10. Almost no clinic will ever guarantee 100% survival. They will usually say the expected survival rate is 90% to maybe 98%. This person and many other examples seems to show that Eugenix have got a distinct problem with having uneducated individuals in patient contact roles for this information to be given.
  11. Thanks a lot and yeah, now that more hair are growing around the island of doubles i saw, it's helped break it up a little but it was a tad bit disappointing nonetheless give the reputation of Eugenix that the techs despite supposedly using magnifying loops let that happen.
  12. No, it's not all psychological and to say so is complete and utter tosh. Yes, there are people who do have a nocebo effect and we know this because of the sugar pills given to the clinical study group who were classed as placebo and still claimed side affects. Our minds can manifest negative things is what that tells me and influence outcomes. If that wasn't true, think about why even placebo groups see sometimes positive results when they have absolutely no intervention of medication etc. Generally i'm a proponent of medication for hair loss and that includes Finasteride/Dutasteride. However, i do acknowledge there are risks associated with them and you can see some side affects as being acceptable such as a lower libido etc. but brain fog shouldn't be a permanent fixture for you.
  13. If you look at my post again, the 3rd paragraph i do acknowledge that if it's a term you can use often and regularly, but i also mentioned why some people could take it the wrong way. Look, i'm sure you're a good guy, we seem to get along very well too, and i respect your ability to use that word and as part of your Arab background, it probably is used often enough, but again i don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the post i made in this specific context. You maybe used "Habibi" as a wordplay thing based on the clinic OP looked at being called Habib etc. but regardless of what the intention may have been, somebody took it in a different way and felt that it seemed to them (right or wrong isn't for me to say) that it seemed to be racially tinged. Now, i think some words can be innocuous but depending on the context, they can be misconstrued. That's why choosing what we say and how, it can make a difference. I'm not for one second saying you don't have the right as a person with Arab background to not use that word, not at all. Just that if you aren't seen to use it often by some people, it may be take the wrong way. I feel like some languages are considered more "neutral" in terms of like say English when we have many international people here, whereas the other languages and specific terms picked from them to use could be where people feel issues pop up. Again, i don't have any horse in this race. It doesn't impact me one bit really, i could just stay quiet from this point onwards and just move on. I got no intention to stir up negative emotions in people or score points, but you and i can both agree, there's been some real friction building between people. Again, not assigning blame but that led to this point. So it's not just an all of a sudden thing.
  14. I am not going to comment specifically on the actions Melvin took, as that's his role as a moderator to decide on. However, i've kind of seen this whole thing go back and forth and just want to try offer my take on it as neutral as possible. Using a term like "Habibi" is usually very context specific and imo when there's usually an existing relationship to the individual it's being used towards unless you specifically use that all the time to all sorts of people like "Bro" or whatever else. Habibi is also linked whether we like it to or not to a specific region and therefore if its suddenly directed towards only a specific person who happens to be from a region known for say that similar skin tone and not in a context of where you are familiar, it's possible to see why somebody might take offence to that as being a racially motivated and intended slight. i'm not saying its necessarily the case but the poster was by their own words admitting they meant to use it in a insulting context towards the other person. So i do think we should be careful in our use of language because there's a lot of things some people consider innocuous yet are perceived by some groups as a sleight against them due to their racial background etc. I am in no way justifying the behaviours some people have exhibited in their choice of language as a means to respond to whatever way they're feeling slighted but i can understand that we do have friction amongst posters here and it can become a "clique" thing whether intentionally or not and perceived by others looking from the outside. Your relationship for example to RTC and familiarity may allow you to use the term more freely and openly but, saying it to a random stranger may raise a brow as to why. I personally prefer to use as neutral a language as possible with most people on the open or private forum side of things unless i build a familiarity with you and even then, it has to be at a certain level i guess. I think we can all learn that our words can be taken a different way than intended, but we have some responsibility in trying to ensure that we're as direct as possible with what we mean and stay away from words that are much more ethically linked unless absolutely context necessary for use. It could easily get taken the wrong way and it does look like here we have a prime example of where a person feels like their ethnic origin etc. is being poked at through use of language by people trying to skirt around directly charged language. Just try to remember, there's a lot of people on this forum, we all hold different opinions, values etc. and if you don't fully jive with them, there's an ignore button and/or just don't directly engage. We can try to separate in that way and keep things copacetic.
  15. I've been on Dutasteride from the beginning. Skipped right over Finasteride altogether and for over 1 year now. I personally think i saw regrowth in some areas and it helped me halt my loss in a noticeable way. I'm now maybe almost 18 months on it. I made a thread detailing my journey on it but imo, there's no way that if Finasteride was working for you, that Dutasteride will somehow ruin everything. Its a stronger and more effective version of Finasteride imo. If you had hair loss and it isn't coming back, something else is at play.
  16. That's just weird. Just ask them why you need to hold a pen? I never once got told to do anything other than ensure the hairline was visible from the front, 3/4 profile views of the left and right as well as a picture of the donor.
  17. It's not that it probably can't get approved, it has got approval in places like Japan and South Korea specifically for hair loss, but in countries like the US, UK etc. it doesn't have approval to be marketed for hair loss because of whatever licencing doo hickey arrangements they maybe have. So when you use a product say marketed as "for enlarged prostates" then it's known as "off label use". Oral Minoxodil for example hasn't been approved for hair loss either, but Doctors have begun prescribing it much more recently in larger numbers because data does show it has a positive impact at lower dosages for hair loss/regrowth. In terms of Microneedling, if you are using a Derma Pen, it's up to you if you want to start off with maybe a smaller needle depth and slowly build your tolerance or you have maybe already got that and want to go into any depth between 1mm to 1.5mm depending on what you are comfortable with and do it just once per week. You don't use Minoxodil on that same day as mentioned if you are currently using. You can speak to a dermatologist for piece of mind, but how useful that will be truly depends on how good they are in their job specifically viewing you from a dermatology PoV for hair loss, but i guess in general if your scalp can be helped to be as "normal" as possible, then it's fertile for optimum hair health.
  18. Your transplanted hair will shed and then regrow as is the norm, and your native hair will continue to grow as long as it usually can, so to make it all blend, you would need to get a haircut at some point to shorten the native hair back and let the transplanted hair catch up. Imo, it's probably going to be 6 months. I'm at over 4 months now and got hair that's probably still coming through just about and needs to become thicker and longer to even get noticeable for coverage. A hair cycle is usually 3 months it seems, but even then, with transplanted hair i feel like we have to be even more patient and wait a few times which is why they tell us to wait 12 months but some doctors say it's even up to 18 months we need to give it.
  19. Microneedling results haven't got a fully solid long term study behind them but the general feeling is, that if you're using Finasteride to block the DHT which is the prime culprit of hair loss, then whatever Microneedling by itself, and that means hair that's not hanging on thanks to Minoxodil actually has more of a "permanent" sort of staying power once you stop compared to say Minoxidil reliant hair which pretty much is guaranteed to go if that was all that was saving it. Its annoying to no end that after 20+ years, we still have no got big brains telling us WHY hair that's regrown via Minoxidil can't be maintained by Finasteride when the root cause of MPB is seen as DHT based damage. When you're inhibiting that, it made sense in mine and probably everybody else's mind that the hair should then be safe to stay around but instead it's like an addict and as soon as you remove it, those hairs can't function at all without it. It's just sad and annoying. In terms of those two Doctors, sorry but i can't say i've seen enough of their work but i do know Dr Bicer was usually getting recommended the most in terms of Turkish places here on the forum, but she's increased her prices and i don't know if she has that many results posted that are by patients themselves from the forum. I definitely think you seem to have a level headed approach to the design but the desire to always go a step furthers in the back of our minds. I guess that's why they say it's never one and done with hair transplants. The equivalent of male lip fillers
  20. Yeah, 100%. I think your story and many others show us this isn't a one and done battle, but a long term plan and fight for as long as you want to keep your hair. The new treatment hopefully not being expensive should help bring more firepower to the table. Especially for those not able to tolerate DHT inhibiting medication or those who suffer really aggressive hair loss when younger. I'm excited to see it help as many as possible. I know it's a HT thread, but do keep us updated in small part how you felt this trip to India was different to the first time and what sort of stuff you get up to
  21. Honestly, didn't even realise you were taking more than Finasteride in terms of core treatments. I thought the rest was Vitamin supplements etc. Thanks for sharing. So you definitely do have more than enough scope to fully switch over to Dutasteride or increase the dosage where necessary. Heck, even the Minoxodil i think you could on that dosage do 2x a day right? So yeah, you're definitely leaving yourself room for if you start slipping. The other thing is that we may get treatments like Pyrilutamide which if it works by severing the receptors on the scalps DHT ability to bind, then you could even probably stay with Finasteride and still benefit from a solid response. Well, i am definitely looking forwards to seeing your new journey Armen whilst slowly but surely getting towards the end of my own first stage.
  22. Yeah, i can definitely see the lower middle point as the focus not costing lots of grafts and then lowering down slightly on the corners helping keep it more age friendly. It's always the final look you compare with but does sound like you have given it all proper thought. I think as well that given your age, and the hair loss seeming to be stable, spending maybe up to 5k grafts like this to get that hairline, it's probably not as massive a risk as if you were 25 and Norwood 3 with having just recently started medication and losing a little ground. Plus, i believe you are still taking Finasteride so if you wanted, there's still Dutasteride and Minoxodil on the table maybe. Definitely looking forwards to the journey. I thought it seems like it would be easier when people look at people who are a lower Norwood like 2 or 3 when getting it done, but it doesn't work like that at all imo. Unless it's super small, it's definitely something we notice and psychologically end up going through that journey. The good thing for yourself is that you now know from that first time "Oh, this is normal, it happened before" and can adjust mentally better to those tough times you went through. Not even Melvin managed to do it perfectly as that's human nature, but it's definitely going to stand you well. Enjoy the trip in India! Wish that i could have done something similar myself, but er... politics huh.
  23. The more V shape with the widows peaks something i thought about, in fact it seems my frontalis muscle is ripe for it just to be specifically lowered there lol, but i thought i would just prefer having it more lower and flatter myself, so it's interesting to see you sort of go for that change with the 2nd procedure. The temple points also seem significantly more emphasised with the new lines too. How many grafts did Dr Pradeep say this design would be broken down into temple points and hairline? Also, are they going to slightly work behind the hairline again to further reinforce the previous hairline zone? Final question cause it seems like i'm on a roll at throwing them at you lol, how come things got delayed so much? I know when i was there, my flights pretty much booked and although the procedure got split over 2 days, i don't think i could've afforded a delay of like 4 days.
  24. Personally i think body hair is an interesting thing to use if you run out of the usual back of the head supply, but also for restocking over harvested donors. Just my issue with it, is that people need to realise survival rates are significantly less and they don't grow ideal at all in terms of length. For example, my chest hair, it only grows so long compared to my head hair. Same with the beard, not even mentioning the thickness difference. I think there's a time and place where it can be used effectively in the illusion of coverage but its far and away from ideal.
  25. @RTCi am just over 4 months and believe me when i say that it's not easy when it comes to waiting for these things to grow in, thicken up etc. It's a pure and simple (but painful) waiting game. We all know 12 months is counted as the magic "Your more or less absolute final result" and things can look negative for some people and behind schedule for longer than we want. I don't know if you are doing it, but maybe applying Minoxodil to the area may help you a little to speed up growth etc. Just keep 12 months as the main timeframe in your head and when you truly need to be concerned. I'm at just over Month 4 and the whole waiting game is a nightmare because you do begin to question yourself on whether it's actually going to properly grow in and look right. My temple points, they're very light looking. They aren't blending yet at all on either side. That mentally messes with you imo.
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